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Journal Article

Characteristics of a stratified random sample of New Zealand general practices

Leitch, Sharon, Dovey, Susan M., Samaranayaka, Ari, Reith, David M., Wallis, Katharine A., Eggleton, Kyle S., McMenamin, Andrew W., Cunningham, Wayne K., Williamson, Martyn I., Ullis, Steven and Tilyard, Murray W. (2018). Characteristics of a stratified random sample of New Zealand general practices. Journal of Primary Health Care, 10 (2), 114-124. doi: 10.1071/HC17089

Characteristics of a stratified random sample of New Zealand general practices


Journal Article

Research using electronic health records: balancing confidentiality and public good

Wallis, Katharine A., Eggleton, Kyle S., Dovey, Susan M., Leitch, Sharon, Cunningham, Wayne K. and Williamson, Martyn I. (2018). Research using electronic health records: balancing confidentiality and public good. Journal of Primary Health Care, 10 (4), 288-291. doi: 10.1071/HC18040

Research using electronic health records: balancing confidentiality and public good


Journal Article

The Beauty in Perfect Imperfection

Buetow, Stephen and Wallis, Katharine (2017). The Beauty in Perfect Imperfection. Journal of Medical Humanities, 40 (3), 389-394. doi: 10.1007/s10912-017-9500-2

The Beauty in Perfect Imperfection


Journal Article

The ethics of sharing: how do social workers decide what to record in shared health records?

Cairns, Isobel, Jonas, Monique and Wallis, Katharine (2017). The ethics of sharing: how do social workers decide what to record in shared health records?. Ethics and Social Welfare, 12 (4), 348-369. doi: 10.1080/17496535.2017.1384849

The ethics of sharing: how do social workers decide what to record in shared health records?


Journal Article

Swimming Against the Tide: Primary Care Physicians’ Views on Deprescribing in Everyday Practice

Wallis, Katharine A., Andrews, Abby and Henderson, Michelle (2017). Swimming Against the Tide: Primary Care Physicians’ Views on Deprescribing in Everyday Practice. The Annals of Family Medicine, 15 (4), 341-346. doi: 10.1370/afm.2094

Swimming Against the Tide: Primary Care Physicians’ Views on Deprescribing in Everyday Practice


Journal Article

Safer Prescribing and Care for the Elderly (SPACE): feasibility of audit and feedback plus practice mail-out to patients with high-risk prescribing

Wallis, Katharine and Tuckey, Rebecca (2017). Safer Prescribing and Care for the Elderly (SPACE): feasibility of audit and feedback plus practice mail-out to patients with high-risk prescribing. Journal of Primary Health Care, 9 (2), 145-152. doi: 10.1071/hc17018

Safer Prescribing and Care for the Elderly (SPACE): feasibility of audit and feedback plus practice mail-out to patients with high-risk prescribing


Journal Article

Epidemiology of patient harms in New Zealand: protocol of a general practice records review study

Dovey, Susan M., Leitch, Sharon, Wallis, Katharine A., Eggleton, Kyle S., Cunningham, Wayne K., Williamson, Martyn I., Lillis, Steven, McMenamin, Andrew W., Tilyard, Murray W., Reith, David M., Samaranayaka, Ari and Hall, Jason E. (2017). Epidemiology of patient harms in New Zealand: protocol of a general practice records review study. JMIR Research Protocols, 6 (1) e10, e10. doi: 10.2196/resprot.6696

Epidemiology of patient harms in New Zealand: protocol of a general practice records review study


Journal Article

No-fault, no difference: no-fault compensation for medical injury and healthcare ethics and practice

Wallis, Katharine A. (2017). No-fault, no difference: no-fault compensation for medical injury and healthcare ethics and practice. British Journal of General Practice, 67 (654), 38-39. doi: 10.3399/bjgp17x688777

No-fault, no difference: no-fault compensation for medical injury and healthcare ethics and practice


Journal Article

Outcomes and Impact of Training and Development in Health Management and Leadership in Relation to Competence in Role: A Mixed-Methods Systematic Review Protocol

Ayeleke, Reuben Olugbenga, North, Nicola, Wallis, Katharine Ann, Liang, Zhanming and Dunham, Annette (2016). Outcomes and Impact of Training and Development in Health Management and Leadership in Relation to Competence in Role: A Mixed-Methods Systematic Review Protocol. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 5 (12), 715-720. doi: 10.15171/ijhpm.2016.138

Outcomes and Impact of Training and Development in Health Management and Leadership in Relation to Competence in Role: A Mixed-Methods Systematic Review Protocol


Journal Article

Master of Primary Health Care degree: who wants it and why?

