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Journal Article

The contingent effects of differentiation and integration on corporate entrepreneurship

Burgers, J. Henri and Covin, Jeffrey G. (2016). The contingent effects of differentiation and integration on corporate entrepreneurship. Strategic Management Journal, 37 (3), 521-540. doi: 10.1002/smj.2343

The contingent effects of differentiation and integration on corporate entrepreneurship


Journal Article

Structural differentiation and corporate venturing: The moderating role of formal and informal integration mechanisms

Burgers, J. Henri, Jansen, Justin J. P., Van den Bosch, Frans A. J. and Volberda, Henk W. (2009). Structural differentiation and corporate venturing: The moderating role of formal and informal integration mechanisms. Journal of Business Venturing, 24 (3), 206-220. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusvent.2009.01.006

Structural differentiation and corporate venturing: The moderating role of formal and informal integration mechanisms


Journal Article

Individual-level innovation in the upstream oil & gas industry: Insights from a global survey

Perrons, Robert K., Burgers, J. Henri and Newton, Cameron (2024). Individual-level innovation in the upstream oil & gas industry: Insights from a global survey. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 235 212692, 212692. doi: 10.1016/j.geoen.2024.212692

Individual-level innovation in the upstream oil & gas industry: Insights from a global survey


Journal Article

Imprinting parental signals: a key driver of network status for new spinoff firms

Zarea, Forough, Burgers, J. Henri, Obschonka, Martin and Davidsson, Per (2024). Imprinting parental signals: a key driver of network status for new spinoff firms. Small Business Economics. doi: 10.1007/s11187-024-00871-w

Imprinting parental signals: a key driver of network status for new spinoff firms


Journal Article

The imprinting effects of parent firms on the evolution of young spinoff alliance networks

Zarea Fazlelahi, Forough, Burgers, J. Henri, Obschonka, Martin and Davidsson, Per (2022). The imprinting effects of parent firms on the evolution of young spinoff alliance networks. Journal of Small Business Management, 62 (3), 1-33. doi: 10.1080/00472778.2022.2125980

The imprinting effects of parent firms on the evolution of young spinoff alliance networks


Journal Article

Effect of knowledge search depth, user co-creation and moderating factors on the outcomes of service innovations by European public sector organizations

Burgers, J. H., Arundel, A. and Casali, G. L. (2022). Effect of knowledge search depth, user co-creation and moderating factors on the outcomes of service innovations by European public sector organizations. Public Management Review, 26 (3), 1-24. doi: 10.1080/14719037.2022.2118820

Effect of knowledge search depth, user co-creation and moderating factors on the outcomes of service innovations by European public sector organizations


Journal Article

The evolving nature of open innovation governance: a study of a digital platform development in collaboration with a big science centre

Cavallo, Angelo, Burgers, Henri, Ghezzi, Antonio and van de Vrande, Vareska (2022). The evolving nature of open innovation governance: a study of a digital platform development in collaboration with a big science centre. Technovation, 116 102370, 1-15. doi: 10.1016/j.technovation.2021.102370

The evolving nature of open innovation governance: a study of a digital platform development in collaboration with a big science centre


Journal Article

Spinoffs’ alliance network growth beyond parental ties: performance diminishing, then performance enhancing

Zarea Fazlelahi, Forough, Burgers, J. Henri, Obschonka, Martin and Davidsson, Per (2022). Spinoffs’ alliance network growth beyond parental ties: performance diminishing, then performance enhancing. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 40 (2), 1-31. doi: 10.1007/s10490-022-09804-1

Spinoffs’ alliance network growth beyond parental ties: performance diminishing, then performance enhancing


Journal Article

Alliance portfolio management capabilities, corporate entrepreneurship, and relative firm performance in SMEs

Sakhdari, Kamal, Burgers, J. Henri and Davidsson, Per (2020). Alliance portfolio management capabilities, corporate entrepreneurship, and relative firm performance in SMEs. Journal of Small Business Management, 61 (2), 1-29. doi: 10.1080/00472778.2020.1816433

Alliance portfolio management capabilities, corporate entrepreneurship, and relative firm performance in SMEs


Journal Article

Entrepreneurial strategies and tourism industry growth

Moyle, Char-lee, Moyle, Brent and Burgers, Henri (2020). Entrepreneurial strategies and tourism industry growth. Tourism Management Perspectives, 35 100708, 100708. doi: 10.1016/j.tmp.2020.100708

Entrepreneurial strategies and tourism industry growth


Journal Article

Shaping the organisational context for corporate entrepreneurship and performance in Iran: the interplay between social context and performance management

Sakhdari, Kamal, Burgers, Henri, Yadollahi Farsi, Jahangir and Rostamnezhad, Sasan (2020). Shaping the organisational context for corporate entrepreneurship and performance in Iran: the interplay between social context and performance management. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31 (8), 1020-1046. doi: 10.1080/09585192.2017.1396547

Shaping the organisational context for corporate entrepreneurship and performance in Iran: the interplay between social context and performance management


Journal Article

The moderating role of entrepreneurial management in the relationship between absorptive capacity and corporate entrepreneurship: an attention-based view

Sakhdari, Kamal and Burgers, J. Henri (2018). The moderating role of entrepreneurial management in the relationship between absorptive capacity and corporate entrepreneurship: an attention-based view. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 14 (4), 927-950. doi: 10.1007/s11365-017-0477-0

The moderating role of entrepreneurial management in the relationship between absorptive capacity and corporate entrepreneurship: an attention-based view


Journal Article

Australia has an internationalisation, not an innovation and R&D problem

Burgers, Henri and Glavas, Charmaine (2016, 09 19). Australia has an internationalisation, not an innovation and R&D problem The Conversation

Australia has an internationalisation, not an innovation and R&D problem


Journal Article

Why innovative business development projects fail

Volberda, H., Van Den Bosch, F. and Burgers, J. H. (2010). Why innovative business development projects fail. RSM Discovery-Management Knowledge, 3 (2), 7-9.

Why innovative business development projects fail


Journal Article

Celebrity Capital as a Strategic Asset: Implications for New Venture Strategies

Hunter, Erik J., Burgers, J. Henri and Davidsson, Per (2009). Celebrity Capital as a Strategic Asset: Implications for New Venture Strategies. Entrepreneurial Strategic Content, 11, 137-160. doi: 10.1108/S1074-7540(2009)0000011007

Celebrity Capital as a Strategic Asset: Implications for New Venture Strategies


Journal Article

Corporate venturing: Unlocking the innovation chain

Burgers, J. Henri and Shah, Chintan M. (2009). Corporate venturing: Unlocking the innovation chain. SSRN Electronic Journal doi: 10.2139/ssrn.1442543

Corporate venturing: Unlocking the innovation chain


Journal Article

Why New Business Development Projects Fail: Coping with the Differences of Technological versus Market Knowledge

Burgers, J. Henri, Van Den Bosch, Frans A. J. and Volberda, Henk W. (2008). Why New Business Development Projects Fail: Coping with the Differences of Technological versus Market Knowledge. Long Range Planning, 41 (1), 55-73. doi: 10.1016/j.lrp.2007.10.003

Why New Business Development Projects Fail: Coping with the Differences of Technological versus Market Knowledge


Journal Article

The impact of corporate venturing on a firm's competence modes

Burgers, J. Henri, Van Den Bosch, Frans A. J. and Volberda, Henk W. (2008). The impact of corporate venturing on a firm's competence modes. Competence Building and Leveraging in Interorganizational Relations, 11, 117-140. doi: 10.1016/S0749-6826(07)11005-2

The impact of corporate venturing on a firm's competence modes