2021 Book A grammar of Gurindji: as spoken by Violet Wadrill, Ronnie Wavehill, Dandy Danbayarri, Biddy Wavehill, Topsy Dodd Ngarnjal, Long Johnny Kijngayarri, Banjo Ryan, Pincher Nyurrmiari and Blanche BulngariMeakins, Felicity and McConvell, Patrick (2021). A grammar of Gurindji: as spoken by Violet Wadrill, Ronnie Wavehill, Dandy Danbayarri, Biddy Wavehill, Topsy Dodd Ngarnjal, Long Johnny Kijngayarri, Banjo Ryan, Pincher Nyurrmiari and Blanche Bulngari. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter. doi: 10.1515/9783110746884 |
2019 Book Songs from the stations: Wajarra as performed by Ronnie Wavehill Wirrpnga, Topsy Dodd Ngarnjal and Dandy Danbayarri, with additional verses by Patrick Smith, Jack Gordon and Marie GordonTurpin, Myfany and Meakins, Felicity (2019). Songs from the stations: Wajarra as performed by Ronnie Wavehill Wirrpnga, Topsy Dodd Ngarnjal and Dandy Danbayarri, with additional verses by Patrick Smith, Jack Gordon and Marie Gordon. Sydney, Australia: Sydney University Press. |
2018 Book Understanding linguistic fieldworkMeakins, Felicity, Green, Jennifer and Turpin, Myfany (2018). Understanding linguistic fieldwork. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780203701294 |
2016 Book Loss and Renewal: Australian Languages Since ColonisationFelicity Meakins and Carmel O'Shannessy eds. (2016). Loss and Renewal: Australian Languages Since Colonisation. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter Mouton. |
2016 Book Yijarni: True Stories from Gurindji CountryErika Charola and Felicity Meakins eds. (2016). Yijarni: True Stories from Gurindji Country. Canberra, Australia: Aboriginal Studies Press. |
2011 Book Case-marking in contact: The development and function of case morphology in Gurindji KriolMeakins, Felicity (2011). Case-marking in contact: The development and function of case morphology in Gurindji Kriol. Amsterdam, Netherlands: John Benjamins Publishing Company. |
2024 Book Bina: First Nations languages, old and newTudor, Gari, Williams, Paul and Meakins, Felicity (2024). Bina: First Nations languages, old and new. Melbourne, VIC, Australia: Black Inc. |
2019 Book Birrka marnini: making things MudburraDixon, Shannon Kulngankarri, Hughes, Wendy, Dixon, Janey Walanyku Lunjabirni, Dixon, Raymond Dimakarri, Bill, Maureen, Bill, Sarah, Bill, Raylene, Kingston, Susan, Nangkurrunyungu, Johnny Devlin, Hamilton-Hollaway, Amanda, Osgarby, David, Pensalfini, Rob and Meakins, Felicity (2019). Birrka marnini: making things Mudburra. Batchelor, NT, Australia: Batchelor Press. |
2019 Book Karu: Growing up GurindjiWadrill, Violet, Wavehill, Biddy Yamawurr, Dodd, Topsy Ngarnjal and Meakins, Felicity (2019). Karu: Growing up Gurindji. Melbourne, Australia: Spinifex Press. |
2019 Book Mudburra to English DictionaryGreen, Rebecca, Green, Jennifer, Hamilton-Hollaway, Amanda, Meakins, Felicity, Osgarby, David and Pensalfini, Rob (2019). Mudburra to English Dictionary. Canberra, Australia: Aboriginal Studies Press. |
2019 Book Ngarinyman to English dictionaryJones, Caroline, Denniss, Jessica, Schultze-Berndt, Eva and Meakins, Felicity (2019). Ngarinyman to English dictionary. Canberra, ACT, Australia: Aboriginal Studies Press. |
2018 Book Jingulu and Mudburra plants and animals: biocultural knowledge of the Jingili and Mudburra people of Murranji, Marlinja, Warranganku (Beetaloo) and Kulumindini (Elliott), Northern Territory, AustraliaRaymond, Pompey, Dixon, Pharlap, Dixon, Sue, Dixon, Shannon, Dixon, Ray, Dixon, Jeffrey, Dixon, Janey, Dixon, Elizabeth, Raymond, Mark, Dalywaters, Harold, Collins, Jumbo, Woods, Robin, Peterson-Cooper, Eileen, Meakins, Felicity, Pensalfini, Rob and Wightman, Glenn (2018). Jingulu and Mudburra plants and animals: biocultural knowledge of the Jingili and Mudburra people of Murranji, Marlinja, Warranganku (Beetaloo) and Kulumindini (Elliott), Northern Territory, Australia. Batchelor, NT, Australia: Batchelor Institute. |
2017 Book Still in my mind: Gurindji location, experience and visualityCroft, Brenda, Smith, Penny and Meakins, Felicity eds. (2017). Still in my mind: Gurindji location, experience and visuality. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: UQ Art Museum. |
2016 Book Mayarni-kari Yurrk: More Stories from Gurindji CountryErika Charola and Felicity Meakins eds. (2016). Mayarni-kari Yurrk: More Stories from Gurindji Country. Batchelor, NT, Australia: Batchelor Press. |
2015 Book Kawarla: how to make a coolamonWadrill, Violet, Wavehill Yamawurr, Biddy and Meakins, Felicity (2015). Kawarla: how to make a coolamon. Batchelor, NT, Australia: Batchelor Press. |
2014 Book A grammar of Bilinarra: an Australian Aboriginal language of the Northern TerritoryMeakins, Felicity and Nordlinger, Rachel (2014). A grammar of Bilinarra: an Australian Aboriginal language of the Northern Territory. Berlin, Germany: Mouton de Gruyter. doi: 10.1515/9781614512745 |
2013 Book Gurindji to English dictionaryMeakins, Felicity, McConvell, Patrick, Charola, Erika, McNair, Norm, McNair, Helen and Campbell, Lauren (2013). Gurindji to English dictionary. Batchelor, NT, Australia: Batchelor Press. |
2013 Book Bilinarra to English dictionaryMeakins, Felicity (2013). Bilinarra to English dictionary. Batchelor, NT, Australia: Batchelor Press. |
2012 Book Bilinarra, Gurindji and Malngin plants and animals: Aboriginal knowledge of flora and fauna from Judbarra/Gregory National Park, Nijburru, Kalkarindji and Daguragu, Northern AustraliaHector, Ivy Kulngari, Jungurra Kalabidi, George, Banjo, Spider, Nangari Ngarnjal Dodd, Topsy, Jangala Wirrba Wavehill, Ronnie, Danbayarri, Dandy, Nanaku Wadrill, Violet, Puntiyarri, Bernard, Bernard Malyik, Ida, Wavehill, Biddy, Morris, Helen, Campbell, Lauren, Meakins, Felicity and Wightmann, Glenn (2012). Bilinarra, Gurindji and Malngin plants and animals: Aboriginal knowledge of flora and fauna from Judbarra/Gregory National Park, Nijburru, Kalkarindji and Daguragu, Northern Australia. Katherine, NT, Australia: Bilinarra, Gurindji and Malngin People; Department of Land Resource Management. |