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Journal Article

Routine dynamics: organizing in a world in flux

Mahringer, Christian A., Pentland, Brian T., Renzl, Birgit, Sele, Kathrin and Spee, Paul (2024). Routine dynamics: organizing in a world in flux. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 88, 1-15. doi: 10.1108/S0733-558X20240000088001

Routine dynamics: organizing in a world in flux


Journal Article

Routine formation as a layered process

Spee, Paul, Kho, Joanna, Jenkins, Anna and Jarzabkowski, Paula (2024). Routine formation as a layered process. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 88, 203-220. doi: 10.1108/s0733-558x20240000088010

Routine formation as a layered process


Journal Article

Greatest good for the greatest number – the role of managers’ ethical meaning-making and subjective wellbeing complexity

Mishra, Archana, Newey, Lance and Spee, Paul (2024). Greatest good for the greatest number – the role of managers’ ethical meaning-making and subjective wellbeing complexity. Journal of Business Ethics, 1-23. doi: 10.1007/s10551-024-05748-2

Greatest good for the greatest number – the role of managers’ ethical meaning-making and subjective wellbeing complexity


Journal Article

Walking the tightrope of academic and practitioner expectations in field research

Harvey, William S. and Spee, Andreas Paul (2023). Walking the tightrope of academic and practitioner expectations in field research. Management Learning. doi: 10.1177/13505076231213176

Walking the tightrope of academic and practitioner expectations in field research


Journal Article

Insights for Organizational Scholarship from Documentaries on the Australian ‘Black Summer’ Bushfires

Fourie, Jaco, Höllerer, Markus A., Dwyer, Graham and Spee, Paul (2023). Insights for Organizational Scholarship from Documentaries on the Australian ‘Black Summer’ Bushfires. Organization Studies, 45 (3), 479-482. doi: 10.1177/01708406231182766

Insights for Organizational Scholarship from Documentaries on the Australian ‘Black Summer’ Bushfires


Journal Article

Reassessing moral legitimacy in times of instability

Anesa, Mattia, Spee, Andreas Paul, Gillespie, Nicole and Petani, Fabio James (2022). Reassessing moral legitimacy in times of instability. Journal of Management Studies, 61 (3), 857-887. doi: 10.1111/joms.12889

Reassessing moral legitimacy in times of instability


Journal Article

On practice and institution

Lounsbury, Michael, Anderson, Deborah A. and Spee, Paul (2021). On practice and institution. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 70, 1-28. doi: 10.1108/s0733-558x20200000070011

On practice and institution


Journal Article

An integrative approach to investigating longstanding organisational phenomena; opportunities for practice theorists and historians

Jarzabkowski, Paula, Bednarek, Rebecca, Kilminster, Wendy and Spee, Paul (2021). An integrative approach to investigating longstanding organisational phenomena; opportunities for practice theorists and historians. Business History, 65 (3), 1-9. doi: 10.1080/00076791.2021.1906227

An integrative approach to investigating longstanding organisational phenomena; opportunities for practice theorists and historians


Journal Article

Dynamic capabilities?: unleashing their dynamics through a practice perspective on organizational routines

Wenzel, Matthias, Danner-Schröder, Anja and Spee, A. Paul (2020). Dynamic capabilities?: unleashing their dynamics through a practice perspective on organizational routines. Journal of Management Inquiry, 30 (4), 105649262091654-406. doi: 10.1177/1056492620916549

Dynamic capabilities?: unleashing their dynamics through a practice perspective on organizational routines


Journal Article

Enacting relational expertise to change professional routines in technology-mediated service settings

Kho, Joanna, Spee, Andreas Paul and Gillespie, Nicole (2019). Enacting relational expertise to change professional routines in technology-mediated service settings. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 61, 191-213. doi: 10.1108/s0733-558x20190000061010

Enacting relational expertise to change professional routines in technology-mediated service settings


