2014 Journal Article Impacts of fire on soil organic carbon stocks in a grazed semi-arid tropical Australian savanna: accounting for landscape variabilityAllen, D. E., Bloesch, P. M., Cowley, R. A., Orton, T. G., Payne, J. E. and Dalal, R. C. (2014). Impacts of fire on soil organic carbon stocks in a grazed semi-arid tropical Australian savanna: accounting for landscape variability. Rangeland Journal, 36 (4), 359-369. doi: 10.1071/RJ14044 |
2014 Journal Article Temperature sensitivity and carbon release in an acidic soil amended with lime and mulchAhmad, Waqar, Singh, Balwant, Dijkstra, Feike A., Dalal, Ram C. and Geelan-Small, Peter (2014). Temperature sensitivity and carbon release in an acidic soil amended with lime and mulch. Geoderma, 214-215, 168-176. doi: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2013.09.014 |
2014 Conference Publication Soil carbon change under exotic pine forests in the sub-tropics remeasured after 14 years - an excerpt from the reforestation in tropical and sub-tropical Australia projectSmith, Tim E., Lewis, Tom, Menzies, Neal W., Dalal, Ram C., Wehr, J. Bernhard, Swift, Scott A., Tindale, Neil, Bryant, Philippa, Verstraten, Luke, McDonald, Janet M., McKenna, Brigid A. and Simpson, John A. (2014). Soil carbon change under exotic pine forests in the sub-tropics remeasured after 14 years - an excerpt from the reforestation in tropical and sub-tropical Australia project. Soil Science 2014: National Soil Science Conference, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 23 - 27 November 2014. Warragul, VIC, Australia: Australian Society of Soil Science Incorporated. |
2014 Conference Publication Carbon biochemical fingerprints can outline the dynamics of soil organic matter as a natural capitalHernandez-Soriano, Maria C., Dalal, Ram, Menzies, Neal and Kopittke, Peter (2014). Carbon biochemical fingerprints can outline the dynamics of soil organic matter as a natural capital. National Soil Science Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 23-27 November 2014. Warragul, VIC, Australia: Australian Society of Soil Science Incorporated. |
2014 Conference Publication To evaluate the effect of green waste compost on nitrous oxide emissions from horticultureVaughan, S. M., Harper, S. M., Dalal, R. C. and Menzies, N. W. (2014). To evaluate the effect of green waste compost on nitrous oxide emissions from horticulture. Ist international symposium on organic matter management and compost use in horticulture, Adelaide, Australia, 4-7 April 2011. Leuven, Belgium: International Society for Horticultural Science. doi: 10.17660/actahortic.2014.1018.6 |
2014 Conference Publication Strategic tillage impacts on biological attributes of long term no-till soils in northern grain region of AustraliaLiu, Hongwei, Rincon-Florez, Vivian, Dang, Yash, Crawford, Mark, Balzer, Anna, Bell, Mike, Ram, Dalal, Costa Carvalhais, Lilia and Schenk, Peer (2014). Strategic tillage impacts on biological attributes of long term no-till soils in northern grain region of Australia. Soil Science 2014: National Soil Science Conference, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 23-27 November, 2014. Warragul, VIC, Australia: Australian Society of Soil Science. |
2014 Conference Publication Long‐term impact of land management: understanding carbon build‐up by linking biological functions to dissolved organic carbon fingerprintHernandez-Soriano, Maria C., Dalal, Ram C., Menzies, Neal W. and Kopittke, Peter M. (2014). Long‐term impact of land management: understanding carbon build‐up by linking biological functions to dissolved organic carbon fingerprint. 20WCSS: 20th World Congress of Soil Science, Jeju, South Korea, 8-13 June, 2014. |
2014 Conference Publication Strategic tillage did not affect soil microbial bioindicators in long-term no-till farming systems in vertosols from Queensland, AustraliaRincon-Florez, Vivian A., Carvalhais, Lilia C., Liu, Hongwei, Dang, Yash, Crawford, Mark, Balzer, Anna, Bell, Mike, Ram, Dalal and Schenk, Peer (2014). Strategic tillage did not affect soil microbial bioindicators in long-term no-till farming systems in vertosols from Queensland, Australia. Soil Science 2014: National Soil Science Conference, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 23-27 November 2014. Warragul, VIC, Australia: Australian Society of Soil Science. |
2013 Journal Article What determines soil organic carbon stocks in the grazing lands of north-eastern Australia?Allen, D. E., Pringle, M. J., Bray, S., Hall, T. J., O'Reagain, P. O., Phelps, D., Cobon, D. H., Bloesch, P. M. and Dalal, R. C. (2013). What determines soil organic carbon stocks in the grazing lands of north-eastern Australia?. Soil Research, 51 (7-8), 695-706. doi: 10.1071/SR13041 |
2013 Journal Article How useful are MIR predictions of total, particulate, humus, and resistant organic carbon for examining changes in soil carbon stocks in response to different crop management? A case studyPage, K. L., Dalal, R. C. and Dang, Y. P. (2013). How useful are MIR predictions of total, particulate, humus, and resistant organic carbon for examining changes in soil carbon stocks in response to different crop management? A case study. Soil Research, 51 (8), 719-725. doi: 10.1071/SR13064 |
