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Journal Article

Empirical analysis of the contributions of mesopores and micropores to double-layer capacitance of carbons

Rufford, Thomas E., Hulicova-Jurcakova, Denisa, Zhu, Zhonghua and Lu, Gaoqing (2009). Empirical analysis of the contributions of mesopores and micropores to double-layer capacitance of carbons. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113 (44), 19335-19343. doi: 10.1021/jp905975q

Empirical analysis of the contributions of mesopores and micropores to double-layer capacitance of carbons


Journal Article

Production of hydrogen from methane decomposition using nanosized carbon black as catalyst in a fluidized-bed reactor

Chen, J., He, M., Wang, G., Li, Y. and Zhu, Z. (2009). Production of hydrogen from methane decomposition using nanosized carbon black as catalyst in a fluidized-bed reactor. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 34 (24), 9730-9736. doi: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2009.10.030

Production of hydrogen from methane decomposition using nanosized carbon black as catalyst in a fluidized-bed reactor


Journal Article

Effects of pre-treatment in air microwave plasma on the structure of CNTs and the activity of Ru/CNTs catalysts for ammonia decomposition

Chen, J, Zhu, ZH, Ma, Q, Li, L, Rudolph, V and Lu, GQ (2009). Effects of pre-treatment in air microwave plasma on the structure of CNTs and the activity of Ru/CNTs catalysts for ammonia decomposition. Catalysis Today, 148 (1-2), 97-102. doi: 10.1016/j.cattod.2009.02.005

Effects of pre-treatment in air microwave plasma on the structure of CNTs and the activity of Ru/CNTs catalysts for ammonia decomposition


Journal Article

Erratum: Carbon nanofibers synthesized by catalytic decomposition of methane and their electrochemical performance in a direct carbon fuel cel (Energy fuels (2009) 23: (3721))

Li, Xiang, Chen, Jiuling, Zhu, Zhonghua, De Marco, Roland, Bradley, John and Dicks, Andrew (2009). Erratum: Carbon nanofibers synthesized by catalytic decomposition of methane and their electrochemical performance in a direct carbon fuel cel (Energy fuels (2009) 23: (3721)). Energy and Fuels, 23 (10), 5290-5290. doi: 10.1021/ef901015g

Erratum: Carbon nanofibers synthesized by catalytic decomposition of methane and their electrochemical performance in a direct carbon fuel cel (Energy fuels (2009) 23: (3721))


Journal Article

Erratum: Isoconversional Kinetic Analysis of the Combustion of Heavy Hydrocarbons (Energy fuels (2009) 23: (4003))

Li, Xiang, Chen, Jiuling, Zhu, Zhonghua, De Marco, Roland, Bradley, John and Dicks, Andrew (2009). Erratum: Isoconversional Kinetic Analysis of the Combustion of Heavy Hydrocarbons (Energy fuels (2009) 23: (4003)). Energy and Fuels, 23 (10), 5290-5290. doi: 10.1021/ef901013a

Erratum: Isoconversional Kinetic Analysis of the Combustion of Heavy Hydrocarbons (Energy fuels (2009) 23: (4003))


Journal Article

The effect of Fe doping on adsorption of CO2/N-2 within carbon nanotubes: a density functional theory study with dispersion corrections

Du, A., Sun, C., Zhu, Z., Lu, G., Rudolph, V. and Smith, S.C. (2009). The effect of Fe doping on adsorption of CO2/N-2 within carbon nanotubes: a density functional theory study with dispersion corrections. Nanotechnology, 20 (37) 375701, 375701-375704. doi: 10.1088/0957-4484/20/37/375701

The effect of Fe doping on adsorption of CO2/N-2 within carbon nanotubes: a density functional theory study with dispersion corrections


Journal Article

Low-temperature synthesis of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-delta perovskite powder via asymmetric sol-gel process and catalytic auto-combustion

Ge, Lei, Ran, Ran, Shao, Zongping, Zhu, Zhong Hua and Liu, Shaomin (2009). Low-temperature synthesis of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-delta perovskite powder via asymmetric sol-gel process and catalytic auto-combustion. Ceramics International, 35 (7), 2809-2815. doi: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2009.03.018

Low-temperature synthesis of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-delta perovskite powder via asymmetric sol-gel process and catalytic auto-combustion


Journal Article

Dots versus Antidots: Computational Exploration of Structure, Magnetism, and Half-Metallicity in Boron-Nitride Nanostructures

Du, A., Chen, Y., Zhu, Z., Amal, R., Lu, G. and Smith, S. (2009). Dots versus Antidots: Computational Exploration of Structure, Magnetism, and Half-Metallicity in Boron-Nitride Nanostructures. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 131 (47), 17354-17359. doi: 10.1021/ja9071942

Dots versus Antidots: Computational Exploration of Structure, Magnetism, and Half-Metallicity in Boron-Nitride Nanostructures


Journal Article

Guest editorial

Zhu, John, Yan, Zifeng, Silva, Maria A. and Chen, Guohua (2009). Guest editorial. Drying Technology, 27 (4) doi: 10.1080/07373930802715211

Guest editorial


Journal Article

Carbon nanofibers synthesized by catalytic decomposition of methane and their electrochemical performance in a direct carbon fuel cell

Li, Xiang, Zhu, Zonghua, De Marco, Roland, Bradley, John and Dicks, Andrew (2009). Carbon nanofibers synthesized by catalytic decomposition of methane and their electrochemical performance in a direct carbon fuel cell. Energy and Fuels, 23 (7), 3721-3731. doi: 10.1021/ef900203h

