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Journal Article

Targeting acute inflammation to complement spinal cord repair

Brennan, Faith H. and Ruitenberg, Marc J. (2015). Targeting acute inflammation to complement spinal cord repair. Neural Regeneration Research, 10 (10), 1596-1598. doi: 10.4103/1673-5374.165268

Targeting acute inflammation to complement spinal cord repair


Journal Article

The complement receptor C5aR controls acute inflammation and astrogliosis following spinal cord injury

Brennan, Faith H., Gordon, Richard, Lao, Hong W., Biggins, Patrick J., Taylor, Stephen M., Franklin, Robin J. M., Woodruff, Trent M. and Ruitenberg, Marc J. (2015). The complement receptor C5aR controls acute inflammation and astrogliosis following spinal cord injury. Journal of Neuroscience, 35 (16), 6517-6531. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5218-14.2015

The complement receptor C5aR controls acute inflammation and astrogliosis following spinal cord injury


Journal Article

PI3K delta inhibition reduces TNF secretion and neuroinflammation in a mouse cerebral stroke model

Low, Pei Ching, Manzanero, Silvia, Mohannak, Nika, Narayana, Vinod K., Nguyen, Tam H., Kvaskoff, David, Brennan, Faith H., Ruitenberg, Marc J., Gelderblom, Mathias, Magnus, Tim, Kim, Hyun Ah, Broughton, Brad R. S., Sobey, Christopher G., Vanhaesebroeck, Bart, Stow, Jennifer L., Arumugam, Thiruma V. and Meunier, Frédéric A. (2014). PI3K delta inhibition reduces TNF secretion and neuroinflammation in a mouse cerebral stroke model. Nature Communications, 5 (3450) 3450, 1-12. doi: 10.1038/ncomms4450

PI3K delta inhibition reduces TNF secretion and neuroinflammation in a mouse cerebral stroke model


Journal Article

Immune cell trafficking from the brain maintains CNS immune tolerance

Mohammad, Mohammad G., Tsai, Vicky W.W., Ruitenberg, Marc J., Hassanpour, Masoud, Li, Hui, Hart, Prue H., Breit, Samuel N., Sawchenko, Paul E. and Brown, David A. (2014). Immune cell trafficking from the brain maintains CNS immune tolerance. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 124 (3), 1228-1241. doi: 10.1172/JCI71544

Immune cell trafficking from the brain maintains CNS immune tolerance


Journal Article

Longitudinal assessment of white matter pathology in the injured mouse spinal cord through ultra-high field (16.4T) in vivo diffusion tensor imaging

Brennan, Faith H., Cowin, Gary J., Kurniawan, Nyoman D. and Ruitenberg, Marc J. (2013). Longitudinal assessment of white matter pathology in the injured mouse spinal cord through ultra-high field (16.4T) in vivo diffusion tensor imaging. NeuroImage, 82, 574-585. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.06.019

Longitudinal assessment of white matter pathology in the injured mouse spinal cord through ultra-high field (16.4T) in vivo diffusion tensor imaging


Journal Article

Mobilisation of the splenic monocyte reservoir and peripheral CX(3)CR1 deficiency adversely affects recovery from spinal cord injury

Blomster, Linda V., Brennan, Faith H., Lao, Hong W., Harle, David W., Harvey, Alan R. and Ruitenberg, Marc J. (2013). Mobilisation of the splenic monocyte reservoir and peripheral CX(3)CR1 deficiency adversely affects recovery from spinal cord injury. Experimental Neurology, 247, 226-240. doi: 10.1016/j.expneurol.2013.05.002

Mobilisation of the splenic monocyte reservoir and peripheral CX(3)CR1 deficiency adversely affects recovery from spinal cord injury


Journal Article

The receptor for complement component C3a mediates protection from intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injuries by inhibiting neutrophil mobilization