Andrews, Abby, Wallis, Katharine A. and Goodyear-Smith, Felicity (2016). Master of Primary Health Care degree: who wants it and why?. Journal of Primary Health Care, 8 (2), 106-114. doi: 10.1071/HC15026

Master of Primary Health Care degree: who wants it and why?


Journal Article

Learning from no-fault treatment injury claims to improve the safety of older patients

Wallis, Katharine Ann (2015). Learning from no-fault treatment injury claims to improve the safety of older patients. Annals of Family Medicine, 13 (5), 472-474. doi: 10.1370/afm.1810

Learning from no-fault treatment injury claims to improve the safety of older patients


Journal Article

No medicine is sometimes the best medicine

Wallis, Katharine Ann (2015). No medicine is sometimes the best medicine. BMJ Case Reports, 2015 (may14 1) 207152, bcr2014207152-bcr2014207152. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2014-207152

No medicine is sometimes the best medicine


Journal Article

Ethics: Ageing is not for the faint-hearted: are we making it worse? Polypharmacy-related harm in the elderly

Wallis, Katharine (2015). Ethics: Ageing is not for the faint-hearted: are we making it worse? Polypharmacy-related harm in the elderly. Journal of Primary Health Care, 7 (2), 167-169. doi: 10.1071/hc15167

Ethics: Ageing is not for the faint-hearted: are we making it worse? Polypharmacy-related harm in the elderly


Journal Article

Back to Back: General practitioners should allow use of anonymised patient records for research: No

Wallis, Katharine (2015). Back to Back: General practitioners should allow use of anonymised patient records for research: No. Journal of Primary Health Care, 7 (3), 253-255. doi: 10.1071/hc15253

Back to Back: General practitioners should allow use of anonymised patient records for research: No


Journal Article

Herpes zoster: when do patients present and who gets antiviral treatment?

Wallis, Katharine, Hood, Lynley and Rao, Kavita (2014). Herpes zoster: when do patients present and who gets antiviral treatment?. Journal of Primary Health Care, 6 (2), 108-113. doi: 10.1071/hc14108

Herpes zoster: when do patients present and who gets antiviral treatment?


Journal Article

Ethics: Regular practice review: promised joy or naught but grief and pain?

Wallis, Katharine (2014). Ethics: Regular practice review: promised joy or naught but grief and pain?. Journal of Primary Health Care, 6 (2), 165-168. doi: 10.1071/hc14165

Ethics: Regular practice review: promised joy or naught but grief and pain?


Journal Article

Global research priorities to better understand the burden of iatrogenic harm in primary care: an international delphi exercise

Cresswell, Kathrin M., Panesar, Sukhmeet S., Salvilla, Sarah A., Carson-Stevens, Andrew, Larizgoitia, Itziar, Donaldson, Liam J., Bates, David, Sheikh, Aziz, Aibar, Carlos, Al-Bulushi, Hamad, Al-Mudaf, Buthaina, Aljadhey, Hisham, Amin, Fawzi, Avery, Anthony, Barker, Pierre, Brami, Jean, Chikobvu, Perpetual, Esmail, Aneez, Hickner, John, Houston, Neil, Khoja, Tawfik, Langelaan, Maaike, Letaief, Mondher, Liu, Chaojie, Madhok, Rajan, Makeham, Meredith, Michel, Philippe, Neyaz, Yakoub, Herault, Ludovic Reveiz ... on behalf of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Safer Primary Care Expert Working Group (2013). Global research priorities to better understand the burden of iatrogenic harm in primary care: an international delphi exercise. PLoS Medicine, 10 (11) e1001554, e1001554. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1001554

Global research priorities to better understand the burden of iatrogenic harm in primary care: an international delphi exercise


Journal Article

Professional accountability of doctors in New Zealand

Wallis, Katharine (2013). Professional accountability of doctors in New Zealand. Journal of Primary Health Care, 5 (2), 165-169. doi: 10.1071/HC13165

Professional accountability of doctors in New Zealand


Journal Article

New Zealand's 2005 'no-fault' compensation reforms and medical professional accountability for harm

Wallis, Katharine (2013). New Zealand's 2005 'no-fault' compensation reforms and medical professional accountability for harm. New Zealand Medical Journal, 126 (1371), 33-44.

New Zealand's 2005 'no-fault' compensation reforms and medical professional accountability for harm


Journal Article

'Woe is me!': New Zealand's non-punitive regulatory environment

Wallis, Katharine (2012). 'Woe is me!': New Zealand's non-punitive regulatory environment. Journal of Primary Health Care, 4 (1), 73-76. doi: 10.1071/HC12073

'Woe is me!': New Zealand's non-punitive regulatory environment