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Journal Article

Charting the place of islands in criminology: on isolation, integration and insularity

Scott, John and Staines, Zoe (2020). Charting the place of islands in criminology: on isolation, integration and insularity. Theoretical Criminology, 25 (4), 136248062091025-600. doi: 10.1177/1362480620910250

Charting the place of islands in criminology: on isolation, integration and insularity


Journal Article

Strangers in a strange land: police perceptions of working in discrete Indigenous communities in Queensland, Australia

Dwyer, Anna, Scott, John and Staines, Zoe (2020). Strangers in a strange land: police perceptions of working in discrete Indigenous communities in Queensland, Australia. Police Practice and Research: An International Journal, 22 (1), 1-17. doi: 10.1080/15614263.2020.1759058

Strangers in a strange land: police perceptions of working in discrete Indigenous communities in Queensland, Australia


Journal Article

'Walking in two worlds': a qualitative review of income management in Cape York

Scott, John, Staines, Zoe, Higginson, Angela, Lauchs, Mark, Ryan, Vanessa and Zhen, Liuissa (2020). 'Walking in two worlds': a qualitative review of income management in Cape York. Australian Journal of Public Administration, 80 (1) 1467-8500.12440, 46-63. doi: 10.1111/1467-8500.12440

'Walking in two worlds': a qualitative review of income management in Cape York


Journal Article

Australia’s remote workfare policy: rhetoric versus reality of ‘community’ empowerment

Staines, Zoe (2020). Australia’s remote workfare policy: rhetoric versus reality of ‘community’ empowerment. Critical Social Policy, 41 (1), 026101831989705-24. doi: 10.1177/0261018319897056

Australia’s remote workfare policy: rhetoric versus reality of ‘community’ empowerment


Journal Article

Crime and colonisation in Australia’s Torres Strait Islands

Staines, Zoe and Scott, John (2019). Crime and colonisation in Australia’s Torres Strait Islands. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 53 (1), 000486581986904-43. doi: 10.1177/0004865819869049

Crime and colonisation in Australia’s Torres Strait Islands


Journal Article

An analysis of outlaw motorcycle gang crime: are bikers organised criminals?

Lauchs, Mark and Staines, Zoe (2019). An analysis of outlaw motorcycle gang crime: are bikers organised criminals?. Global Crime, 20 (2), 69-89. doi: 10.1080/17440572.2019.1583107

An analysis of outlaw motorcycle gang crime: are bikers organised criminals?


Journal Article

Complexity and hybrid effects in the delivery and evaluation of youth programs in a remote Indigenous community

Staines, Zoe and Moran, Mark (2019). Complexity and hybrid effects in the delivery and evaluation of youth programs in a remote Indigenous community. Australian Journal of Public Administration, 79 (1) 1467-8500.12371, 3-25. doi: 10.1111/1467-8500.12371

Complexity and hybrid effects in the delivery and evaluation of youth programs in a remote Indigenous community


Journal Article

Closing the gap requests for Indigenous participation are ironic - at best

Staines, Zoe (2018, 02 09). Closing the gap requests for Indigenous participation are ironic - at best Independent Australia

Closing the gap requests for Indigenous participation are ironic - at best


Journal Article

Overcoming social disadvantage by investing in Indigenous teenage mothers—an integrated policy approach

Staines, Zoe and Jose, Fiona (2018). Overcoming social disadvantage by investing in Indigenous teenage mothers—an integrated policy approach. Solutions Journal, 9 (2).

Overcoming social disadvantage by investing in Indigenous teenage mothers—an integrated policy approach


Journal Article

Ground-level impacts of remote employment policy: social disadvantage under the Community Development Programme

Staines, Zoe (2018). Ground-level impacts of remote employment policy: social disadvantage under the Community Development Programme. Journal of Australian Political Economy (82), 107-132.

Ground-level impacts of remote employment policy: social disadvantage under the Community Development Programme


Journal Article

We’re not closing the gap on Indigenous employment, it’s widening

Staines, Zoe (2017, 12 22). We’re not closing the gap on Indigenous employment, it’s widening The Conversation

We’re not closing the gap on Indigenous employment, it’s widening


Journal Article

Lessons from the recent policy experience in the Indigenous community-employment sector

Staines, Zoe (2017). Lessons from the recent policy experience in the Indigenous community-employment sector. Australian Journal of Labour Economics, 20 (3), 229-248.

Lessons from the recent policy experience in the Indigenous community-employment sector


Journal Article

Students’ engagement with Facebook in a university undergraduate policing unit

Staines, Zoe and Lauchs, Mark (2013). Students’ engagement with Facebook in a university undergraduate policing unit. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 29 (6), 792-805. doi: 10.14742/ajet.270

Students’ engagement with Facebook in a university undergraduate policing unit


Journal Article

Managing tacit investigative knowledge: measuring investigative thinking styles

Staines, Zoe (2013). Managing tacit investigative knowledge: measuring investigative thinking styles. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 36 (3), 604-619. doi: 10.1108/PIJPSM-07-2012-0072

Managing tacit investigative knowledge: measuring investigative thinking styles


Journal Article

The use of Facebook in tertiary education: a case study of a unit-related Facebook page in a university justice class

Staines, Zoe and Lauchs, Mark (2013). The use of Facebook in tertiary education: a case study of a unit-related Facebook page in a university justice class. Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 10 (4), 285-296. doi: 10.1108/ITSE-05-2013-0008

The use of Facebook in tertiary education: a case study of a unit-related Facebook page in a university justice class


Journal Article

Career path of a corruption entrepreneur

Lauchs, Mark and Staines, Zoe (2012). Career path of a corruption entrepreneur. Global Crime, 13 (2), 109-129. doi: 10.1080/17440572.2012.678620

Career path of a corruption entrepreneur


Journal Article

Capturing investigative knowledge: methodological scaffolding for measuring thinking styles of police investigators

Dean, Geoff and Staines, Zoe (2011). Capturing investigative knowledge: methodological scaffolding for measuring thinking styles of police investigators. Ministry of Home Affairs Home Team Journal (3), 120-132.

Capturing investigative knowledge: methodological scaffolding for measuring thinking styles of police investigators


Journal Article

Creativity in policing: building the necessary skills to solve complex and protracted investigations

Staines, Zoe (2011). Creativity in policing: building the necessary skills to solve complex and protracted investigations. Ministry of Home Affairs Home Team Journal (3), 133-144.

Creativity in policing: building the necessary skills to solve complex and protracted investigations