2013 Journal Article Turnover of organic carbon and nitrogen in soil assessed from δ13C and δ15N changes under pasture and cropping practices and estimates of greenhouse gas emissionsDalal, Ram C., Thornton, Craig M. and Cowie, Bruce A. (2013). Turnover of organic carbon and nitrogen in soil assessed from δ13C and δ15N changes under pasture and cropping practices and estimates of greenhouse gas emissions. Science of the Total Environment, 465, 26-35. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.04.101 |
2013 Journal Article Changes in total soil organic carbon stocks and carbon fractions in sugarcane systems as affected by tillage and trash management in Queensland, AustraliaPage, K. L., Bell, M. J. and Dalal, R. C. (2013). Changes in total soil organic carbon stocks and carbon fractions in sugarcane systems as affected by tillage and trash management in Queensland, Australia. Soil Research, 51 (7-8), 608-614. doi: 10.1071/SR12255 |
2013 Journal Article How important is the quality of organic amendments in relation to mineral N availability in soils?Mohanty, M., Sinha, Nishant K., Sammi Reddy, K., Chaudhary, R. S., Subba Rao, A., Dalal, R. C. and Menzies, N. W. (2013). How important is the quality of organic amendments in relation to mineral N availability in soils?. Agricultural Research, 2 (2), 99-110. doi: 10.1007/s40003-013-0052-z |
2013 Journal Article Simulation of N2O emissions and mitigation options for rainfed wheat cropping on a Vertosol in the subtropicsLi, Yong, Wang, Weijin, Reeves, Steven and Dalal, Ram C. (2013). Simulation of N2O emissions and mitigation options for rainfed wheat cropping on a Vertosol in the subtropics. Soil Research, 51 (2), 152-166. doi: 10.1071/SR12274 |
2013 Journal Article Impacts of conservation tillage on soil quality, including soil-borne crop diseases, with a focus on semi-arid grain cropping systemsPage, Kathryn, Dang, Yash and Dalal, Ram (2013). Impacts of conservation tillage on soil quality, including soil-borne crop diseases, with a focus on semi-arid grain cropping systems. Australasian Plant Pathology, 42 (3), 363-377. doi: 10.1007/s13313-013-0198-y |
2013 Journal Article Brave new green world - Consequences of a carbon economy for the conservation of Australian biodiversityBradshaw, Corey J. A., Bowman, David M. J. S., Bond, Nick R., Murphy, Brett P., Moore, Andrew D., Fordham, Damien A., Thackway, Richard, Lawes, Michael J., McCallum, Hamish, Gregory, Stephen D., Dalal, Ram C., Boer, Matthias M., Lynch, A. Jasmyn J., Bradstock, Ross A., Brook, Barry W., Henry, Beverley K., Hunt, Leigh P., Fisher, Diana O., Hunter, David, Johnson, Christopher N., Keith, David A., Lefroy, Edward C., Penman, Trent D., Meyer, Wayne S., Thomson, James R., Thornton, Craig M., VanDerWal, Jeremy, Williams, Richard J., Keniger, Lucy and Specht, Alison (2013). Brave new green world - Consequences of a carbon economy for the conservation of Australian biodiversity. Biological Conservation, 161, 71-90. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2013.02.012 |
2013 Journal Article Relationship between water use and nitrogen use efficiency discerned by 13C discrimination and 15N isotope ratio in bread wheat grown under no-tillDalal, R. C., Strong, W. M., Cooper, J. E. and King, A. J. (2013). Relationship between water use and nitrogen use efficiency discerned by 13C discrimination and 15N isotope ratio in bread wheat grown under no-till. Soil and Tillage Research, 128, 110-118. doi: 10.1016/j.still.2012.07.019 |
2013 Journal Article Organic carbon stocks in cropping soils of Queensland, Australia, as affected by tillage management, climate, and soil characteristicsPage, K. L., Dalal, R. C., Pringle, M. J., Bell, M., Dang, Y. P., Radford, B. and Bailey, K. (2013). Organic carbon stocks in cropping soils of Queensland, Australia, as affected by tillage management, climate, and soil characteristics. Soil Research, 51 (7-8), 596-607. doi: 10.1071/SR12225 |
2013 Journal Article Inorganic and organic carbon dynamics in a limed acid soil are mediated by plantsAhmad, Waqar, Singh, Balwant, Dijkstra, Feike A. and Dalal, R. C. (2013). Inorganic and organic carbon dynamics in a limed acid soil are mediated by plants. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 57 (2), 549-555. doi: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2012.10.013 |
2012 Journal Article Yield response to applied nutrients and estimates of N-2 fixation in 33-year-old soybean-wheat experiment on a vertisolSingh, Muneshwar, Wanjari, R. H., Dwivedi, Anil and Dalal, Ram (2012). Yield response to applied nutrients and estimates of N-2 fixation in 33-year-old soybean-wheat experiment on a vertisol. Experimental Agriculture, 48 (3), 311-325. doi: 10.1017/S0014479712000129 |