2024 Conference Publication Shared bodily fusion: leveraging inter-body electrical muscle stimulation for social playPatibanda, Rakesh, Overdevest, Nathalie, Nisal, Shreyas, Saini, Aryan, Elvitigala, Don Samitha, Knibbe, Jarrod, Van Den Hoven, Elise and Mueller, Florian 'Floyd' (2024). Shared bodily fusion: leveraging inter-body electrical muscle stimulation for social play. DIS '24: 2024 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1-5 July 2024. New York, NY, United States: ACM. doi: 10.1145/3643834.3660723 |
2024 Conference Publication Stacked retargeting: combining redirected walking and hand redirection to expand haptic retargeting's coverageClarence, Aldrich, Knibbe, Jarrod, Cordeil, Maxime and Wybrow, Michael (2024). Stacked retargeting: combining redirected walking and hand redirection to expand haptic retargeting's coverage. CHI '24: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Honolulu, HI, United States, 11-16 May 2024. New York, NY, United States: ACM. doi: 10.1145/3613904.3642228 |
2024 Conference Publication Exploring shared bodily control: designing augmented human systems for intra- and inter-corporealityPatibanda, Rakesh, Overdevest, Nathalie, Saini, Aryan, Li, Zhuying, Andres, Josh, Knibbe, Jarrod, van den Hoven, Elise and Mueller, Florian 'Floyd' (2024). Exploring shared bodily control: designing augmented human systems for intra- and inter-corporeality. AHs '24: Augmented Humans International Conference, Melbourne, VIC Australia, 4 - 6 April 2024. New York, NY United States: Association for Computing Machinery. doi: 10.1145/3652920.3653037 |
2023 Conference Publication An empirical evaluation of educational data mining techniques in a dynamic VR applicationKhorasani, Sara, Nawaz, Sadia, Syiem, Brandon Victor, Wei, Jing, Pardos, Zachary A., Knibbe, Jarrod and Velloso, Eduardo (2023). An empirical evaluation of educational data mining techniques in a dynamic VR application. OzCHI '23: 35th Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, 2 - 6 December 2023. New York, NY United States: Association for Computing Machinery. doi: 10.1145/3638380.3638387 |
2023 Conference Publication Towards a Bedder Future: A Study of Using Virtual Reality while Lying Downvan Gemert, Thomas, Hornbæk, Kasper, Knibbe, Jarrod and Bergström, Joanna (2023). Towards a Bedder Future: A Study of Using Virtual Reality while Lying Down. CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), Hamburg, Germany, 23-28 April 2023. New York, NY United States: Association for Computing Machinery. doi: 10.1145/3544548.3580963 |
2023 Conference Publication 'Labelling the gaps': a weakly supervised automatic eye gaze estimationGhosh, Shreya, Dhall, Abhinav, Hayat, Munawar and Knibbe, Jarrod (2023). 'Labelling the gaps': a weakly supervised automatic eye gaze estimation. 16th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), Macao, Peoples Republic of China, 4-8 December 2022. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Cham. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-26316-3_44 |
2023 Conference Publication “Hello, Fellow Villager!”: perceptions and impact of displaying users’ locations on WeiboMa, Ying, Zhou, Qiushi, Tag, Benjamin, Sarsenbayeva, Zhanna, Knibbe, Jarrod and Goncalves, Jorge (2023). “Hello, Fellow Villager!”: perceptions and impact of displaying users’ locations on Weibo. 19th IFIP TC13 International Conference, York, United Kingdom, 28 August - 1 September 2023. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-42286-7_29 |
2022 Conference Publication AV-GAZE: a study on the effectiveness of audio guided visual attention estimation for non-profilic facesGhosh, Shreya, Dhall, Abhinav, Hayat, Munawar and Knibbe, Jarrod (2022). AV-GAZE: a study on the effectiveness of audio guided visual attention estimation for non-profilic faces. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Bordeaux, France, 16-19 October 2022. Piscataway, NJ, United States: IEEE. doi: 10.1109/icip46576.2022.9897360 |
2022 Conference Publication Investigating the effect of direction on the limits of haptic retargetingClarence, Aldrich, Knibbe, Jarrod, Cordeil, Maxime and Wybrow, Michael (2022). Investigating the effect of direction on the limits of haptic retargeting. 21st IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), Singapore, Singapore, 17-22 October 2022. Washington, DC, United States: IEEE Computer Society. doi: 10.1109/ismar55827.2022.00078 |
