2024 Other Outputs Expansion of the Pesticide Decision Support Tool: pesticide active ingredients used on bananas and mixed horticultural cropsMitchell, Hannah C., Neale, Peta A., St. J. Warne, Michael, Sluggett, Rob, Mann, Reinier M. and Turner, Ryan D. R. (2024). Expansion of the Pesticide Decision Support Tool: pesticide active ingredients used on bananas and mixed horticultural crops. Pesticide Decision Support Tool Brisbane, QLD, Australia: The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/ae76bfd |
2024 Other Outputs Fine scale water quality monitoring in the Herbert catchment: communications reportRoberts, C., Skelton, M., Glen, J., Souza Dias, F., Turner, R.D.R., Neelamraju, C., Ferguson, B., Fisher, S., Sinclair, M., Houseman, B., Goddard, G., Keenan, D., Gardiner, R., Marsh, A.P., Wilson, E. and Mann, R.M. (2024). Fine scale water quality monitoring in the Herbert catchment: communications report. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government. |
2024 Other Outputs A guide to building informed trust in environmental modelsO'Brien, Katherine R., Vilas, Maria P., Egger, Felix, Langsdorf, Hayley, Weber, Tony, Turner, Ryan, McCloskey, Gillian, Di Bella, Lawrence, Baird, Mark, Burford, Michele, Dean, Angela, Hamilton, David, Maier, Holger, Maxwell, Paul, O'Neill, Andrew, Shaw, Melanie and Adams, Matthew (2024). A guide to building informed trust in environmental models. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: The University of Queensland, School of Chemical Engineering. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.26925841.v1 |
2023 Other Outputs McMahon et al (2023) Estimating demand for water quality offsets from STPs in the GBR catchments by 2050 - Supplementary materialsMcMahon, Joseph M., Turner, Ryan D. R. and Warne, Michael St. J. (2023). McMahon et al (2023) Estimating demand for water quality offsets from STPs in the GBR catchments by 2050 - Supplementary materials. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.48610/429da4f |
2023 Other Outputs Estimates of demand for water quality offsets from sewage treatment plants in the Great Barrier Reef catchments by 2050McMahon, Joseph, Turner, Ryan and Warne, Michael (2023). Estimates of demand for water quality offsets from sewage treatment plants in the Great Barrier Reef catchments by 2050. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/5867b37 |
2017 Other Outputs Environmental implications of greywater irrigation within an urban developmentTurner, Ryan D. (2017). Environmental implications of greywater irrigation within an urban development. PhD Thesis, School of Chemistry, Physics and Mechanical Engineering, Queensland University of Technology. doi: 10.5204/thesis.eprints.106951 |
2013 Other Outputs Total suspended solids, nutrient and pesticide loads (2010-2011) for rivers that discharge to the Great Barrier Reef Great Barrier Reef Catchment Loads Monitoring 2010-2011Turner, R., Huggins, R., Wallace, R., Smith, R., Vardy, S. and Warne, M. St. J. (2013). Total suspended solids, nutrient and pesticide loads (2010-2011) for rivers that discharge to the Great Barrier Reef Great Barrier Reef Catchment Loads Monitoring 2010-2011. Brisbane, QLD Australia: Queensland Government. |
2012 Other Outputs Sediment, nutrient and pesticide loads: Great Barrier Reef Catchment loads monitoring 2009-2010Turner, R., Huggins, R., Wallace, R., Smith, R., Vardy, S. and Warne, M.St.J (2012). Sediment, nutrient and pesticide loads: Great Barrier Reef Catchment loads monitoring 2009-2010. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: The State of Queensland Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts. |