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Journal Article

Mining, land restoration and sustainable development in isolated islands: an industrial ecology perspective on extractive transitions on Nauru

Clifford, Martin J., Ali, Saleem H. and Matsubae, Kazuyo (2018). Mining, land restoration and sustainable development in isolated islands: an industrial ecology perspective on extractive transitions on Nauru. Ambio, 48 (4), 397-408. doi: 10.1007/s13280-018-1075-2

Mining, land restoration and sustainable development in isolated islands: an industrial ecology perspective on extractive transitions on Nauru


Journal Article

Estimating the impact of China's export policy on tin prices: a mode decomposition counterfactual analysis method

Zhu, Yongguang, Xu, Deyi, Cheng, Jinhua and Ali, Saleem Hassan (2018). Estimating the impact of China's export policy on tin prices: a mode decomposition counterfactual analysis method. Resources Policy, 59, 250-264. doi: 10.1016/j.resourpol.2018.07.012

Estimating the impact of China's export policy on tin prices: a mode decomposition counterfactual analysis method


Journal Article

Utilizing remote sensing and big data to quantify conflict intensity: The Arab Spring as a case study

Levin, Noam, Ali, Saleem and Crandall, David (2018). Utilizing remote sensing and big data to quantify conflict intensity: The Arab Spring as a case study. Applied Geography, 94, 1-17. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2018.03.001

Utilizing remote sensing and big data to quantify conflict intensity: The Arab Spring as a case study


Journal Article

Peace with Hunger: Colombia's Checkered Experience with Post-Conflict Sustainable Community Development in Emerald-Mining Regions

Franco, Isabel B., de Oliveira, Jose A. Puppim and Ali, Saleem H. (2018). Peace with Hunger: Colombia's Checkered Experience with Post-Conflict Sustainable Community Development in Emerald-Mining Regions. Sustainability, 10 (2) 504, 1-17. doi: 10.3390/su10020504

Peace with Hunger: Colombia's Checkered Experience with Post-Conflict Sustainable Community Development in Emerald-Mining Regions


Journal Article

Blockchain, chain of custody and trace elements: an overview of tracking and traceability opportunities in the gem industry

Cartier, Laurent E., Ali, Saleem H. and Krzemnicki, Michael S. (2018). Blockchain, chain of custody and trace elements: an overview of tracking and traceability opportunities in the gem industry. Journal of Gemmology, 36 (3), 212-227. doi: 10.15506/JoG.2018.36.3.212

Blockchain, chain of custody and trace elements: an overview of tracking and traceability opportunities in the gem industry


Journal Article

Bolivia's lithium frontier: Can public private partnerships deliver a minerals boom for sustainable development?

Hancock, L., Ralph, N. and Ali, S. H. (2017). Bolivia's lithium frontier: Can public private partnerships deliver a minerals boom for sustainable development?. Journal of Cleaner Production, 178, 551-560. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.12.264

Bolivia's lithium frontier: Can public private partnerships deliver a minerals boom for sustainable development?


Journal Article

Energy diplomacy in South Asia: beyond the security paradigm in accessing the TAPI pipeline project

Huda, Mirza Sadaqat and Ali, Saleem H. (2017). Energy diplomacy in South Asia: beyond the security paradigm in accessing the TAPI pipeline project. Energy Research and Social Science, 34, 202-213. doi: 10.1016/j.erss.2017.07.013

Energy diplomacy in South Asia: beyond the security paradigm in accessing the TAPI pipeline project


Journal Article

The Hydro-economics of Mining

Ossa-Moreno, Juan, McIntyre, Neil, Ali, Saleem, Smart, James C.R., Rivera, Diego, Lall, Upmanu and Keir, Greg (2017). The Hydro-economics of Mining. Ecological Economics, 145, 368-379. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2017.11.010

The Hydro-economics of Mining


Journal Article

The peril and promise of resource nationalism: a case analysis of Mongolia's mining development

Ganbold, Misheelt and Ali, Saleem H. (2017). The peril and promise of resource nationalism: a case analysis of Mongolia's mining development. Resources Policy, 53, 1-11. doi: 10.1016/j.resourpol.2017.05.006

The peril and promise of resource nationalism: a case analysis of Mongolia's mining development


Journal Article

The limits of water pricing in a developing country metropolis: empirical lessons from an industrial city of Pakistan

Ahmad, Shabbir, Ali, Saleem H., Mirza, M. Usman and Lotia, Hina (2017). The limits of water pricing in a developing country metropolis: empirical lessons from an industrial city of Pakistan. Water, 9 (7) 533, 533. doi: 10.3390/w9070533

The limits of water pricing in a developing country metropolis: empirical lessons from an industrial city of Pakistan