2022 Conference Publication MTGLS: Multi-Task Gaze Estimation with Limited SupervisionGhosh, Shreya, Hayat, Munawar, Dhall, Abhinav and Knibbe, Jarrod (2022). MTGLS: Multi-Task Gaze Estimation with Limited Supervision. 22nd IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Waikoloa, HI United States, 4-8 January 2022. Piscataway, NJ United States: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. doi: 10.1109/WACV51458.2022.00123 |
2021 Conference Publication Optimising automatic calibration of electric muscle stimulationGange, Graeme and Knibbe, Jarrod (2021). Optimising automatic calibration of electric muscle stimulation. Thirty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Virtual, 2-9 February 2021. Washington, DC USA: Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. |
2021 Conference Publication Unscripted retargeting: reach prediction for haptic retargeting in virtual realityClarence, Aldrich, Knibbe, Jarrod, Cordeil, Maxime and Wybrow, Michael (2021). Unscripted retargeting: reach prediction for haptic retargeting in virtual reality. 28th IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEE VR), Lisboa, Portugal, 27 March-3 April 2021. Los Alamitos, CA USA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. doi: 10.1109/vr50410.2021.00036 |
2021 Conference Publication Bad breakdowns, useful seams, and face slapping: analysis of VR fails on YouTubeDao, Emily, Muresan, Andreea, Hornbaek, Kasper and Knibbe, Jarrod (2021). Bad breakdowns, useful seams, and face slapping: analysis of VR fails on YouTube. Human Factors in Computing Systems, Yokohama, Japan, 8-13 May 2021. New York, NY USA: Association for Computing Machinery. doi: 10.1145/3411764.3445435 |
2021 Conference Publication Dance and choreography in hci: A two-decade retrospectiveZhou, Qiushi, Chua, Cheng Cheng, Knibbe, Jarrod, Goncalves, Jorge and Velloso, Eduardo (2021). Dance and choreography in hci: A two-decade retrospective. CHI '21: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Yokohama, Japan, 8-13 May 2021. New York, NY USA: Association for Computing Machinery. doi: 10.1145/3411764.3445804 |
2021 Conference Publication Modeling Pointing for 3D Target Selection in VRDalsgaard, Tor-Salve, Knibbe, Jarrod and Bergstrom, Joanna (2021). Modeling Pointing for 3D Target Selection in VR. 27th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST), Osaka, Japan, 8-10 December 2021. New York, NY United States: Association for Computing Machinery. doi: 10.1145/3489849.3489853 |
2020 Conference Publication Adhering, Steering, and Queering: Treatment of Gender in Natural Language GenerationStrengers, Yolande, Qu, Lizhen, Xu, Qiongkai and Knibbe, Jarrod (2020). Adhering, Steering, and Queering: Treatment of Gender in Natural Language Generation. CHI '20: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Honolulu, HI United States, 25 - 30 April 2020. New York, NY United States: Association for Computing Machinery. doi: 10.1145/3313831.3376315 |
2019 Conference Publication Resized Grasping in VR : Estimating Thresholds for Object DiscriminationBergström, Joanna, Mottelson, Aske and Knibbe, Jarrod (2019). Resized Grasping in VR : Estimating Thresholds for Object Discrimination. UIST '19: The 32nd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, New Orleans, LA United States, 20 - 23 October 2019. New York, NY United States: Association for Computing Machinery. doi: 10.1145/3332165.3347939 |
2019 Conference Publication Magnetips : Combining Fingertip Tracking and Haptic Feedback for Around-Device InteractionMcIntosh, Jess, Strohmeier, Paul, Knibbe, Jarrod, Boring, Sebastian and Hornbæk, Kasper (2019). Magnetips : Combining Fingertip Tracking and Haptic Feedback for Around-Device Interaction. CHI '19: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 4 - 9 May 2019. New York, NY United States: Association for Computing Machinery. doi: 10.1145/3290605.3300638 |
2018 Conference Publication Veritaps: Truth estimation from mobile interactionMottelson, Aske, Knibbe, Jarrod and Hornbæk, Kasper (2018). Veritaps: Truth estimation from mobile interaction. CHI '18: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Montreal, QC Canada, 21 - 26 April 2018. New York, NY United States: Association for Computing Machinery. doi: 10.1145/3173574.3174135 |
2018 Conference Publication The dream is collapsing: The experience of exiting VRKnibbe, Jarrod, Schjerlund, Jonas, Petræus, Mathias and Hornbæk, Kasper (2018). The dream is collapsing: The experience of exiting VR. CHI '18: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Montreal, QC Canada, 21 - 26 April 2018. New York, NY United States: Association for Computing Machinery. doi: 10.1145/3173574.3174057 |