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Journal Article

Ending atrocity crimes: the false promise of fatalism

Bellamy, Alex J. (2018). Ending atrocity crimes: the false promise of fatalism. Ethics and International Affairs, 32 (3), 329-337. doi: 10.1017/S089267941800045X

Ending atrocity crimes: the false promise of fatalism


Journal Article

Review of Human Rights and War Through Civilian Eyes. By Thomas W. Smith. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2017. 272p

Bellamy, Alex J. (2018). Review of Human Rights and War Through Civilian Eyes. By Thomas W. Smith. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2017. 272p. Perspectives On Politics, 16 (1), 287-288. doi: 10.1017/S1537592717004091

Review of Human Rights and War Through Civilian Eyes. By Thomas W. Smith. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2017. 272p


Journal Article

Holding back the tide: genocide prevention in our more violent world

Bellamy, Alex J. (2018). Holding back the tide: genocide prevention in our more violent world. Genocide Studies and Prevention, 12 (3), 10-19. doi: 10.5038/1911-9933.12.3.1563

Holding back the tide: genocide prevention in our more violent world


Journal Article

Negotiating the responsibility to protect in the UN system: the roles of formal and informal groups

Bellamy, Alex J. (2017). Negotiating the responsibility to protect in the UN system: the roles of formal and informal groups. Hague Journal of Diplomacy, 12 (2-3), 197-220. doi: 10.1163/1871191X-12341363

Negotiating the responsibility to protect in the UN system: the roles of formal and informal groups


Journal Article

Contemporary war and the crisis of human protection

Alex J. Bellamy (2017). Contemporary war and the crisis of human protection. Brown Journal of International Affairs, 24 (1), 105-120.

Contemporary war and the crisis of human protection


Journal Article

The humanisation of security? Towards an International Human Protection Regime

Bellamy, Alex J. (2016). The humanisation of security? Towards an International Human Protection Regime. European Journal of International Security, 1 (1), 112-133. doi: 10.1017/eis.2015.5

The humanisation of security? Towards an International Human Protection Regime


Journal Article

Atrocity prevention: from promise to practice in the Asia Pacific

Bellamy, Alex J. (2016). Atrocity prevention: from promise to practice in the Asia Pacific. Global Responsibility to Protect, 8 (2-3), 180-199. doi: 10.1163/1875984X-00803006

Atrocity prevention: from promise to practice in the Asia Pacific


Journal Article

The question of intervention: John Stuart Mill and the responsibility to protect

Bellamy, Alex J. (2016). The question of intervention: John Stuart Mill and the responsibility to protect. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 29 (1), 341-343. doi: 10.1080/09557571.2015.1118853

The question of intervention: John Stuart Mill and the responsibility to protect


Journal Article

Twenty-first century UN peace operations: protection, force and the changing security environment

Bellamy, Alex J. and Hunt, Charles T. (2015). Twenty-first century UN peace operations: protection, force and the changing security environment. International Affairs, 91 (6), 1277-1298. doi: 10.1111/1468-2346.12456

Twenty-first century UN peace operations: protection, force and the changing security environment


Journal Article

When states go bad: The termination of state perpetrated mass killing

Bellamy, Alex J. (2015). When states go bad: The termination of state perpetrated mass killing. Journal of Peace Research, 52 (5), 565-576. doi: 10.1177/0022343315569333

When states go bad: The termination of state perpetrated mass killing


Journal Article

The responsibility to protect turns ten

Bellamy, Alex J. (2015). The responsibility to protect turns ten. Ethics and International Affairs, 29 (2), 161-185. doi: 10.1017/S0892679415000052

The responsibility to protect turns ten


Journal Article

A death foretold? Human rights, responsibility to protect and the persistent politics of power

Bellamy, Alex J. (2015). A death foretold? Human rights, responsibility to protect and the persistent politics of power. Cooperation and Conflict, 50 (2), 286-293. doi: 10.1177/0010836714545693

A death foretold? Human rights, responsibility to protect and the persistent politics of power


Journal Article

A chronic protection problem: The DPRK and the responsibility to protect

Bellamy, Alex J (2015). A chronic protection problem: The DPRK and the responsibility to protect. International Affairs, 91 (2), 225-244. doi: 10.1111/1468-2346.12232

A chronic protection problem: The DPRK and the responsibility to protect


Journal Article

The other Asian miracle? The decline of mass atrocities in East Asia

Bellamy, Alex J. (2014). The other Asian miracle? The decline of mass atrocities in East Asia. Global Change, Peace and Security, 26 (1), 1-19. doi: 10.1080/14781158.2014.865600

The other Asian miracle? The decline of mass atrocities in East Asia


Journal Article

From Tripoli to Damascus: lesson learning and the implementation of the responsibility to protect

Bellamy, Alexander J. (2014). From Tripoli to Damascus: lesson learning and the implementation of the responsibility to protect. International Politics, 51 (1), 23-44. doi: 10.1057/ip.2013.42

From Tripoli to Damascus: lesson learning and the implementation of the responsibility to protect


Journal Article

Respostas internacionais às crises de proteção de pessoas: a responsabilidade de proteger e o surgimento de um novo regime de proteção

Bellamy, Alex J. (2014). Respostas internacionais às crises de proteção de pessoas: a responsabilidade de proteger e o surgimento de um novo regime de proteção. Revista Critica de Ciencias Sociais, 104 (104), 45-66. doi: 10.4000/rccs.5680

Respostas internacionais às crises de proteção de pessoas: a responsabilidade de proteger e o surgimento de um novo regime de proteção


Journal Article

Introduction: the responsibility to protect and humanitarian action

Bellamy, Alex J. and Slim, Hugo (2014). Introduction: the responsibility to protect and humanitarian action. Global Responsibility to Protect, 6 (2), 117-125. doi: 10.1163/1875984X-00602002

Introduction: the responsibility to protect and humanitarian action


Journal Article

The Responsibility to Protect: Added Value or Hot Air?

Bellamy, Alex J (2013). The Responsibility to Protect: Added Value or Hot Air?. Cooperation and Conflict, 40 (3), 333-357. doi: 10.1177/0010836713482448

The Responsibility to Protect: Added Value or Hot Air?


Journal Article

Reconsidering the Cases of Humanitarian Intervention

Bellamy, Alex J. and Pape, Robert A. (2013). Reconsidering the Cases of Humanitarian Intervention. International Security, 38 (2), 200-202. doi: 10.1162/ISEC_c_00141

Reconsidering the Cases of Humanitarian Intervention


Journal Article

Making RtoP a living reality: reflections on the 2012 General Assembly dialogue on timely and decisive response

Bellamy, Alex J. (2013). Making RtoP a living reality: reflections on the 2012 General Assembly dialogue on timely and decisive response. Global Responsibility to Protect, 5 (1), 109-125. doi: 10.1163/1875984X-00501006

Making RtoP a living reality: reflections on the 2012 General Assembly dialogue on timely and decisive response