Wu, Mike C. L., Brennan, Faith H., Lynch, Jason P. L., Mantovani, Susanna, Phipps, Simon, Wetsel, Rick A., Ruitenberg, Marc J., Taylor, Stephen M. and Woodruff, Trent M. (2013). The receptor for complement component C3a mediates protection from intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injuries by inhibiting neutrophil mobilization. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110 (23), 9439-9444. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1218815110

The receptor for complement component C3a mediates protection from intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injuries by inhibiting neutrophil mobilization


Journal Article

Immature doublecortin-positive hippocampal neurons are important for learning but not for remembering

Vukovic, Jana, Borlikova, Gilyana G., Ruitenberg, Marc J., Robinson, Gregory J., Sullivan, Robert K. P., Walker, Tara L. and Bartlett, Perry F. (2013). Immature doublecortin-positive hippocampal neurons are important for learning but not for remembering. Journal of Neuroscience, 33 (15), 6603-6613. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3064-12.2013

Immature doublecortin-positive hippocampal neurons are important for learning but not for remembering


Journal Article

Acute delivery of EphA4-Fc improves functional recovery after contusive spinal cord injury in rats

Spanevello, Mark Damien, Tajouri, Sophie Ines, Mirciov, Cornel, Kurniawan, Nyoman, Pearse, Martin John, Fabri, Louis Jerry, Owczarek, Catherine Mary, Hardy, Matthew Philip, Bradford, Rebecca Anne, Ramunno, Melanie Louise, Turnley, Ann Maree, Ruitenberg, Marc Jan, Boyd, Andrew Wallace and Bartlett, Perry Francis (2013). Acute delivery of EphA4-Fc improves functional recovery after contusive spinal cord injury in rats. Journal of Neurotrauma, 30 (12), 1023-1034. doi: 10.1089/neu.2012.2729

Acute delivery of EphA4-Fc improves functional recovery after contusive spinal cord injury in rats


Journal Article

Vertebral landmarks for the identification of spinal cord segments in the mouse

Harrison, Megan, O'Brien, Aine, Adams, Lucy, Cowin, Gary, Ruitenberg, Marc J., Sengul, Gulgun and Watson, Charles (2013). Vertebral landmarks for the identification of spinal cord segments in the mouse. NeuroImage, 68, 22-29. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2012.11.048

Vertebral landmarks for the identification of spinal cord segments in the mouse


Journal Article

Local and remote immune-mediated inflammation after mild peripheral nerve compression in rats

Schmid, Annina B., Coppieters, Michel W., Ruitenberg, Marc J. and McLachlan, Elspeth M. (2013). Local and remote immune-mediated inflammation after mild peripheral nerve compression in rats. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, 72 (7), 662-680. doi: 10.1097/NEN.0b013e318298de5b

Local and remote immune-mediated inflammation after mild peripheral nerve compression in rats


Journal Article

Detection of endogenous iron deposits in the injured mouse spinal cord through high-resolution ex vivo and in vivo MRI

Blomster, Linda V., Cowin, Gary J., Kurniawan, Nyoman D. and Ruitenberg, Marc J. (2013). Detection of endogenous iron deposits in the injured mouse spinal cord through high-resolution ex vivo and in vivo MRI. NMR in Biomedicine, 26 (2), 141-150. doi: 10.1002/nbm.2829

Detection of endogenous iron deposits in the injured mouse spinal cord through high-resolution ex vivo and in vivo MRI


Journal Article

Dendritic cells and multiple sclerosis: disease, tolerance and therapy

Mohammad, G. Mohammad, Hassanpour, Masoud, Tsai, Vicky W. W., Li, Hui, Ruitenberg, Marc J., Booth, David R., Serrats, Jordi, Hart, Prue H., Symonds, Geoffrey P., Sawchenko, Paul E., Breit, Samuel N. and Brown, David A. (2013). Dendritic cells and multiple sclerosis: disease, tolerance and therapy. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 14 (1), 547-562. doi: 10.3390/ijms14010547

