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Journal Article

Intensification options in cereal-legume production systems generate trade-offs between sustainability pillars for farm households in northern Morocco

El Ansari, Loubna, Chenoune, Roza, Yigezu, Yigezu A., Komarek, Adam M., Gary, Christian and Belhouchette, Hatem (2023). Intensification options in cereal-legume production systems generate trade-offs between sustainability pillars for farm households in northern Morocco. Agricultural Systems, 212 103769, 103769. doi: 10.1016/j.agsy.2023.103769

Intensification options in cereal-legume production systems generate trade-offs between sustainability pillars for farm households in northern Morocco


Journal Article

Progress towards healthy diets remains slow

Komarek, Adam M. (2023). Progress towards healthy diets remains slow. Nature Food, 4 (11), 937-938. doi: 10.1038/s43016-023-00862-2

Progress towards healthy diets remains slow


Journal Article

A framework for the assessment of farm diversification options in broadacre agriculture

Adhikari, Lipy, Komarek, Adam M., de Voil, Peter and Rodriguez, Daniel (2023). A framework for the assessment of farm diversification options in broadacre agriculture. Agricultural Systems, 210 103724, 1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.agsy.2023.103724

A framework for the assessment of farm diversification options in broadacre agriculture


Journal Article

China’s growing influence in the global carrageenan industry and implications for Indonesia

Zhang, Jing, Waldron, Scott, Langford, Zannie, Julianto, Boedi and Komarek, Adam Martin (2023). China’s growing influence in the global carrageenan industry and implications for Indonesia. Journal of Applied Phycology, 36 (2), 1-22. doi: 10.1007/s10811-023-03004-0

China’s growing influence in the global carrageenan industry and implications for Indonesia


Journal Article

The cost of diversity in livestock feed rations

Komarek, Adam M., Robinson, Sherman and Mason-D’Croz, Daniel (2022). The cost of diversity in livestock feed rations. PLoS One, 17 (11) e0277817, 1-15. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0277817

The cost of diversity in livestock feed rations


Journal Article

High-yield dairy cattle breeds improve farmer incomes, curtail greenhouse gas emissions and reduce dairy import dependency in Tanzania

Hawkins, James W., Komarek, Adam M., Kihoro, Esther M., Nicholson, Charles F., Omore, Amos O., Yesuf, Gabriel U., Ericksen, Polly J., Schoneveld, George C. and Rufino, Mariana C. (2022). High-yield dairy cattle breeds improve farmer incomes, curtail greenhouse gas emissions and reduce dairy import dependency in Tanzania. Nature Food, 3 (11), 957-967. doi: 10.1038/s43016-022-00633-5

High-yield dairy cattle breeds improve farmer incomes, curtail greenhouse gas emissions and reduce dairy import dependency in Tanzania


Journal Article

Household livelihood diversification in rural Africa

Musumba, Mark, Palm, Cheryl A., Komarek, Adam M., Mutuo, Patrick K. and Kaya, Bocary (2022). Household livelihood diversification in rural Africa. Agricultural Economics, 53 (2), 246-256. doi: 10.1111/agec.12694

Household livelihood diversification in rural Africa


Journal Article

Trade-offs and synergies associated with maize leaf stripping within crop-livestock systems in northern Ghana

Komarek, Adam M., Abdul Rahman, Nurudeen, Bandyopadhyay, Arkadeep, Kizito, Fred, Koo, Jawoo and Addah, Weseh (2021). Trade-offs and synergies associated with maize leaf stripping within crop-livestock systems in northern Ghana. Agricultural Systems, 193 103206, 1-13. doi: 10.1016/j.agsy.2021.103206

Trade-offs and synergies associated with maize leaf stripping within crop-livestock systems in northern Ghana


Journal Article

Quantitative assessment of agricultural sustainability reveals divergent priorities among nations

Zhang, Xin, Yao, Guolin, Vishwakarma, Srishti, Dalin, Carole, Komarek, Adam M., Kanter, David R., Davis, Kyle Frankel, Pfeifer, Kimberly, Zhao, Jing, Zou, Tan, D'Odorico, Paolo, Folberth, Christian, Rodriguez, Fernando Galeana, Fanzo, Jessica, Rosa, Lorenzo, Dennison, William, Musumba, Mark, Heyman, Amy and Davidson, Eric A. (2021). Quantitative assessment of agricultural sustainability reveals divergent priorities among nations. One Earth, 4 (9), 1262-1277. doi: 10.1016/j.oneear.2021.08.015

Quantitative assessment of agricultural sustainability reveals divergent priorities among nations


Journal Article

Income, consumer preferences, and the future of livestock-derived food demand

Komarek, Adam M., Dunston, Shahnila, Enahoro, Dolapo, Godfray, H. Charles J., Herrero, Mario, Mason-D'Croz, Daniel, Rich, Karl M., Scarborough, Peter, Springmann, Marco, Sulser, Timothy B., Wiebe, Keith and Willenbockel, Dirk (2021). Income, consumer preferences, and the future of livestock-derived food demand. Global Environmental Change, 70 102343, 1-11. doi: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2021.102343

Income, consumer preferences, and the future of livestock-derived food demand


Journal Article

Conservation agriculture improves adaptive capacity of cropping systems to climate stress in Malawi

