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Internet-ontologies-things: Smart objects, hidden problems, and their symmetries

Ahn, Sungyong (2023). Internet-ontologies-things: Smart objects, hidden problems, and their symmetries. New York, NY United States: Bloomsbury Publishing. doi: 10.5040/9781501399275

Internet-ontologies-things: Smart objects, hidden problems, and their symmetries



Internet-ontologies-things: smart objects, hidden problems, and their symmetries

Ahn, Sungyong (2023). Internet-ontologies-things: smart objects, hidden problems, and their symmetries. London, United Kingdom: Bloomsbury Academic.

Internet-ontologies-things: smart objects, hidden problems, and their symmetries


Journal Article

On That Toy-Being of Generative Art Toys

Ahn, Sungyong (2023). On That Toy-Being of Generative Art Toys. M/C Journal, 26 (2). doi: 10.5204/mcj.2947

On That Toy-Being of Generative Art Toys


Journal Article

‘Take Care of Stray Cats’: biopolitical life ethics and its cosmopolitical countermethod

Ahn, Sungyong (2022). ‘Take Care of Stray Cats’: biopolitical life ethics and its cosmopolitical countermethod. Journal of Cultural Economy, 16 (1), 1-16. doi: 10.1080/17530350.2022.2098516

‘Take Care of Stray Cats’: biopolitical life ethics and its cosmopolitical countermethod


Journal Article

Stream your brain! Speculative economy of the IoT and its pan-kinetic dataveillance

Ahn, Sungyong (2021). Stream your brain! Speculative economy of the IoT and its pan-kinetic dataveillance. Big Data and Society, 8 (2), 205395172110519. doi: 10.1177/20539517211051973

Stream your brain! Speculative economy of the IoT and its pan-kinetic dataveillance


Journal Article

Symmetrifying smart home: topological power and the new governmentality of the internet of things

Ahn, Sungyong (2021). Symmetrifying smart home: topological power and the new governmentality of the internet of things. Media Theory, 5 (1), 89-114.

Symmetrifying smart home: topological power and the new governmentality of the internet of things


Journal Article

Bartleby, the IoT, and flat ontology: how ontology is written in the age of ubiquitous computing

Ahn, Sungyong (2019). Bartleby, the IoT, and flat ontology: how ontology is written in the age of ubiquitous computing. Postmodern Culture, 29 (3). doi: 10.1353/pmc.2019.0013

Bartleby, the IoT, and flat ontology: how ontology is written in the age of ubiquitous computing


Journal Article

From theater to laboratory: two regimes of apparatus in the material assemblages of media culture

Ahn, Sungyong (2019). From theater to laboratory: two regimes of apparatus in the material assemblages of media culture. Journal of Aesthetics and Culture, 11 (1) 1562851, 1-14. doi: 10.1080/20004214.2018.1562851

From theater to laboratory: two regimes of apparatus in the material assemblages of media culture


Journal Article

Found footage and the speculative economy of attention

Ahn, Sungyong (2019). Found footage and the speculative economy of attention. International Journal of Communication, 13, 5967-5985.

Found footage and the speculative economy of attention


Journal Article

Shooting a metastable object: targeting as trigger for the actor-network in the open-world videogames

Ahn, Sungyong (2018). Shooting a metastable object: targeting as trigger for the actor-network in the open-world videogames. Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 15 (3), 213-231. doi: 10.1080/14791420.2018.1494386

Shooting a metastable object: targeting as trigger for the actor-network in the open-world videogames


Journal Article

Becoming a network beyond boundaries: Brain-Machine Interfaces (BMIs) as the actor-networks after the internet of things

Ahn, Sungyong (2016). Becoming a network beyond boundaries: Brain-Machine Interfaces (BMIs) as the actor-networks after the internet of things. Technology in Society, 47, 49-59. doi: 10.1016/j.techsoc.2016.08.003

Becoming a network beyond boundaries: Brain-Machine Interfaces (BMIs) as the actor-networks after the internet of things


Journal Article

A geological theory of the convergence culture

Ahn, Sungyong (2016). A geological theory of the convergence culture. Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication, 7 (2), 205-224. doi: 10.1386/ejpc.7.2.205_1

A geological theory of the convergence culture


Journal Article

뉴미디어의 정치경제학: 영화의 발명과 감각의 경제 (Political Economy of New Media: the invention of cinema and the economy of senses)

Ahn, Sungyong (2013). 뉴미디어의 정치경제학: 영화의 발명과 감각의 경제 (Political Economy of New Media: the invention of cinema and the economy of senses). 미디어, 젠더 & 문화 (Media, Gender & Culture), 28, 43-70.

뉴미디어의 정치경제학: 영화의 발명과 감각의 경제 (Political Economy of New Media: the invention of cinema and the economy of senses)


Journal Article

Cinematic innervation: the intuitive form of perception in the distracted perceptual field

Ahn, Sungyong (2013). Cinematic innervation: the intuitive form of perception in the distracted perceptual field. Journal of Aesthetics and Culture, 5 (1), 1-20. doi: 10.3402/jac.v5i0.21681

Cinematic innervation: the intuitive form of perception in the distracted perceptual field


Journal Article

영화적 서사와 이미지경제의 역사적 관계에 대하여: 아피찻퐁의 <정오의 낯선 물체>가 제기한 질문들 (On the Historical Relation between Cinematic Narrative and Image Economy: The Questions Raised by Mysterious Objet at Noon)

Ahn, Sungyong (2012). 영화적 서사와 이미지경제의 역사적 관계에 대하여: 아피찻퐁의 <정오의 낯선 물체>가 제기한 질문들 (On the Historical Relation between Cinematic Narrative and Image Economy: The Questions Raised by Mysterious Objet at Noon). 영상예술연구 (Journal of the Association of Image & Film Studies), 20, 63-94.

영화적 서사와 이미지경제의 역사적 관계에 대하여: 아피찻퐁의 <정오의 낯선 물체>가 제기한 질문들 (On the Historical Relation between Cinematic Narrative and Image Economy: The Questions Raised by Mysterious Objet at Noon)


Journal Article

인지기계: 영화이론과 지각의 문제틀 (The Cognition Machine: Film Theories and Problématique of Perception)

Ahn, Sungyong (2011). 인지기계: 영화이론과 지각의 문제틀 (The Cognition Machine: Film Theories and Problématique of Perception). 영상예술연구 (Journal of the Association of Image & Film Studies).

인지기계: 영화이론과 지각의 문제틀 (The Cognition Machine: Film Theories and Problématique of Perception)