Dendritic cells and multiple sclerosis: disease, tolerance and therapy


Journal Article

Accumulation of murine subretinal macrophages: effects of age, pigmentation and CX(3)CR1

Chinnery, Holly R., McLenachan, Samuel, Humphries, Timothy, Kezic, Jelena M., Chen, Xiangting, Ruitenberg, Marc J. and McMenamin, Paul G. (2012). Accumulation of murine subretinal macrophages: effects of age, pigmentation and CX(3)CR1. Neurobiology of Aging, 33 (8), 1769-1776. doi: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2011.03.010

Accumulation of murine subretinal macrophages: effects of age, pigmentation and CX(3)CR1


Journal Article

A novel in vitro human microglia model: Characterization of human monocyte-derived microglia

Etemad, Samar, Zamin, Rasheeda Mohd, Ruitenberg, Marc J. and Filgueira, Luis (2012). A novel in vitro human microglia model: Characterization of human monocyte-derived microglia. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 209 (1), 79-89. doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2012.05.025

A novel in vitro human microglia model: Characterization of human monocyte-derived microglia


Journal Article

Complement activation in the injured central nervous system: Another dual-edged sword?

Brennan, Faith H., Anderson, Aileen J., Taylor, Stephen M., Woodruff, Trent M. and Ruitenberg, Marc J. (2012). Complement activation in the injured central nervous system: Another dual-edged sword?. Journal of Neuroinflammation, 9 (1) 137, 137. doi: 10.1186/1742-2094-9-137

Complement activation in the injured central nervous system: Another dual-edged sword?


Journal Article

Microglia modulate hippocampal neural precursor activity in response to exercise and aging

Vukovic, Jana, Colditz, Michael J., Blackmore, Daniel G., Ruitenberg, Marc J. and Bartlett, Perry F. (2012). Microglia modulate hippocampal neural precursor activity in response to exercise and aging. Journal of Neuroscience, 32 (19), 6435-6443. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5925-11.2012

Microglia modulate hippocampal neural precursor activity in response to exercise and aging


Journal Article

Localization of Na(v)1.7 in the normal and injured rodent olfactory system indicates a critical role in olfaction, pheromone sensing and immune function

Rupasinghe, Darshani B., Knapp, Oliver, Blomster, Linda V., Schmid, Annina B., Adams, David J., King, Glenn F. and Ruitenberg, Marc J. (2012). Localization of Na(v)1.7 in the normal and injured rodent olfactory system indicates a critical role in olfaction, pheromone sensing and immune function. Channels, 6 (2), 103-110. doi: 10.4161/chan.19484

Localization of Na(v)1.7 in the normal and injured rodent olfactory system indicates a critical role in olfaction, pheromone sensing and immune function


Journal Article

CX(3)CR1 deficiency exacerbates neuronal loss and impairs early regenerative responses in the target-ablated olfactory epithelium

Blomster, Linda, Vukovic, Jana, Hendrickx, Debbie A.E., Jung, Steffen, Harvey, Alan R., Filgueira, Luis and Ruitenberg, Marc J. (2011). CX(3)CR1 deficiency exacerbates neuronal loss and impairs early regenerative responses in the target-ablated olfactory epithelium. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, 48 (3), 236-245. doi: 10.1016/j.mcn.2011.08.004

CX(3)CR1 deficiency exacerbates neuronal loss and impairs early regenerative responses in the target-ablated olfactory epithelium


Journal Article

Feasibility study of real-time three-/four-dimensional ultrasound for epidural catheter insertion

Belavy, David, Ruitenberg, Marc and Brijball, Rajesh (2011). Feasibility study of real-time three-/four-dimensional ultrasound for epidural catheter insertion. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 107 (3), 438-445. doi: 10.1093/bja/aer157

Feasibility study of real-time three-/four-dimensional ultrasound for epidural catheter insertion