Journal Article

Mineral supply for sustainable development requires resource governance

Ali, Saleem H., Giurco, Damien, Arndt, Nicholas, Nickless, Edmund, Brown, Graham, Demetriades, Alecos, Durrheim, Ray, Enriquez, Maria Amelia, Kinnaird, Judith, Littleboy, Anna, Meinert, Lawrence D., Oberhansli, Roland, Salem, Janet, Schodde, Richard, Schneider, Gabi, Vidal, Olivier and Yakovleva, Natalia (2017). Mineral supply for sustainable development requires resource governance. Nature, 543 (7645), 367-372. doi: 10.1038/nature21359

Mineral supply for sustainable development requires resource governance


Journal Article

A socio-ecological approach to GIS least-cost modelling for regional mining infrastructure planning: a case study from South-East Sulawesi, Indonesia

Lechner, Alex M., Devi, Bernadette, Schleger, Ashlee, Brown, Greg, McKenna, Phill, Ali, Saleem H., Rachmat, Shanty, Syukril, Muhammad and Rogers, Paul (2017). A socio-ecological approach to GIS least-cost modelling for regional mining infrastructure planning: a case study from South-East Sulawesi, Indonesia. Resources, 6 (1) 7, 7. doi: 10.3390/resources6010007

A socio-ecological approach to GIS least-cost modelling for regional mining infrastructure planning: a case study from South-East Sulawesi, Indonesia


Journal Article

Decentralization, corporate community development and resource governance: a comparative analysis of two mining regions in Colombia

Franco, Isabel B. and Ali, Saleem (2017). Decentralization, corporate community development and resource governance: a comparative analysis of two mining regions in Colombia. Extractive Industries and Society, 4 (1), 111-119. doi: 10.1016/j.exis.2016.12.001

Decentralization, corporate community development and resource governance: a comparative analysis of two mining regions in Colombia


Journal Article

The ecology of diamond sourcing: from mined to synthetic gems as a sustainable transition

Ali, Saleem H. (2016). The ecology of diamond sourcing: from mined to synthetic gems as a sustainable transition. Journal of Bioeconomics, 19 (1), 1-12. doi: 10.1007/s10818-016-9241-8

The ecology of diamond sourcing: from mined to synthetic gems as a sustainable transition


Journal Article

Human health and safety in artisanal and small-scale mining: an integrated approach to risk mitigation

Smith, Nicole M., Ali, Saleem, Bofinger, Carmel and Collins, Nina (2016). Human health and safety in artisanal and small-scale mining: an integrated approach to risk mitigation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 129 (129), 43-52. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.04.124

Human health and safety in artisanal and small-scale mining: an integrated approach to risk mitigation


Journal Article

Interim report from the field: reconciling Islamic ethics, fossil fuel dependence, and climate change in the middle east

Ali, Saleem H. (2016). Interim report from the field: reconciling Islamic ethics, fossil fuel dependence, and climate change in the middle east. Review of Middle East Studies, 50 (2), 172-178. doi: 10.1017/rms.2016.135

Interim report from the field: reconciling Islamic ethics, fossil fuel dependence, and climate change in the middle east


Journal Article

Transparency in global environmental governance: critical perspectives

Ali, Saleem H. (2016). Transparency in global environmental governance: critical perspectives. International Studies Review, 18 (2), 402-403. doi: 10.1093/isr/viw023

Transparency in global environmental governance: critical perspectives


Journal Article

Sustainability certification schemes: evaluating their effectiveness and adaptability

Mori Junior, Renzo, Franks, Daniel M. and Ali, Saleem H. (2016). Sustainability certification schemes: evaluating their effectiveness and adaptability. Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, 16 (3), 579-592. doi: 10.1108/CG-03-2016-0066

Sustainability certification schemes: evaluating their effectiveness and adaptability


Journal Article

Have you been to ‘The Arctic’? Frame theory and the role of media coverage in shaping Arctic discourse

Pincus, Rebecca and Ali, Saleem H. (2016). Have you been to ‘The Arctic’? Frame theory and the role of media coverage in shaping Arctic discourse. Polar Geography, 39 (2), 83-97. doi: 10.1080/1088937X.2016.1184722

Have you been to ‘The Arctic’? Frame theory and the role of media coverage in shaping Arctic discourse


Journal Article

Mineral resources and localised development: Q-methodology for rapid assessment of socioeconomic impacts in Rwanda

Weldegiorgis, Fitsum S. and Ali, Saleem H. (2016). Mineral resources and localised development: Q-methodology for rapid assessment of socioeconomic impacts in Rwanda. Resources Policy, 49, 1-11. doi: 10.1016/j.resourpol.2016.03.006

Mineral resources and localised development: Q-methodology for rapid assessment of socioeconomic impacts in Rwanda