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Book Chapter

IUCN/WCPA protected areas program: making space for people and biodiversity in the anthropocene

Enkerlin-Hoeflich, Ernesto C., Sandwith, Trevor, MacKinnon, Kathy, Allen, Diana, Andrade, Angela, Badman, Tim, Bueno, Paula, Campbell, Kathryn, Ervin, Jamison, Laffoley, Dan, Hay-Edie, Terence, Hockings, Marc, Johansson, Stig, Keenleyside, Karen, Langhammer, Penny, Mueller, Eduard, Vierros, Marjo, Welling, Leigh, Woodley, Stephen and Dudley, Nigel (2015). IUCN/WCPA protected areas program: making space for people and biodiversity in the anthropocene. Earth stewardship, ecology and ethics 2. (pp. 339-350) edited by Ricardo Rozzi, F. Stuart Chapin III, J. Baird Callicott, S. T. A. Pickett, Mary E. Power, Juan J. Armesto and Roy H. May Jr.. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-12133-8_22

IUCN/WCPA protected areas program: making space for people and biodiversity in the anthropocene


Journal Article

Community and park manager's perceptions of protected area management: a southeast Queensland study

Tanner-McAllister, S. L., Rhodes, J. R. and Hockings, M. (2014). Community and park manager's perceptions of protected area management: a southeast Queensland study. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 21 (3), 320-336. doi: 10.1080/14486563.2014.932720

Community and park manager's perceptions of protected area management: a southeast Queensland study


Journal Article

Measuring the accuracy of management effectiveness evaluations of protected areas

Cook, Carly N., Carter, R.W. (Bill) and Hockings, Marc (2014). Measuring the accuracy of management effectiveness evaluations of protected areas. Journal of Environmental Management, 139, 164-171. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2014.02.023

Measuring the accuracy of management effectiveness evaluations of protected areas


Other Outputs

Fish habitat connectivity case study: Lower Fitzroy River basin. Review of coastal ecosystem management to improve the health and resilience of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area

Holmes, Glen, McGrath, Chris, Larsen, Josh, Hockings, Marc and Moss, Patrick T. (2014). Fish habitat connectivity case study: Lower Fitzroy River basin. Review of coastal ecosystem management to improve the health and resilience of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. Townsville, QLD, Australia: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority.

Fish habitat connectivity case study: Lower Fitzroy River basin. Review of coastal ecosystem management to improve the health and resilience of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area


Journal Article

Implementing value chain analysis to investigate drivers and sustainability of Cape Town's informal economy of wild-harvested traditional medicine

Petersen. L. M., Moll, E. J., Hockings, M. T. and Collins, R. J. (2014). Implementing value chain analysis to investigate drivers and sustainability of Cape Town's informal economy of wild-harvested traditional medicine. Local Environment, 20 (9), 1040-1061. doi: 10.1080/13549839.2014.887667

Implementing value chain analysis to investigate drivers and sustainability of Cape Town's informal economy of wild-harvested traditional medicine


Other Outputs

Independent assessment of management effectiveness for the Great Barrier Reef: outlook report 2014

Hockings, Marc, Leverington, Andrea, Trinder, Colin and Polglaze, John (2014). Independent assessment of management effectiveness for the Great Barrier Reef: outlook report 2014. Townsville, QLD, Australia: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority.

Independent assessment of management effectiveness for the Great Barrier Reef: outlook report 2014


Journal Article

How accurate is the local ecological knowledge of protected area practitioners?

Cook, Carly N., Wardell-Johnson, Grant, Carter, R. W. and Hockings, Marc (2014). How accurate is the local ecological knowledge of protected area practitioners?. Ecology and Society, 19 (2) 32. doi: 10.5751/ES-06341-190232

How accurate is the local ecological knowledge of protected area practitioners?


Journal Article

The Promise of Sydney: an editorial essay

Sandwith, Trevor, Enkerlin, Ernesto, MacKinnon, Kathy, Allen, Diana, Andrade, Ange;a, Badman, Tim, Brooks, Tom, Bueno, Paula, Campbell, Kathryn, Ervin, Jamison, Laffoley, Dan, Hay-Edie, Terence, Hockings, Marc, Johansson, Stig, Keenleyside, Karen, Langhammer, Penny, Mueller, Eduard, Smith, Tanya, Vierros, Marjo, Welling, Leigh, Woodley, Stephen and Dudley, Nigel (2014). The Promise of Sydney: an editorial essay. Parks: The International Journal for Protected Area Managers, 20 (1), 7-18. doi: 10.2305/IUCN.CH.2014.PARKS-20-1.TS.en

The Promise of Sydney: an editorial essay


Other Outputs

Evaluating the management effectiveness of Thailand's marine and coastal protected areas

Hockings, Marc, Shadie, Peter, Vincent, Geoff and Suksawang, Songtam (2014). Evaluating the management effectiveness of Thailand's marine and coastal protected areas. Gland, Switzerland: International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

Evaluating the management effectiveness of Thailand's marine and coastal protected areas


Journal Article

A preliminary assessment of protected area management within the WWF ‘Coastal East Africa’ priority place, Eastern Africa

Knights, Kathryn, Cuadros, Ivon, Zamora, Camilo, Coad, Lauren, Leverington, Fiona, O'Connor, Brian, Goncalves de Lima, Marcelo, Kingston, Naomi, Danks, Fiona, Hockings, Marc, Malugu, Isaac, Scheren, Peter, Ngoye, Elizabeth, Stephenson, P .J. and Burgess, Neil D. (2014). A preliminary assessment of protected area management within the WWF ‘Coastal East Africa’ priority place, Eastern Africa. Parks: The International Journal for Protected Area Managers, 20 (2), 77-88. doi: 10.2305/IUCN.CH.2014.PARKS-20-2.KK.en

