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Journal Article

Finding the Right Track: Payoffs to Vocational Education Programs with Workplace Learning

Moschion, Julie and Polidano, Cain (2024). Finding the Right Track: Payoffs to Vocational Education Programs with Workplace Learning. Education Finance and Policy, 1-48. doi: 10.1162/edfp_a_00427

Finding the Right Track: Payoffs to Vocational Education Programs with Workplace Learning


Journal Article

Do early episodes of depression and anxiety make homelessness more likely?

Moschion, Julie and van Ours, Jan C. (2022). Do early episodes of depression and anxiety make homelessness more likely?. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 202, 654-674. doi: 10.1016/j.jebo.2022.08.019

Do early episodes of depression and anxiety make homelessness more likely?


Journal Article

Do transitions in and out of homelessness relate to mental health episodes? A longitudinal analysis in an extremely disadvantaged population

Moschion, Julie and van Ours, Jan C. (2021). Do transitions in and out of homelessness relate to mental health episodes? A longitudinal analysis in an extremely disadvantaged population. Social Science & Medicine, 279 113667. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.113667

Do transitions in and out of homelessness relate to mental health episodes? A longitudinal analysis in an extremely disadvantaged population


Journal Article

Homelessness and incarceration: a reciprocal relationship?

Moschion, Julie and Johnson, Guy (2019). Homelessness and incarceration: a reciprocal relationship?. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 35 (4), 855-887. doi: 10.1007/s10940-019-09407-y

Homelessness and incarceration: a reciprocal relationship?


Journal Article

Does drug use lead to homelessness for young, disadvantaged people?

McVicar, Duncan, Moschion, Julie and van Ours, Jan (2019). Does drug use lead to homelessness for young, disadvantaged people?. Significance, 16 (3), 10-11. doi: 10.1111/j.1740-9713.2019.01272.x

Does drug use lead to homelessness for young, disadvantaged people?


Journal Article

Early illicit drug use and the age of onset of homelessness

McVicar, Duncan, Moschion, Julie and van Ours, Jan C. (2019). Early illicit drug use and the age of onset of homelessness. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A: Statistics in Society, 182 (1), 345-372. doi: 10.1111/rssa.12411

Early illicit drug use and the age of onset of homelessness


Journal Article

Do childhood experiences of parental separation lead to homelessness?

Moschion, Julie and van Ours, Jan C. (2019). Do childhood experiences of parental separation lead to homelessness?. European Economic Review, 111, 211-236. doi: 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2018.09.005

Do childhood experiences of parental separation lead to homelessness?


Journal Article

Achievement effects from new peers: who matters to whom?

McVicar, Duncan, Moschion, Julie and Ryan, Chris (2018). Achievement effects from new peers: who matters to whom?. Economics of Education Review, 66, 154-166. doi: 10.1016/j.econedurev.2018.07.008

Achievement effects from new peers: who matters to whom?


Journal Article

The welfare implications of addictive substances: a longitudinal study of life satisfaction of drug users

Moschion, Julie and Powdthavee, Nattavudh (2018). The welfare implications of addictive substances: a longitudinal study of life satisfaction of drug users. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 146, 206-221. doi: 10.1016/j.jebo.2017.12.016

The welfare implications of addictive substances: a longitudinal study of life satisfaction of drug users


Journal Article

Gender gaps in early educational achievement

Cobb-Clark, Deborah A. and Moschion, Julie (2017). Gender gaps in early educational achievement. Journal of Population Economics, 30 (4), 1093-1134. doi: 10.1007/s00148-017-0638-z

Gender gaps in early educational achievement


Journal Article

IT-based technical change and job instability

Behaghel, Luc and Moschion, Julie (2016). IT-based technical change and job instability. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 118 (1), 79-104. doi: 10.1111/sjoe.12129

IT-based technical change and job instability


Journal Article

From substance use to homelessness or vice versa?

McVicar, Duncan, Moschion, Julie and van Ours, Jan C. (2015). From substance use to homelessness or vice versa?. Social Science and Medicine, 136-137, 89-98. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2015.05.005

From substance use to homelessness or vice versa?


Journal Article

Trust of second-generation immigrants: intergenerational transmission or cultural assimilation?

Moschion, Julie and Tabasso, Domenico (2014). Trust of second-generation immigrants: intergenerational transmission or cultural assimilation?. IZA Journal of Migration, 3 (1) 10. doi: 10.1186/2193-9039-3-10

Trust of second-generation immigrants: intergenerational transmission or cultural assimilation?


Journal Article

The impact of fertility on mothers' labour supply in australia: Evidence from exogenous variation in family size

Moschion, Julie (2013). The impact of fertility on mothers' labour supply in australia: Evidence from exogenous variation in family size. Economic Record, 89 (286), 319-338. doi: 10.1111/1475-4932.12042

The impact of fertility on mothers' labour supply in australia: Evidence from exogenous variation in family size


Journal Article

Understanding lifetime homeless duration: Investigating wave 1 findings from the Journeys Home project

Scutella, Rosanna, Johnson, Guy, Moschion, Julie, Tseng, Yi-Ping and Wooden, Mark (2013). Understanding lifetime homeless duration: Investigating wave 1 findings from the Journeys Home project. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 48 (1), 83-110. doi: 10.1002/j.1839-4655.2013.tb00272.x

Understanding lifetime homeless duration: Investigating wave 1 findings from the Journeys Home project


Journal Article

Introducing 'Journeys Home'

Wooden, Mark, Bevitt, Andrew, Chigavazira, Abraham, Greer, Nancy, Johnson, Guy, Killackey, Eoin, Moschion, Julie, Scutella, Rosanna, Tseng, Yi-Ping and Watson, Nicole (2012). Introducing 'Journeys Home'. Australian Economic Review, 45 (3), 368-378. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8462.2012.00690.x

Introducing 'Journeys Home'


Journal Article

Reconciling work and family life: The effect of preschooling Concilier vie familiale et vie professionnelle: L'effet de la préscolarisation

Moschion, Julie (2012). Reconciling work and family life: The effect of preschooling Concilier vie familiale et vie professionnelle: L'effet de la préscolarisation. Revue Economique, 63 (2), 187-214. doi: 10.3917/reco.632.0187

Reconciling work and family life: The effect of preschooling Concilier vie familiale et vie professionnelle: L'effet de la préscolarisation


Journal Article

Offre de travail des mères en France: L'effet causal du passage de deux à trois enfants

Moschion, Julie (2009). Offre de travail des mères en France: L'effet causal du passage de deux à trois enfants. Economie et Statistique (422), 51-78. doi: 10.3406/estat.2009.8018

Offre de travail des mères en France: L'effet causal du passage de deux à trois enfants


Journal Article

The social multiplier and labor market participation of mothers

Maurin, Eric and Moschion, Julie (2009). The social multiplier and labor market participation of mothers. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 1 (1), 251-272. doi: 10.1257/app.1.1.251

The social multiplier and labor market participation of mothers