Komarek, Adam M., Thierfelder, Christian and Steward, Peter R. (2021). Conservation agriculture improves adaptive capacity of cropping systems to climate stress in Malawi. Agricultural Systems, 190 103117, 103117. doi: 10.1016/j.agsy.2021.103117

Conservation agriculture improves adaptive capacity of cropping systems to climate stress in Malawi


Journal Article

The Top 100 questions for the sustainable intensification of agriculture in India’s rainfed drylands

Pervez Bharucha, Zareen, Attwood, Simon, Badiger, Shrinivas, Balamatti, Arun, Bawden, Richard, Bentley, Jeffery W., Chander, Mahesh, Davies, Leonora, Dixon, Harry, Dixon, John, D’Souza, Marcella, Butler Flora, Cornelia, Green, Michael, Joshi, Deepa, Komarek, Adam M., Ruth McDermid, Lesley, Mathijs, Erik, Rola, Agnes C., Patnaik, Sasmita, Pattanayak, Sandip, Pingali, Prabhu, Vara Prasad, V. P., Rabbinge, Rudy, Ramanjaneyulu, G. V., Ravindranath, N. H., Sage, Colin, Saha, Amrita, Salvatore, Ceccarelli, Patnaik Saxena, Lopamudra ... Pretty, Jules (2020). The Top 100 questions for the sustainable intensification of agriculture in India’s rainfed drylands. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 19 (2), 1-22. doi: 10.1080/14735903.2020.1830530

The Top 100 questions for the sustainable intensification of agriculture in India’s rainfed drylands


Journal Article

CGIAR modeling approaches for resource-constrained scenarios: II. Models for analyzing socioeconomic factors to improve policy recommendations

Kruseman, Gideon, Bairagi, Subir, Komarek, Adam M., Molero Milan, Anabel, Swamikannu, Nedumaran, Petsakos, Athanasios, Prager, Steven and Yigezu, Yigezu A. (2020). CGIAR modeling approaches for resource-constrained scenarios: II. Models for analyzing socioeconomic factors to improve policy recommendations. Crop Science, 60 (2), 568-581. doi: 10.1002/csc2.20114

CGIAR modeling approaches for resource-constrained scenarios: II. Models for analyzing socioeconomic factors to improve policy recommendations


Journal Article

A review of types of risks in agriculture: What we know and what we need to know

Komarek, Adam M., De Pinto, Alessandro and Smith, Vincent H. (2020). A review of types of risks in agriculture: What we know and what we need to know. Agricultural Systems, 178 102738, 102738. doi: 10.1016/j.agsy.2019.102738

A review of types of risks in agriculture: What we know and what we need to know


Journal Article

Economywide effects of climate-smart agriculture in Ethiopia

Komarek, Adam M., Thurlow, James, Koo, Jawoo and De Pinto, Alessandro (2019). Economywide effects of climate-smart agriculture in Ethiopia. Agricultural Economics, 50 (6), 765-778. doi: 10.1111/agec.12523

Economywide effects of climate-smart agriculture in Ethiopia


Journal Article

Effect of changes in population density and crop productivity on farm households in Malawi

Komarek, Adam M. and Msangi, Siwa (2019). Effect of changes in population density and crop productivity on farm households in Malawi. Agricultural Economics, 50 (5), 615-628. doi: 10.1111/agec.12513

Effect of changes in population density and crop productivity on farm households in Malawi


Journal Article

A model to examine farm household trade-offs and synergies with an application to smallholders in Vietnam

Ditzler, Lenora, Komarek, Adam M., Chiang, Tsai-Wei, Alvarez, Stephanie, Chatterjee, Shantonu Abe, Timler, Carl, Raneri, Jessica E., Carmona, Natalia Estrada, Kennedy, Gina and Groot, Jeroen C. J. (2019). A model to examine farm household trade-offs and synergies with an application to smallholders in Vietnam. Agricultural Systems, 173, 49-63. doi: 10.1016/j.agsy.2019.02.008

A model to examine farm household trade-offs and synergies with an application to smallholders in Vietnam


Journal Article

From plot to scale: ex-ante assessment of conservation agriculture in Zambia

Komarek, Adam M., Kwon, Hoyoung, Haile, Beliyou, Thierfelder, Christian, Mutenje, Munyaradzi J. and Azzarri, Carlo (2019). From plot to scale: ex-ante assessment of conservation agriculture in Zambia. Agricultural Systems, 173, 504-518. doi: 10.1016/j.agsy.2019.04.001

From plot to scale: ex-ante assessment of conservation agriculture in Zambia


Journal Article

Spatially-explicit effects of seed and fertilizer intensification for maize in Tanzania

Komarek, Adam M., Koo, Jawoo, Wood-Sichra, Ulrike and You, Liangzhi (2018). Spatially-explicit effects of seed and fertilizer intensification for maize in Tanzania. Land Use Policy, 78, 158-165. doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2018.06.033

Spatially-explicit effects of seed and fertilizer intensification for maize in Tanzania


Journal Article

Conservation agriculture in western China increases productivity and profits without decreasing resilience

Komarek, Adam M. (2018). Conservation agriculture in western China increases productivity and profits without decreasing resilience. Food Security, 10 (5), 1251-1262. doi: 10.1007/s12571-018-0833-0

Conservation agriculture in western China increases productivity and profits without decreasing resilience