A preliminary assessment of protected area management within the WWF ‘Coastal East Africa’ priority place, Eastern Africa


Journal Article

Bush doctors and wild medicine: the scale of trade in Cape Town's informal economy of wild harvested medicine and traditional healing

Petersen, Leif M., Charman, Andrew J. E., Moll, Eugene J., Collins, Ray J. and Hockings, Marc T. (2014). Bush doctors and wild medicine: the scale of trade in Cape Town's informal economy of wild harvested medicine and traditional healing. Society and Natural Resources, 27 (3), 315-336. doi: 10.1080/08941920.2013.861558

Bush doctors and wild medicine: the scale of trade in Cape Town's informal economy of wild harvested medicine and traditional healing


Journal Article

Publishing for the protected area community: A vision for PARKS from its Editorial Board

Amend, Thora, Brooks, Tom, Choudhury, B. C., Coad, Lauren, Dudley, Nigel, Hockings, Marc, Kormos, Cyril, Lopoukhine, Nikita (Nik), Lotter, Wayne, MacKinnon, Kathy, Newing, Helen, Redford, Kent H., Stolton, Sue and Verschuuren, Bas (2014). Publishing for the protected area community: A vision for PARKS from its Editorial Board. Parks: The International Journal for Protected Area Managers, 20 (2), 7-12. doi: 10.2305/IUCN.CH.2014.PARKS-20-2.TA.en

Publishing for the protected area community: A vision for PARKS from its Editorial Board


Journal Article

Australian protected areas and adaptive management: Contributions by visitor planning frameworks and management effectiveness assessments

Moore, S. A. and Hockings, M. (2013). Australian protected areas and adaptive management: Contributions by visitor planning frameworks and management effectiveness assessments. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 20 (4), 270-284. doi: 10.1080/14486563.2013.833487

Australian protected areas and adaptive management: Contributions by visitor planning frameworks and management effectiveness assessments


Journal Article

A draft code of practice for research and monitoring in protected areas

Hockings, Marc, Adams, William, Brooks, Thomas M., Dudley, Nigel, Jonas, Holly, Lotter, Wayne, Mathur, Vinod, Vaisanen, Rauno and Woodley, Stephen (2013). A draft code of practice for research and monitoring in protected areas. Parks: The International Journal of Protected Areas and Conservation, 19 (2), 85-94. doi: 10.2305/IUCN.CH.2013.PARKS-19-2.MH.en

A draft code of practice for research and monitoring in protected areas


Journal Article

Changes in elephant ownership and employment in the Lao PDR: implications for the elephant-based logging and tourism industries

Suter, Ingrid C., Hockings, Marc and Baxter, Greg S. (2013). Changes in elephant ownership and employment in the Lao PDR: implications for the elephant-based logging and tourism industries. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 18 (4), 279-291. doi: 10.1080/10871209.2013.788235

Changes in elephant ownership and employment in the Lao PDR: implications for the elephant-based logging and tourism industries


Journal Article

Improving technical information use: what can be learnt from a manager's perspective?

Jacobson, C., Lisle, A., Carter, R. W. and Hockings, M. T. (2013). Improving technical information use: what can be learnt from a manager's perspective?. Environmental Management, 52 (1), 221-233. doi: 10.1007/s00267-013-0084-y

Improving technical information use: what can be learnt from a manager's perspective?


Journal Article

Simple plantations have the potential to enhance biodiversity in degraded areas of Tam Dao National Park, Vietnam

Cuong, Chu Van, Lamb, David and Hockings, Marc (2013). Simple plantations have the potential to enhance biodiversity in degraded areas of Tam Dao National Park, Vietnam. Natural Areas Journal, 33 (2), 139-147. doi: 10.3375/043.033.0203

Simple plantations have the potential to enhance biodiversity in degraded areas of Tam Dao National Park, Vietnam


Other Outputs

Assessment of management effectiveness for the strategic assessment of the Great Barrier Reef region

Hockings, Marc, Leverington, Andrea and Gilligan, Brian (2013). Assessment of management effectiveness for the strategic assessment of the Great Barrier Reef region. UniQuest Project No: C00948 St. Lucia, QLD, Australia: UniQuest.

Assessment of management effectiveness for the strategic assessment of the Great Barrier Reef region


Journal Article

Climate change, scenarios and marine biodiversity conservation

Haward, Marcus, Davidson, Julie, Lockwood, Michael, Hockings, Marc, Kriwoken, Lorne and Allchin, Robyn (2013). Climate change, scenarios and marine biodiversity conservation. Marine Policy, 38, 438-446. doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2012.07.004

Climate change, scenarios and marine biodiversity conservation


Journal Article

Progress towards the CBD protected area management effectiveness targets

Coad, Lauren, Leverington, Fiona, Burgess, Neil D., Cuadros, Ivon C., Geldmann, Jonas, Marthews, Toby R., Mee, Jessie, Nolte, Christoph, Stoll-Kleemann, Susanne, Vansteelant, Nanna, Zamora, Camilo, Zimsky, Mark and Hockings, Marc (2013). Progress towards the CBD protected area management effectiveness targets. Parks: The International Journal of Protected Areas and Conservation, 19 (1), 13-24. doi: 10.2305/IUCN.CH.2013.PARKS-19-1.LC.en

Progress towards the CBD protected area management effectiveness targets