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Other Outputs

Computational in vivo tissue characterisation for multi-contrast high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging data

Shaw, Thomas (2021). Computational in vivo tissue characterisation for multi-contrast high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging data. PhD Thesis, Queensland Brain Institute, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/ae6e21a

Computational in vivo tissue characterisation for multi-contrast high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging data


Other Outputs

Accounting for variability in the efficacy of tDCS with cortical structure and neurochemicals

Filmer, Hannah L, Ehrhardt, Shane E, Bollmann, Saskia, Shaw, Thomas B, Mattingley, Jason B and Dux, Paul E (2019). Accounting for variability in the efficacy of tDCS with cortical structure and neurochemicals. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.14264/uql.2019.12

Accounting for variability in the efficacy of tDCS with cortical structure and neurochemicals