2023 Conference Publication Methods for differentiating methane and carbon dioxide sources in aquifers overlying gas reservoirs or associated with CO2 storage sitesPearce, J. K., Hofmann, H., Baublys, K., Golding, S. D., Fifield, K., Herbert, S. J., Bhebhe, Z., Matthews, I., Moser, A. and Hayes, P. (2023). Methods for differentiating methane and carbon dioxide sources in aquifers overlying gas reservoirs or associated with CO2 storage sites. APUR 2023: Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Symposium,, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 14-15 November 2023. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi: 10.2118/217301-ms |
2023 Conference Publication Assessing geochemical reactivity during CO2 geological storage: an example from the Surat BasinPearce, J. K., Dawson, G. K. W., Golding, S. D., Kirste, D., Southam, G., Paterson, D., Brink, F. and Rudolph, V. (2023). Assessing geochemical reactivity during CO2 geological storage: an example from the Surat Basin. Australasian Exploration Geosciences Conference, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 13-18 March 2023. West End, QLD Australia: Arinex. |
2022 Conference Publication Finding the edge: Assessing inter-basin connectivity between the Surat and Clarence-Moreton basins with environmental tracers to define the eastern margin of the Great Artesian BasinHofmann, Harald, Raiber, Matthias, Pearce, Julie, Hayes, Phil, Suckow, Axel, Cendon, Dioni, Rodger, Iain and Golding, Sue (2022). Finding the edge: Assessing inter-basin connectivity between the Surat and Clarence-Moreton basins with environmental tracers to define the eastern margin of the Great Artesian Basin. Australian Groundwater Conference, Perth, WA Australia, 21-23 November 2022. |
2022 Conference Publication From old data, new understanding: Advancing conceptualisation of Surat Basin basal GAB aquifers using historical oil and gas data and exploratory modellingRodger, Iain, Hayes, Phil, Hofmann, Harald, Pearce, Julie and Golding, Sue (2022). From old data, new understanding: Advancing conceptualisation of Surat Basin basal GAB aquifers using historical oil and gas data and exploratory modelling. Australian Groundwater Conference, Perth, WA Australia, 21-23 November 2022. |
2022 Conference Publication Greenhouse gases in deep Great Artesian Basin aquifersPearce, J., Hofmann, H., Golding, S., Hayes, P., Baublys, K. and Rodger, I. (2022). Greenhouse gases in deep Great Artesian Basin aquifers. Australasian Groundwater Conference, Perth, WA Australia, 21-24 November 2022. |
2022 Conference Publication CO2 geological storage in the southern Surat Basin: assessing CO2-water-rock reactivityPearce, J.K., Dawson, G.K.W., Golding, S.D., Kirste, D., Southam, G., Paterson, D., Brink, F. and Rudolph, V. (2022). CO2 geological storage in the southern Surat Basin: assessing CO2-water-rock reactivity. Australian Groundwater Conference, Perth, WA Australia, 21-24 November 2022. |
2022 Conference Publication Measuring methane concentrations and isotopic tracers in alluvium and aquifers overlying a coal seam methane reservoirPearce, J. K., Baublys, K. A., Golding, S. D., Hofmann, H., Cendon, D., Herbert, S.J., Gargiulo, G. and Hayes, P. J. (2022). Measuring methane concentrations and isotopic tracers in alluvium and aquifers overlying a coal seam methane reservoir. Australasian Environmental Isotope Conference, Ballina, NSW Australia, 13-17 November 2022. |
2022 Conference Publication CO2 geological storage in the Surat BasinPearce, Julie (2022). CO2 geological storage in the Surat Basin. PESA Symposium QLD 2022, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 9 September 2022. Beaumaris, VIC Australia: Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia. doi: 10.36404/depi2461 |
2022 Conference Publication Concurrent 5. Presentation for: Multiple tracers for dis-connectivity of shallow aquifers, alluvium, and coal seam gas wells in the Great Artesian BasinPearce, J. K. (2022). Concurrent 5. Presentation for: Multiple tracers for dis-connectivity of shallow aquifers, alluvium, and coal seam gas wells in the Great Artesian Basin. APPEA 2022, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 17-19 May 2022. Clayton, VIC, Australia: CSIRO Publishing. doi: 10.1071/aj21315 |
2021 Conference Publication Unconventional CO2 storagePearce, Julie K., Raza, Syed S., Baublys, Kim A., Hayes, Phil J., Firouzi, Mahshid and Rudolph, Victor (2021). Unconventional CO2 storage. Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Online, 16-18 November 2021. Tulsa, OK United States: Unconventional Resources Technology Conference. doi: 10.15530/ap-urtec-2021-208295 |
