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Journal Article

Information Systems Journal Special Issue on: Activity Theory in Information Systems Research

Karanasios, Stan, Allen, David and Finnegan, Patrick (2015). Information Systems Journal Special Issue on: Activity Theory in Information Systems Research. Information Systems Journal, 25 (3), 309-313. doi: 10.1111/isj.12061

Information Systems Journal Special Issue on: Activity Theory in Information Systems Research


Conference Publication

Mobile devices and information patterns amongst tourists

Karanasios, Stan, Sellitto, Carmine and Burgess, Stephen (2015). Mobile devices and information patterns amongst tourists. ISIC - The Information Behaviour Conference, Leeds, United Kingdom, 2-5 September 2014. Boraas, Sweden: Hoegskolan i Boraas * Bibliotekshoegskolan / University of Boraas, Swedish School of Library and Information Science.

Mobile devices and information patterns amongst tourists


Journal Article

The influence of social media on information sharing and decision making in policing: research in progress

Dunkerley, Emma, Allen, David, Pearman, Alan, Karanasios, Stan and Crump, Jeremy (2014). The influence of social media on information sharing and decision making in policing: research in progress. Information Research: an international electronic journal, 19 (4).

The influence of social media on information sharing and decision making in policing: research in progress


Journal Article

Mobile technology in mobile work: contradictions and congruencies in activity systems

Karanasios, Stan and Allen, David (2014). Mobile technology in mobile work: contradictions and congruencies in activity systems. European Journal of Information Systems, 23 (5), 529-542. doi: 10.1057/ejis.2014.20

Mobile technology in mobile work: contradictions and congruencies in activity systems


Journal Article

Information sharing and interoperability: the case of major incident management

Allen, David K., Karanasios, Stan and Norman, Alistair (2014). Information sharing and interoperability: the case of major incident management. European Journal of Information Systems, 23 (4), 418-432. doi: 10.1057/ejis.2013.8

Information sharing and interoperability: the case of major incident management


Journal Article

Framing ICT4D research using activity theory: a match between the ICT4D field and theory ?

Karanasios, Stan (2014). Framing ICT4D research using activity theory: a match between the ICT4D field and theory ?. Information Technologies and International Development, 10 (2), 1-17.

Framing ICT4D research using activity theory: a match between the ICT4D field and theory ?


Book Chapter

ICT, social impacts of

Thomopoulos, Nikolas and Karanasios, Stan (2014). ICT, social impacts of. Encyclopedia of transportation: social science and policy. (pp. 775-778) edited by Mark Garrett. Thousand Oaks, CA United States: Sage Publications. doi: 10.4135/9781483346526.n276

ICT, social impacts of


Journal Article

Survey of wireless communication technologies for public safety

Baldini, Gianmarco, Karanasios, Stan, Allen, David and Vergari, Fabrizio (2014). Survey of wireless communication technologies for public safety. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 16 (2) 6599064, 619-641. doi: 10.1109/surv.2013.082713.00034

Survey of wireless communication technologies for public safety


Journal Article

Making sense of digital traces: an activity theory driven ontological approach

Karanasios, Stan, Thakker, Dhavalkumar, Lau, Lydia, Allen, David, Dimitrova, Vania and Norman, Alistair (2013). Making sense of digital traces: an activity theory driven ontological approach. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 64 (12), 2452-2467. doi: 10.1002/asi.22935

Making sense of digital traces: an activity theory driven ontological approach


Journal Article

How should technology-mediated organizational change be explained? A comparison of the contributions of critical realism and activity theory

Allen, David K., Brown, Andrew, Karanasios, Stan and Norman, Alistair (2013). How should technology-mediated organizational change be explained? A comparison of the contributions of critical realism and activity theory. MIS Quarterly, 37 (3), 835-854. doi: 10.25300/misq/2013/37.3.08

How should technology-mediated organizational change be explained? A comparison of the contributions of critical realism and activity theory


Journal Article

ICT for development in the context of the closure of Chernobyl nuclear power plant: an activity theory perspective

