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Conference Publication

Incorporating patients' preferences into the management of multiple long-term conditions in primary care: is this a role for clinical practice guidelines?

Young, Charlotte, Mutch, Allyson and Boyle, Frances (2013). Incorporating patients' preferences into the management of multiple long-term conditions in primary care: is this a role for clinical practice guidelines?. Primary Health Care (PHC) Research Conference, Sydney, Australia, 10-12 July 2013. Online: Primary Health Care Research & Information Service (PHC RIS).

Incorporating patients' preferences into the management of multiple long-term conditions in primary care: is this a role for clinical practice guidelines?


Journal Article

Patient activation among people who contact chronic disease related consumer health organizations

Dean, Julie H., Boyle, Frances M., Mutch, Allyson J. and Ostini, Remo (2011). Patient activation among people who contact chronic disease related consumer health organizations. International Public Health Journal, 4 (1), 43-49.

Patient activation among people who contact chronic disease related consumer health organizations


Journal Article

Increasing access to consumer health organisations among patients with chronic disease – a randomised trial of a print-based intervention

Boyle, Frances M., Mutch, Allyson J., Dean, Julie H., Dick, Marie-Louise and Del Mar, Christopher B. (2011). Increasing access to consumer health organisations among patients with chronic disease – a randomised trial of a print-based intervention. Primary Health Care Research and Development, 12 (3), 245-254. doi: 10.1017/S1463423610000496

Increasing access to consumer health organisations among patients with chronic disease – a randomised trial of a print-based intervention


Journal Article

Who knows they have a treatment plan?

Ozolins, Ieva Z., Donald, Maria, Mutch, Allyson J., Crowther, Ruth E. and Begum, Nelufa (2010). Who knows they have a treatment plan?. Australasian Medical Journal, 1 (2), 153-159. doi: 10.4066/AMJ.2010.197

Who knows they have a treatment plan?


Journal Article

Investigating referral pathways from primary care to consumer health organisations

Young, Charlotte E., Mutch, Allyson J., Boyle, Frances M. and Dean, Julie H. (2010). Investigating referral pathways from primary care to consumer health organisations. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 16 (3), 260-267. doi: 10.1071/PY09081

Investigating referral pathways from primary care to consumer health organisations


Journal Article

Consumer health organisations for people with diabetes and arthritis: Who contacts them and why?

Boyle, FM, Mutch, AJ, Dean, JH, Dick, ML and Del Mar, CB (2009). Consumer health organisations for people with diabetes and arthritis: Who contacts them and why?. HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE IN THE COMMUNITY, 17 (6), 628-635. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2524.2009.00864.x

Consumer health organisations for people with diabetes and arthritis: Who contacts them and why?


Journal Article

Associated factors and the impact of fecal incontinence in women with urge urinary incontinence: from the Urinary Incontinence Treatment Network's Behavior Enhances Drug Reduction of Incontinence study

Markland, Alayne D., Richter, Holly E., Kenton, Kimberly S., Wai, Clifford, Nager, Charles W., Kraus, Stephen R., Xu, Yan, Tennstedt, Sharon L., Steers, W., Diokno, A., Mallett, V., Khandwala, S., Brubaker, L., FitzGerald, M., Lloyd, L. K., Albo, M., Chai, T. C., Johnson, H. W., Zyczynski, H. M., Leng, W., Zimmern, P., Lemack, G., Rozanski, T., Norton, P., Kerr, L., Stoddard, A., Chang, D., Kusek, J. W., Nyberg, L. M. ... Wadie, B. (2009). Associated factors and the impact of fecal incontinence in women with urge urinary incontinence: from the Urinary Incontinence Treatment Network's Behavior Enhances Drug Reduction of Incontinence study. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 200 (4), 424.e1-424.e8. doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2008.11.023

Associated factors and the impact of fecal incontinence in women with urge urinary incontinence: from the Urinary Incontinence Treatment Network's Behavior Enhances Drug Reduction of Incontinence study


Conference Publication

Development and assessment of print-based information to encourage use of consumer health organisations

Boyle, Fran, Mutch, Allyson, Dean, Julie, Dick, Marie-Louise and Del Mar, Chris (2009). Development and assessment of print-based information to encourage use of consumer health organisations. General Practice and Primary Health Care Research Conference, Melbourne, Victoria, 15-17 July 2009. Online: Primary Health Care Research & Information Service (PHC RIS).

Development and assessment of print-based information to encourage use of consumer health organisations



The Contribution of Consumer Health Organisations to Chronic Disease Self Management in the Context of Primary Care

Boyle, Fran, Mutch, Allyson, Dean, Julie, Dick, Marie-Louise and Del Mar, Chris (2009). The Contribution of Consumer Health Organisations to Chronic Disease Self Management in the Context of Primary Care. Canberra ACT: Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute.

