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Journal Article

Neuroanatomy and psychomimetic-induced locomotion in C57BL/6J and 129/X1SvJ mice exposed to developmental vitamin D deficiency

Harms, Lauren R., Cowin, Gary, Eyles, Darryl W., Kurniawan, Nyoman D., McGrath, John J. and Burne, Thomas H. J. (2012). Neuroanatomy and psychomimetic-induced locomotion in C57BL/6J and 129/X1SvJ mice exposed to developmental vitamin D deficiency. Behavioural Brain Research, 230 (1), 125-131. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2012.02.007

Neuroanatomy and psychomimetic-induced locomotion in C57BL/6J and 129/X1SvJ mice exposed to developmental vitamin D deficiency


Journal Article

Developmental vitamin D deficiency alters MK-801-induced behaviours in adult offspring

Kesby, James P., O'Loan, Jonathan C., Alexander, Suzanne, Deng, Chao, Huang, Xu-Feng, McGrath, John J., Eyles, Darryl W. and Burne, Thomas H. J. (2012). Developmental vitamin D deficiency alters MK-801-induced behaviours in adult offspring. Psychopharmacology, 220 (3), 455-463. doi: 10.1007/s00213-011-2492-0

Developmental vitamin D deficiency alters MK-801-induced behaviours in adult offspring


Journal Article

Attentional Processing in C57BL/6J Mice Exposed to Developmental Vitamin D Deficiency

Harms, Lauren R., Turner, Karly M., Eyles, Darryl W., Young, Jared W., McGrath, John J. and Burne, Thomas H. J. (2012). Attentional Processing in C57BL/6J Mice Exposed to Developmental Vitamin D Deficiency. PLoS One, 7 (4 Article No. ee35896) e35896, e35896. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0035896

Attentional Processing in C57BL/6J Mice Exposed to Developmental Vitamin D Deficiency


Journal Article

The effects of vitamin D on brain development and adult brain function

James Kesby, Eyles, Darryl, Burne, Thomas H.J. and McGrath, John J. (2011). The effects of vitamin D on brain development and adult brain function. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 347 (1-2), 121-127. doi: 10.1016/j.mce.2011.05.014

The effects of vitamin D on brain development and adult brain function


Journal Article

Do transmembrane domain neuregulin 1 mutant mice exhibit a reliable sensorimotor gating deficit?

Karl, T., Burne, T. H. J., van den Buuse, M. and Chesworth, R. (2011). Do transmembrane domain neuregulin 1 mutant mice exhibit a reliable sensorimotor gating deficit?. Behavioural Brain Research, 223 (2), 336-341. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2011.04.051

Do transmembrane domain neuregulin 1 mutant mice exhibit a reliable sensorimotor gating deficit?


Journal Article

Vitamin D and the brain

Harms, Lauren R., Burne, Thomas H. J., Eyles, Darryl W. and McGrath, John J. (2011). Vitamin D and the brain. Best Practice and Research: Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 25 (4), 657-669. doi: 10.1016/j.beem.2011.05.009

Vitamin D and the brain


Journal Article

Vitamin D in fetal brain development

Eyles, Darryl, Burne, Thomas and McGrath, John (2011). Vitamin D in fetal brain development. Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology, 22 (6), 629-636. doi: 10.1016/j.semcdb.2011.05.004

Vitamin D in fetal brain development


Journal Article

New perspectives on rodent models of advanced paternal age: Relevance to autism

Foldi, Claire J., Eyles, Darryl W., Flatscher-Bader, Traute, McGrath, John J. and Burne, Thomas H. J. (2011). New perspectives on rodent models of advanced paternal age: Relevance to autism. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 5 (32) ARTN 32, 1-7. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2011.00032

New perspectives on rodent models of advanced paternal age: Relevance to autism


Journal Article

The Effects of breeding protocol in C57BL/6J mice on adult offspring behaviour

Foldi, Claire J., Eyles, Darryl W., McGrath, John J. and Burne, Thomas H. J. (2011). The Effects of breeding protocol in C57BL/6J mice on adult offspring behaviour. Plos One, 6 (3) e18152, e18152-1-e18152-7. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0018152

The Effects of breeding protocol in C57BL/6J mice on adult offspring behaviour


Journal Article

Developmental vitamin D (DVD) deficiency alters pup retrieval but not isolation-induced pup ultrasonic vocalizations in the rat

Burne, Thomas H.J., O'Loan, Jonathan, Splatt, Karisha, Alexander, Suzanne, McGrath, John J. and Eyles, Darryl (2011). Developmental vitamin D (DVD) deficiency alters pup retrieval but not isolation-induced pup ultrasonic vocalizations in the rat. Physiology and Behavior, 102 (2), 201-204. doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2010.11.006

Developmental vitamin D (DVD) deficiency alters pup retrieval but not isolation-induced pup ultrasonic vocalizations in the rat


Journal Article

Maternal vitamin D deficiency alters the expression of genes involved in dopamine specification in the developing rat mesencephalon