Carbon nanofibers synthesized by catalytic decomposition of methane and their electrochemical performance in a direct carbon fuel cell


Journal Article

Influence of calcination temperatures of Feitknecht compound precursor on the structure of Ni–Al2O3 catalyst and the corresponding catalytic activity in methane decomposition to hydrogen and carbon nanofibers

Chen, J., Ma, Q., Rufford, T., Li, Y. and Zhu, Z.H. (2009). Influence of calcination temperatures of Feitknecht compound precursor on the structure of Ni–Al2O3 catalyst and the corresponding catalytic activity in methane decomposition to hydrogen and carbon nanofibers. Applied Catalysis A-general, 362 (1-2), 1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.apcata.2009.04.025

Influence of calcination temperatures of Feitknecht compound precursor on the structure of Ni–Al2O3 catalyst and the corresponding catalytic activity in methane decomposition to hydrogen and carbon nanofibers


Journal Article

Effects of preparation methods on the oxygen nonstoichiometry, B-site cation valences and catalytic efficiency of perovskite La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-delta

Ge, Lei, Zhu, Zhonghua, Shao, Zongping, Wang, Shaobin and Liu, Shaomin (2009). Effects of preparation methods on the oxygen nonstoichiometry, B-site cation valences and catalytic efficiency of perovskite La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-delta. Ceramics International, 35 (8), 3201-3206. doi: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2009.05.024

Effects of preparation methods on the oxygen nonstoichiometry, B-site cation valences and catalytic efficiency of perovskite La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-delta


Journal Article

Nitrogen-enriched nonporous carbon electrodes with extraordinary supercapacitance

Hulicova-Jurcakova, D., Kodama, M., Shiraishi, S., Hatori, H., Zhu, Z.H. and Lu, G.Q. (2009). Nitrogen-enriched nonporous carbon electrodes with extraordinary supercapacitance. Advanced Functional Materials, 19 (11), 1800-1809. doi: 10.1002/adfm.200801100

Nitrogen-enriched nonporous carbon electrodes with extraordinary supercapacitance


Journal Article

Diffusion through ordered force fields in nanopores represented by Smoluchowski equation

Wang, F. Y., Zhu, Z. H. and Rudolph, V. (2009). Diffusion through ordered force fields in nanopores represented by Smoluchowski equation. AIChE Journal, 55 (6), 1325-1337. doi: 10.1002/aic.11747

Diffusion through ordered force fields in nanopores represented by Smoluchowski equation


Journal Article

Chromium oxide catalysts for CO(x)-free hydrogen generation via catalytic ammonia decomposition

Li, L., Zhu, Z. H., Wang, S. B., Yao, X. D. and Yan, Z. F. (2009). Chromium oxide catalysts for CO(x)-free hydrogen generation via catalytic ammonia decomposition. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 304 (1-2), 71-76. doi: 10.1016/j.molcata.2009.01.026

Chromium oxide catalysts for CO(x)-free hydrogen generation via catalytic ammonia decomposition


Journal Article

Layer structured graphite oxide as a novel adsorbent for humic acid removal from aqueous solution

Hartono, T., Wang, S.B., Ma, Q. and Zhu, Z.H. (2009). Layer structured graphite oxide as a novel adsorbent for humic acid removal from aqueous solution. JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 333 (1), 114-119. doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2009.02.005

Layer structured graphite oxide as a novel adsorbent for humic acid removal from aqueous solution


Journal Article

Double-layer capacitance of waste coffee ground activated carbons in an organic electrolyte

Rufford, Thomas E., Hulicova-Jurcakova, Denisa, Fiset, Erika, Zhu, Zhonghua and Lu, Gao Qing (2009). Double-layer capacitance of waste coffee ground activated carbons in an organic electrolyte. Electrochemistry communications, 11 (5), 974-977. doi: 10.1016/j.elecom.2009.02.038

Double-layer capacitance of waste coffee ground activated carbons in an organic electrolyte


Journal Article

Characteristics of unburned carbons and their application for humic acid removal from water

Wang, Shaobin, Ma, Qing and Zhu, Z. H. (2009). Characteristics of unburned carbons and their application for humic acid removal from water. Fuel Processing Technology, 90 (3), 375-380. doi: 10.1016/j.fuproc.2008.10.010

Characteristics of unburned carbons and their application for humic acid removal from water


Journal Article

C-BN single-walled nanotubes from hybrid connection of BN/C nanoribbons: Prediction by ab initio density functional calculations

Du, A., Chen, Y., Zhu, Z., Lu, G. and Smith, S. C. (2009). C-BN single-walled nanotubes from hybrid connection of BN/C nanoribbons: Prediction by ab initio density functional calculations. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131 (5), 1682-1683. doi: 10.1021/ja809053x

C-BN single-walled nanotubes from hybrid connection of BN/C nanoribbons: Prediction by ab initio density functional calculations


Journal Article

First principle studies of zigzag AlN nanoribbon

Du, A. J., Zhu, Z. H., Chen, Y., Lu, G. Q. and Smith, S. C. (2009). First principle studies of zigzag AlN nanoribbon. Chemical Physics Letters, 469 (1-3), 183-185. doi: 10.1016/j.cplett.2008.12.080

First principle studies of zigzag AlN nanoribbon