2021 Conference Publication Groundwater and gas sampling informing hydrogeological conceptualisation of the Precipice and Hutton Sandstone aquifers of the southern Surat BasinPearce, J.K., Hofmann, H., Baublys, K., Golding, S.D., Rodger, I. and Hayes, P. (2021). Groundwater and gas sampling informing hydrogeological conceptualisation of the Precipice and Hutton Sandstone aquifers of the southern Surat Basin. AEGC: Geosciences for a Sustainable World, Brisbane, Australia, 15-17 September 2021. |
2021 Conference Publication CO2 reduction and fermentation producing in situ CH4 in the majority of sampled GAB aquifers and alluvium overlying a coal seam gas regionPearce, J. K. , Golding, S., Baublys, K., Hofmann, H., Herbert, S. and Hayes, P. (2021). CO2 reduction and fermentation producing in situ CH4 in the majority of sampled GAB aquifers and alluvium overlying a coal seam gas region. AESC, Online , 9-12 February 2021. |
2021 Conference Publication Trace metal mobility during CO2- SO2-NO-O2 storageKirste, Dirk, Pearce, Julie, Dawson, Grant and Golding, Suzanne (2021). Trace metal mobility during CO2- SO2-NO-O2 storage. Goldschmidt 2021, Virtual, 4-9 July 2021. France: European Association of Geochemistry. doi: 10.7185/gold2021.7793 |
2020 Conference Publication Geochemical Modelling from Benchtop to Field ScaleKirste, D., Volden, L., Pearce, J., Dawson, G. and Golding, S. (2020). Geochemical Modelling from Benchtop to Field Scale. Goldschmidt Virtual 2020, Virtual, 21-26 June 2020. Washington, DC USA: Geochemical Society. doi: 10.46427/gold2020.1327 |
2020 Conference Publication A sequential extraction method for evaluating rock-hosted elements at conditions relevant to CO2 geo-sequestrationDawson, G. K. W., Pearce, J. K., Kirste, D. and Golding, S. D. (2020). A sequential extraction method for evaluating rock-hosted elements at conditions relevant to CO2 geo-sequestration. Goldschmidt Virtual 2020, Virtual, 21-26 June 2020. Washington, DC USA: Geochemical Society. doi: 10.46427/gold2020.532 |
2020 Conference Publication Characterisation of Surat Basin Walloon interburden and overlying Springbok Sandstone: a focus on methane adsorption isotherms, permeability and gas contentRaza, Syed Shabbar, Pearce, Julie, Shukla, Pradeep, Hayes, Phil and Rudolph, Victor (2020). Characterisation of Surat Basin Walloon interburden and overlying Springbok Sandstone: a focus on methane adsorption isotherms, permeability and gas content. APPEA Conference and Exhibition, Unknown, Unknown. Clayton, VIC Australia: CSIRO Publishing. doi: 10.1071/aj19078 |
2019 Conference Publication Metal mobilisation and sequestration with CO2 stream injection in the Precipice Sandstone: Experimental data input for a reactive transport modelPearce, J., Kirste, D., Dawson, G., Southam, G., Paterson, D., Golding, S. and Brink, F. (2019). Metal mobilisation and sequestration with CO2 stream injection in the Precipice Sandstone: Experimental data input for a reactive transport model. Australian Groundwater Conference, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 24-27 November 2019. |
2019 Conference Publication Reactive transport modelling of geological storage of CO2 with impurities: lessons learnedKirste, D., Pearce, J. and Golding, S. (2019). Reactive transport modelling of geological storage of CO2 with impurities: lessons learned. 14th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, GHGT-14, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 21-25 October 2018 . Rochester, NY, United States: SSRN. |
2019 Conference Publication Experimental acid and scCO2 reactions of Roseneath, Epsilon and Murteree gas shales: opening or closing of gas accessible pores and metal release to waterPearce, J.K., Blach, T., Dawson, G., Melnichenko, Y., Southam, G., Golding, S.D., Bahadur, J. and Paterson, D. (2019). Experimental acid and scCO2 reactions of Roseneath, Epsilon and Murteree gas shales: opening or closing of gas accessible pores and metal release to water. AEGC 2019, Perth, WA, Australia, 2-5 September 2019. Taylor & Francis. doi: 10.1080/22020586.2019.12073164 |
2019 Conference Publication Trace element mobility during CO2 storage: application of reactive transport modellingKirste, Dirk, Pearce, Julie K., Golding, Sue D. and Dawson, Grant K. W. (2019). Trace element mobility during CO2 storage: application of reactive transport modelling. 16th International Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction (WRI-16) and 13th International Symposium on Applied Isotope Geochemistry (1st IAGC International Conference), Tomsk, Russia, 21-26 July 2019. Paris, France: EDP Sciences. doi: 10.1051/e3sconf/20199804007 |