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Journal Article

Incorporating microbial ecology into the metabolic modelling of polyphosphate accumulating organisms and glycogen accumulating organisms

Oehmen, A., Carvalho, G., Lopez-Vazquez, C.M., van Loosdrecht, M.C.M. and Reis, M.A.M. (2010). Incorporating microbial ecology into the metabolic modelling of polyphosphate accumulating organisms and glycogen accumulating organisms. Water Research, 44 (17), 4992-5004. doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2010.06.071

Incorporating microbial ecology into the metabolic modelling of polyphosphate accumulating organisms and glycogen accumulating organisms


Journal Article

Modelling the population dynamics and metabolic diversity of organisms relevant in anaerobic/anoxic/aerobic enhanced biological phosphorus removal processes

Oehmen, A., Lopez-Vazquez, C. M., Carvalho, G., Reis, M. A. M. and van Loosdrecht, M. C. M. (2010). Modelling the population dynamics and metabolic diversity of organisms relevant in anaerobic/anoxic/aerobic enhanced biological phosphorus removal processes. Water Research, 44 (15), 4473-4486. doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2010.06.017

Modelling the population dynamics and metabolic diversity of organisms relevant in anaerobic/anoxic/aerobic enhanced biological phosphorus removal processes


Journal Article

Assessing the abundance and activity of denitrifying polyphosphate accumulating organisms through molecular and chemical techniques

Oehmen, Adrian, Carvalho, Gilda, Freitas, Filomena and Reis, Maria A. M. (2010). Assessing the abundance and activity of denitrifying polyphosphate accumulating organisms through molecular and chemical techniques. Water Science and Technology, 61 (8), 2061-2068. doi: 10.2166/wst.2010.976

Assessing the abundance and activity of denitrifying polyphosphate accumulating organisms through molecular and chemical techniques


Journal Article

The effect of carbon source on the biological reduction of ionic mercury

Oehmen, A., Fradinho, J., Serra, S., Carvalho, G., Capelo, J. L., Velizarov, S., Crespo, J. G. and Reis, M. A. M. (2009). The effect of carbon source on the biological reduction of ionic mercury. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 165 (1-3), 1040-1048. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2008.10.094

The effect of carbon source on the biological reduction of ionic mercury


Journal Article

Robustness of sludge enriched with short SBR cycles for biological nutrient removal

Freitas, Filomena, Temudo, Margarida F., Carvalho, Gilda, Oehmen, Adrian and Reis, Maria A. M. (2009). Robustness of sludge enriched with short SBR cycles for biological nutrient removal. Bioresource Technology, 100 (6), 1969-1976. doi: 10.1016/j.biortech.2008.10.031

Robustness of sludge enriched with short SBR cycles for biological nutrient removal


Journal Article

Denitrifying phosphorus removal: linking the process performance with the microbial community structure

Carvalho, Gilda, Lemos, Paulo C., Oehmen, Adrian and Reis, Maria A. M. (2007). Denitrifying phosphorus removal: linking the process performance with the microbial community structure. Water Research, 41 (19), 4383-4396. doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2007.06.065

Denitrifying phosphorus removal: linking the process performance with the microbial community structure


Journal Article

Eco-physiological characterization of fluorescence in situ hybridization probe-targeted denitrifiers in activated sludge using culture-independent methods

Ginige, M. P., Carvalho, G., Keller, J. and Blackall, L. L. (2007). Eco-physiological characterization of fluorescence in situ hybridization probe-targeted denitrifiers in activated sludge using culture-independent methods. Letters In Applied Microbiology, 44 (4), 399-405. doi: 10.1111/j.1472-765X.2006.02089.x

Eco-physiological characterization of fluorescence in situ hybridization probe-targeted denitrifiers in activated sludge using culture-independent methods


Journal Article

Advances in enhanced biological phosphorus removal: from micro to macro scale

Oehmen, A. M., Lemos, P. C., Carvalho, G., Yuan, Z., Keller, J., Blackall, L. L. and Reis, M. A. M. (2007). Advances in enhanced biological phosphorus removal: from micro to macro scale. Water Research, 41 (11), 2271-2300. doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2007.02.030

Advances in enhanced biological phosphorus removal: from micro to macro scale


Journal Article

Differential distribution of ammonia- and nitrite-oxidising bacteria in flocs and granules from a nitrifying/denitrifying sequencing batch reactor

de Sousa Carvalho, G., Meyer, R. L., Yuan, Z. and Keller, J. (2006). Differential distribution of ammonia- and nitrite-oxidising bacteria in flocs and granules from a nitrifying/denitrifying sequencing batch reactor. Enzyme And Microbial Technology, 39 (7), 1392-1398. doi: 10.1016/j.enzmictec.2006.03.024

Differential distribution of ammonia- and nitrite-oxidising bacteria in flocs and granules from a nitrifying/denitrifying sequencing batch reactor


Journal Article

Model development and application for surfactant biodegradation in an acclimatising activated sludge system

Carvalho, G, Novais, JM, Pinheiro, HM and Vanrolleghem, PA (2004). Model development and application for surfactant biodegradation in an acclimatising activated sludge system. Chemosphere, 54 (10), 1495-1502. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2003.08.028

Model development and application for surfactant biodegradation in an acclimatising activated sludge system


Journal Article

Activated sludge acclimatisation kinetics to non‐ionic surfactants

Carvalho, G, Novais, JM and Pinheiro, HM (2003). Activated sludge acclimatisation kinetics to non‐ionic surfactants. Environmental Technology, 24 (1), 109-114. doi: 10.1080/09593330309385541

Activated sludge acclimatisation kinetics to non‐ionic surfactants


Journal Article

A factorially-designed study of physico-chemical reactive dye colour removal from simulated cotton textile processing wastewaters

Carvalho, G, Delee, W, Novais, JM and Pinheiro, HM (2002). A factorially-designed study of physico-chemical reactive dye colour removal from simulated cotton textile processing wastewaters. Coloration Technology, 118 (5), 215-219. doi: 10.1111/j.1478-4408.2002.tb00102.x

A factorially-designed study of physico-chemical reactive dye colour removal from simulated cotton textile processing wastewaters


Journal Article

Optimal operation for timely adaptation of activated sludge plants to changes in the surfactant composition of wastewater

Carvalho, G, Novais, JM, Vanrolleghem, PA and Pinheiro, HM (2002). Optimal operation for timely adaptation of activated sludge plants to changes in the surfactant composition of wastewater. Water Science and Technology, 45 (4-5), 345-353.

Optimal operation for timely adaptation of activated sludge plants to changes in the surfactant composition of wastewater


Journal Article

Modelling of activated sludge acclimisation to a non-ionic surfactant

Carvalho, G, Nopens, I, Novais, JM, Vanrolleghem, PA and Pinheiro, HM (2001). Modelling of activated sludge acclimisation to a non-ionic surfactant. Water Science and Technology, 43 (7), 9-17.

Modelling of activated sludge acclimisation to a non-ionic surfactant


Journal Article

Studies on activated sludge response to variations in the composition of a synthetic surfactant-containing feed effluent

Carvalho, G, Paul, E, Novais, JM and Pinheiro, HM (2000). Studies on activated sludge response to variations in the composition of a synthetic surfactant-containing feed effluent. Water Science and Technology, 42 (5-6), 135-143.

Studies on activated sludge response to variations in the composition of a synthetic surfactant-containing feed effluent