Karanasios, Stan and Allen, David (2013). ICT for development in the context of the closure of Chernobyl nuclear power plant: an activity theory perspective. Information Systems Journal, 23 (4), 287-306. doi: 10.1111/isj.12011

ICT for development in the context of the closure of Chernobyl nuclear power plant: an activity theory perspective


Journal Article

The evolution of cognitive radio technology in Europe: regulatory and standardization aspects

Baldini, Gianmarco, Holland, Oliver, Stavroulaki, Vera, Tsagkaris, Kostas, Demestichas, Panagiotis, Polydoros, Andreas, Karanasios, Stan and Allen, David (2013). The evolution of cognitive radio technology in Europe: regulatory and standardization aspects. Telecommunications Policy, 37 (2-3), 96-107. doi: 10.1016/j.telpol.2012.07.003

The evolution of cognitive radio technology in Europe: regulatory and standardization aspects


Conference Publication

A conceptual model of intercultural communication: Challenges, development method and achievements

Blanchard, Emmanuel G., Karanasios, Stan and Dimitrova, Vania (2013). A conceptual model of intercultural communication: Challenges, development method and achievements. Workshops at the 16th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, AIED 2013, Memphis, TN, United States, 9-13 July 2013. Aachen, Germany: CEUR-WS.

A conceptual model of intercultural communication: Challenges, development method and achievements


Journal Article

A model of ICDT internet flows on mobile devices for the travel and tourism consumer

Burgess, Stephen, Sellitto, Carmine and Karanasios, Stan (2012). A model of ICDT internet flows on mobile devices for the travel and tourism consumer. Tourism Analysis, 17 (6), 705-719. doi: 10.3727/108354212x13531051127140

A model of ICDT internet flows on mobile devices for the travel and tourism consumer


Conference Publication

Dynamic spectrum access: implications of the diffusion of spectrum sharing technology

Karanasios, Stan, Allen, David K. and Mishra, Jyoti Laxmi (2012). Dynamic spectrum access: implications of the diffusion of spectrum sharing technology. AMCIS 2012, Seattle, WA, United States, 9-12 August 2012. AIS.

Dynamic spectrum access: implications of the diffusion of spectrum sharing technology


Conference Publication

Understanding the role of information systems pilots: Evaluation, legitimization and experimentation

Allen, David K., Karanasios, Stan, Norman, Alistair and Ibrahim, Nurain Hassan (2012). Understanding the role of information systems pilots: Evaluation, legitimization and experimentation. AMCIS 2012, Seattle, WA, United States, 9-12 August 2012. AIS.

Understanding the role of information systems pilots: Evaluation, legitimization and experimentation


Conference Publication

Modeling ill-defined domains using activity theory for semantic augmentation of the social web

Mishra, Jyoti Laxmi, Karanasios, Stan and Thakker, Dhaval (2012). Modeling ill-defined domains using activity theory for semantic augmentation of the social web. AMCIS 2012, Seattle, WA, United States, 9-12 August 2012. AIS.

Modeling ill-defined domains using activity theory for semantic augmentation of the social web


Book Chapter

A classification of mobile tourism applications

Karanasios, Stan, Burgess, Stephen and Sellitto, Carmine (2011). A classification of mobile tourism applications. Global Hospitality and Tourism Management Technologies. (pp. 165-177) IGI Global. doi: 10.4018/978-1-61350-041-5.ch011

A classification of mobile tourism applications


Conference Publication

A priori ontology modularisation in ill-defined domains

Thakker, Dhavalkumar, Dimitrova, Vania, Lau, Lydia, Denaux, Ronald, Karanasios, Stan and Yang-Turner, Fan (2011). A priori ontology modularisation in ill-defined domains. New York, NY, USA: ACM. doi: 10.1145/2063518.2063541

A priori ontology modularisation in ill-defined domains


Journal Article

Working with activity theory: context, technology, and information behavior

Allen, David, Karanasios, Stan and Slavova, Mira (2011). Working with activity theory: context, technology, and information behavior. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 62 (4), 776-788. doi: 10.1002/asi.21441

Working with activity theory: context, technology, and information behavior