2021 Other Outputs Computational in vivo tissue characterisation for multi-contrast high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging dataShaw, Thomas (2021). Computational in vivo tissue characterisation for multi-contrast high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging data. PhD Thesis, Queensland Brain Institute, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/ae6e21a |
2019 Other Outputs Accounting for variability in the efficacy of tDCS with cortical structure and neurochemicalsFilmer, Hannah L, Ehrhardt, Shane E, Bollmann, Saskia, Shaw, Thomas B, Mattingley, Jason B and Dux, Paul E (2019). Accounting for variability in the efficacy of tDCS with cortical structure and neurochemicals. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.14264/uql.2019.12 |