2023 Book Internet-ontologies-things: Smart objects, hidden problems, and their symmetriesAhn, Sungyong (2023). Internet-ontologies-things: Smart objects, hidden problems, and their symmetries. New York, NY United States: Bloomsbury Publishing. doi: 10.5040/9781501399275 |
2023 Book Internet-ontologies-things: smart objects, hidden problems, and their symmetriesAhn, Sungyong (2023). Internet-ontologies-things: smart objects, hidden problems, and their symmetries. London, United Kingdom: Bloomsbury Academic. |
2023 Journal Article On That Toy-Being of Generative Art ToysAhn, Sungyong (2023). On That Toy-Being of Generative Art Toys. M/C Journal, 26 (2). doi: 10.5204/mcj.2947 |
2022 Journal Article ‘Take Care of Stray Cats’: biopolitical life ethics and its cosmopolitical countermethodAhn, Sungyong (2022). ‘Take Care of Stray Cats’: biopolitical life ethics and its cosmopolitical countermethod. Journal of Cultural Economy, 16 (1), 1-16. doi: 10.1080/17530350.2022.2098516 |
2021 Journal Article Stream your brain! Speculative economy of the IoT and its pan-kinetic dataveillanceAhn, Sungyong (2021). Stream your brain! Speculative economy of the IoT and its pan-kinetic dataveillance. Big Data and Society, 8 (2), 205395172110519. doi: 10.1177/20539517211051973 |
2021 Journal Article Symmetrifying smart home: topological power and the new governmentality of the internet of thingsAhn, Sungyong (2021). Symmetrifying smart home: topological power and the new governmentality of the internet of things. Media Theory, 5 (1), 89-114. |
2019 Journal Article Bartleby, the IoT, and flat ontology: how ontology is written in the age of ubiquitous computingAhn, Sungyong (2019). Bartleby, the IoT, and flat ontology: how ontology is written in the age of ubiquitous computing. Postmodern Culture, 29 (3). doi: 10.1353/pmc.2019.0013 |
2019 Journal Article From theater to laboratory: two regimes of apparatus in the material assemblages of media cultureAhn, Sungyong (2019). From theater to laboratory: two regimes of apparatus in the material assemblages of media culture. Journal of Aesthetics and Culture, 11 (1) 1562851, 1-14. doi: 10.1080/20004214.2018.1562851 |
2019 Journal Article Found footage and the speculative economy of attentionAhn, Sungyong (2019). Found footage and the speculative economy of attention. International Journal of Communication, 13, 5967-5985. |
2018 Journal Article Shooting a metastable object: targeting as trigger for the actor-network in the open-world videogamesAhn, Sungyong (2018). Shooting a metastable object: targeting as trigger for the actor-network in the open-world videogames. Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 15 (3), 213-231. doi: 10.1080/14791420.2018.1494386 |
2016 Journal Article Becoming a network beyond boundaries: Brain-Machine Interfaces (BMIs) as the actor-networks after the internet of thingsAhn, Sungyong (2016). Becoming a network beyond boundaries: Brain-Machine Interfaces (BMIs) as the actor-networks after the internet of things. Technology in Society, 47, 49-59. doi: 10.1016/j.techsoc.2016.08.003 |
2016 Journal Article A geological theory of the convergence cultureAhn, Sungyong (2016). A geological theory of the convergence culture. Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication, 7 (2), 205-224. doi: 10.1386/ejpc.7.2.205_1 |
2013 Journal Article 뉴미디어의 정치경제학: 영화의 발명과 감각의 경제 (Political Economy of New Media: the invention of cinema and the economy of senses)Ahn, Sungyong (2013). 뉴미디어의 정치경제학: 영화의 발명과 감각의 경제 (Political Economy of New Media: the invention of cinema and the economy of senses). 미디어, 젠더 & 문화 (Media, Gender & Culture), 28, 43-70. |
2013 Journal Article Cinematic innervation: the intuitive form of perception in the distracted perceptual fieldAhn, Sungyong (2013). Cinematic innervation: the intuitive form of perception in the distracted perceptual field. Journal of Aesthetics and Culture, 5 (1), 1-20. doi: 10.3402/jac.v5i0.21681 |
2012 Journal Article 영화적 서사와 이미지경제의 역사적 관계에 대하여: 아피찻퐁의 <정오의 낯선 물체>가 제기한 질문들 (On the Historical Relation between Cinematic Narrative and Image Economy: The Questions Raised by Mysterious Objet at Noon)Ahn, Sungyong (2012). 영화적 서사와 이미지경제의 역사적 관계에 대하여: 아피찻퐁의 <정오의 낯선 물체>가 제기한 질문들 (On the Historical Relation between Cinematic Narrative and Image Economy: The Questions Raised by Mysterious Objet at Noon). 영상예술연구 (Journal of the Association of Image & Film Studies), 20, 63-94. |
2011 Journal Article 인지기계: 영화이론과 지각의 문제틀 (The Cognition Machine: Film Theories and Problématique of Perception)Ahn, Sungyong (2011). 인지기계: 영화이론과 지각의 문제틀 (The Cognition Machine: Film Theories and Problématique of Perception). 영상예술연구 (Journal of the Association of Image & Film Studies). |