The Contribution of Consumer Health Organisations to Chronic Disease Self Management in the Context of Primary Care


Conference Publication

Embedding consumer health organisations into the primary care system: The benefits for chronic disease management

Mutch, Allyson, Boyle, Fran, Dean, Julie, Dick, Marie-Louise and Del Mar, Chris (2008). Embedding consumer health organisations into the primary care system: The benefits for chronic disease management. 2008 General Practice & Primary Health Care Research Conference, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 4 - 6 June 2008. Primary Health Care Research and Information Service.

Embedding consumer health organisations into the primary care system: The benefits for chronic disease management


Conference Publication

Consumer health organisations: An under-utilised resource for people with chronic illness

Boyle, F., Dean, J., Mutch, A., Dick.M-L and Del Mar, C. (2008). Consumer health organisations: An under-utilised resource for people with chronic illness. Population Health Congress: A Global World - Practical Action for Health and Well-being, Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Queensland, 6-9 July 2008.

Consumer health organisations: An under-utilised resource for people with chronic illness


Conference Publication

Participation in Health-Based Nonprofit Organisations: Engaging Consumers for Better Health Outcomes

Mutch, A., Boyle, F. and Dean, J. (2008). Participation in Health-Based Nonprofit Organisations: Engaging Consumers for Better Health Outcomes. 8th International Conference of the International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR), Barcelona, Spain, 9-12 July 2008. Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A: International Society for Third Sector Research.

Participation in Health-Based Nonprofit Organisations: Engaging Consumers for Better Health Outcomes


Journal Article

Mental health promotion and non-profit health organisations

Boyle, F. M., Donald, M., Dean, J. H., Conrad, S. and Mutch, A. J. (2007). Mental health promotion and non-profit health organisations. Health and Social Care in the Community, 15 (6), 553-560. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2524.2007.00712.x

Mental health promotion and non-profit health organisations


Conference Publication

Community-based health organisations: their contribution to chronic illness care

Boyle, Fran, Mutch, Allyson, Dean, Julie, Dick, Marie-Louise and Del Mar, Chris (2007). Community-based health organisations: their contribution to chronic illness care. General Practice and Primary Health Care Research Conference, Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre, Darling Harbour, 23-25 May, 2007. Adelaide, SA: Primary Health Care Research & Information Service.

Community-based health organisations: their contribution to chronic illness care


Conference Publication

Is patient activation to self-manage chronic illness increased by contact with community based health organisations?

Dean, Julie, Mutch, Allyson, Boyle, Fran, Dick, Marie-Louise and Del Mar, Chris (2007). Is patient activation to self-manage chronic illness increased by contact with community based health organisations?. General Practice and Primary Health Care Research Conference, Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre, Darling Harbour, 23-25 May, 2007. Adelaide, SA: Primary Health Care Research & Information Service.

Is patient activation to self-manage chronic illness increased by contact with community based health organisations?


Journal Article

Collaboration Amongst Third Sector Organisations: Empirical Findings

Mutch, A. (2007). Collaboration Amongst Third Sector Organisations: Empirical Findings. Third Sector Review, 13 (1), 73-96.

Collaboration Amongst Third Sector Organisations: Empirical Findings


Conference Publication

Does contact with community-based health organisations increase engagement in health care for people with chronic illness?

Dean, J., Boyle, F., Mutch, A., Dick, M-L. and Del Mar, C. (2007). Does contact with community-based health organisations increase engagement in health care for people with chronic illness?. 42nd Australian Psychological Society Annual Conference, Brisbane, 25-29 September, 2007. Melbourne: Australian Psychological Society.

Does contact with community-based health organisations increase engagement in health care for people with chronic illness?


Conference Publication

Community capacity building: an overview of the Community Capacity Index and its uses

Boyle, F. and Mutch, A. (2006). Community capacity building: an overview of the Community Capacity Index and its uses. 10th Annual Chronic Diseases Network conference: Health is everyone’s business…everybody’s choice?, Darwin, N.T., 21-22 September, 2006.

Community capacity building: an overview of the Community Capacity Index and its uses


Conference Publication

Health-Based Nonprofit Organisations – Exploring the Characteristics of Service Users

Mutch, Allyson, Dean, Julie and Boyle, Fran (2006). Health-Based Nonprofit Organisations – Exploring the Characteristics of Service Users. Australia and New Zealand Third Sector Research Eighth Biennial Conference: Navigating New Waters, Adelaide, Australia, 26-28 November 2006. ANZTSR.

Health-Based Nonprofit Organisations – Exploring the Characteristics of Service Users


Conference Publication

Developing a model of collaboration in the Third Sector

Mutch, Allyson (2006). Developing a model of collaboration in the Third Sector. Australia and New Zealand Third Sector Research:Eighth Biennial Conference: Navigating New Waters, Adelaide, Australia, 26-28 November, 2006. ANZTSR.

Developing a model of collaboration in the Third Sector