Cui Xiaoying, Pelekanos, Matthew, Burne, Thomas H.J., McGrath, John J. and Eyles, Darryl W. (2010). Maternal vitamin D deficiency alters the expression of genes involved in dopamine specification in the developing rat mesencephalon. Neuroscience Letters, 486 (3), 220-223. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2010.09.057

Maternal vitamin D deficiency alters the expression of genes involved in dopamine specification in the developing rat mesencephalon


Journal Article

The utility of neonatal dried blood spots for the assessment of neonatal vitamin D status

Eyles, Darryl W., Morley, Ruth, Anderson, Cameron, Ko, Pauline, Burne, Thomas, Permezel, Michael, Mortensen, Preben B., Nørgaard-Pedersen, Bent, Hougaard, David M. and McGrath, John J. (2010). The utility of neonatal dried blood spots for the assessment of neonatal vitamin D status. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 24 (3), 303-308. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3016.2010.01105.x

The utility of neonatal dried blood spots for the assessment of neonatal vitamin D status


Journal Article

Effects of anesthetic agents on socially transmitted olfactory memories in mice

Burne, T. H. J., Johnston, A. N. B., Wilkinson, L. S. and Kendrick, K. M. (2010). Effects of anesthetic agents on socially transmitted olfactory memories in mice. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 93 (2), 268-274. doi: 10.1016/j.nlm.2009.10.007

Effects of anesthetic agents on socially transmitted olfactory memories in mice


Journal Article

Developmental vitamin D deficiency alters dopamine-mediated behaviors and dopamine transporter function in adult female rats

Kesby, James P, Cui, Xiaoying, O'Loan, Jonathan, McGrath, John J, Burne, Thomas HJ and Eyles, Darryl W (2010). Developmental vitamin D deficiency alters dopamine-mediated behaviors and dopamine transporter function in adult female rats. Psychopharmacology, 208 (1), 159-168. doi: 10.1007/s00213-009-1717-y

Developmental vitamin D deficiency alters dopamine-mediated behaviors and dopamine transporter function in adult female rats


Journal Article

Developmental vitamin D deficiency causes abnormal brain development

Eyles, Darryl, Cui, Xiaoying, Kesby, James, Harms, Lauren, Ko, Pauline, McGrath, John J. and Burne, Thomas H.J. (2009). Developmental vitamin D deficiency causes abnormal brain development. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 34 (Supplement 1), S247-S257. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2009.04.015

Developmental vitamin D deficiency causes abnormal brain development


Journal Article

Developmental vitamin D deficiency alters dopamine turnover in neonatal rat forebrain

Kesby, James P., Cui, Xiaoying, Ko, Pauline, McGrath, John J., Burne, Thomas H. J. and Eyles, Darryl W. (2009). Developmental vitamin D deficiency alters dopamine turnover in neonatal rat forebrain. Neuroscience Letters, 461 (2), 155-158. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2009.05.070

Developmental vitamin D deficiency alters dopamine turnover in neonatal rat forebrain


Journal Article

Vitamin D and the Brain: A Neuropsychiatric Perspective

Harvey, Louise, Burne, Thomas, Cui, Xiaoying, Mackay-Sim, Alan, Eyles, Darryl and McGrath, John (2009). Vitamin D and the Brain: A Neuropsychiatric Perspective. Clinical Reviews in Bone and Mineral Metabolism, 7 (2), 199-205. doi: 10.1007/s12018-009-9031-0

Vitamin D and the Brain: A Neuropsychiatric Perspective


Journal Article

Vitamin D and the brain: A neuropsychiatric perspective

Harvey, Louise, Burne, Thomas H. J., Cui, Xiaoying, Mackay-Sim, Alan, Eyles, Darryl and McGrath, John J. (2009). Vitamin D and the brain: A neuropsychiatric perspective. Clinical Reviews in Bone and Mineral Metabolism, 7 (2), 199-205. doi: 10.1007/s12018-009-9031-0

Vitamin D and the brain: A neuropsychiatric perspective


Journal Article

A sensitive LC/MS/MS assay of 25OH vitamin D₃ and 25OH vitamin D₂ in dried blood spots

Eyles, Darryl, Cameron Anderson, Ko, Pauline, Alun Jones, Andrew Thomas, Burne, Thomas H.J., Mortensen, Preban, Bo, Norgaard-Pedersen, Bent, Hougaard, David, Michael and McGrath, John J. (2009). A sensitive LC/MS/MS assay of 25OH vitamin D₃ and 25OH vitamin D₂ in dried blood spots. Clinica Chimica Acta, 403 (1-2), 145-151. doi: 10.1016/j.cca.2009.02.005

A sensitive LC/MS/MS assay of 25OH vitamin D₃ and 25OH vitamin D₂ in dried blood spots


Journal Article

The p75 neurotrophin receptor regulates hippocampal neurogenesis and related behaviours

Catts, Vibeke, Al-Minhali, Noura, Burne, Thomas H.J., Colditz, Michael and Coulson, Elizabeth (2008). The p75 neurotrophin receptor regulates hippocampal neurogenesis and related behaviours. European Journal of Neuroscience, 28 (5), 883-892. doi: 10.1111/j.1460-9568.2008.06390.x

The p75 neurotrophin receptor regulates hippocampal neurogenesis and related behaviours