Journal Article

Practicing capitals across fields: extending Bourdieu to study inter-field dynamics

Anesa, Mattia, Chalkias, Konstantinos, Jarzabkowski, Paula and Spee, Andreas Paul (2019). Practicing capitals across fields: extending Bourdieu to study inter-field dynamics. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 65B, 129-142. doi: 10.1108/s0733-558x2019000065b010

Practicing capitals across fields: extending Bourdieu to study inter-field dynamics


Journal Article

The legitimation of corporate tax minimization

Anesa, Mattia, Gillespie, Nicole, Spee, A. Paul and Sadiq, Kerrie (2019). The legitimation of corporate tax minimization. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 75, 17-39. doi: 10.1016/j.aos.2018.10.004

The legitimation of corporate tax minimization


Journal Article

Agreeing on what? Creating joint accounts of strategic change

Spee, Paul and Jarzabkowski, Paula (2017). Agreeing on what? Creating joint accounts of strategic change. Organization Science, 28 (1), 152-176. doi: 10.1287/orsc.2016.1105

Agreeing on what? Creating joint accounts of strategic change


Journal Article

The influence of routine interdependence and skillful accomplishment on the coordination of standardizing and customizing

Spee, Paul, Jarzabkowski, Paula and Smets, Michael (2016). The influence of routine interdependence and skillful accomplishment on the coordination of standardizing and customizing. Organization Science, 27 (3), 759-781. doi: 10.1287/orsc.2016.1050

The influence of routine interdependence and skillful accomplishment on the coordination of standardizing and customizing


Journal Article

Reinsurance Trading in Lloyd's of London: balancing conflicting-yet-complementary logics in practice

Smets, Michael, Jarzabkowski, Paula, Burke, Gary T. and Spee, Paul (2015). Reinsurance Trading in Lloyd's of London: balancing conflicting-yet-complementary logics in practice. Academy of Management Journal, 58 (3), 932-970. doi: 10.5465/amj.2012.0638

Reinsurance Trading in Lloyd's of London: balancing conflicting-yet-complementary logics in practice


Journal Article

Constructing spaces for strategic work: a multimodal perspective

Jarzabkowski, Paula, Burke, Gary and Spee, Paul (2015). Constructing spaces for strategic work: a multimodal perspective. British Journal of Management, 26 (Supplement S1), S26-S47. doi: 10.1111/1467-8551.12082

Constructing spaces for strategic work: a multimodal perspective


Journal Article

Charting new territory for organizational ethnography: insights from a team-based video ethnography

Smets, Michael, Burke, Gary, Jarzabkowski, Paula and Spee, Paul (2014). Charting new territory for organizational ethnography: insights from a team-based video ethnography. Journal of Organizational Ethnography, 3 (1), 10-26. doi: 10.1108/JOE-12-2012-0056

Charting new territory for organizational ethnography: insights from a team-based video ethnography


Journal Article

Material artifacts: practices for doing strategy with 'stuff'

Jarzabkowski, Paula, Spee, Andreas Paul and Smets, Michael (2013). Material artifacts: practices for doing strategy with 'stuff'. European Management Journal, 31 (1), 41-54. doi: 10.1016/j.emj.2012.09.001

Material artifacts: practices for doing strategy with 'stuff'


Journal Article

Institutional ambidexterity: leveraging institutional complexity in practice

Jarzabkowski, Paula, Smets, Michael, Bednarek, Rebecca, Burke, Gary and Spee, Paul (2013). Institutional ambidexterity: leveraging institutional complexity in practice. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 39 B, 37-61. doi: 10.1108/S0733-558X(2013)0039AB015

Institutional ambidexterity: leveraging institutional complexity in practice


Journal Article

Strategic planning as communicative process

Spee, A. Paul and Jarzabkowski, Paula (2011). Strategic planning as communicative process. Organization Studies, 32 (9), 1217-1245. doi: 10.1177/0170840611411387

Strategic planning as communicative process