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Journal Article

Validation of a modified three-day weighed food record for measuring energy intake in preschool-aged children with cerebral palsy

Walker, Jacqueline L., Bell, Kristie L., Boyd, Roslyn N. and Davies, Peter S. W. (2013). Validation of a modified three-day weighed food record for measuring energy intake in preschool-aged children with cerebral palsy. Clinical Nutrition, 32 (3), 426-431. doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2012.09.005

Validation of a modified three-day weighed food record for measuring energy intake in preschool-aged children with cerebral palsy


Journal Article

Oropharyngeal dysphagia and gross motor skills in children with cerebral palsy

Benfer, Katherine A., Weir, Kelly A., Bell, Kristie L., Ware, Robert S., Davies, Peter S. W. and Boyd, Roslyn N. (2013). Oropharyngeal dysphagia and gross motor skills in children with cerebral palsy. Pediatrics, 131 (5), E1553-E1562. doi: 10.1542/peds.2012-3093

Oropharyngeal dysphagia and gross motor skills in children with cerebral palsy


Journal Article

Using a wiki platform to promote guidelines internationally and maintain their currency: evidence-based guidelines for the nutritional management of adult patients with head and neck cancer

Brown, T., Findlay, M., von Dincklage, J., Davidson, W., Hill, J., Isenring, E., Talwar, B., Bell, K., Kiss, N., Kurmis, R., Loeliger, J., Sandison, A., Taylor, K. and Bauer, J. (2013). Using a wiki platform to promote guidelines internationally and maintain their currency: evidence-based guidelines for the nutritional management of adult patients with head and neck cancer. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 26 (2), 182-190. doi: 10.1111/jhn.12036

Using a wiki platform to promote guidelines internationally and maintain their currency: evidence-based guidelines for the nutritional management of adult patients with head and neck cancer


Journal Article

Reported eating ability of young children with cerebral palsy: is there an association with gross motor function?

Weir, Kelly A., Bell, Kristie L., Caristo, Fiona, Ware, Robert S., Davies, Peter S. W., Fahey, Michael, Rawicki, Barry and Boyd, Roslyn N. (2013). Reported eating ability of young children with cerebral palsy: is there an association with gross motor function?. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 94 (3), 495-502. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2012.10.007

Reported eating ability of young children with cerebral palsy: is there an association with gross motor function?


Journal Article

Energy requirements in preschool-age children with cerebral palsy

Walker, Jacqueline L., Bell, Kristie L., Boyd, Roslyn N. and Davies, Peter S. W. (2012). Energy requirements in preschool-age children with cerebral palsy. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 96 (6), 1309-1315. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.112.043430

Energy requirements in preschool-age children with cerebral palsy


Journal Article

Longitudinal cohort protocol study of oropharyngeal dysphagia: relationships to gross motor attainment, growth and nutritional status in preschool children with cerebral palsy (vol 2, e001460, 2012)

Benfer, K. A., Weir, K. A. and Bell, K. L. (2012). Longitudinal cohort protocol study of oropharyngeal dysphagia: relationships to gross motor attainment, growth and nutritional status in preschool children with cerebral palsy (vol 2, e001460, 2012). Bmj Open, 2 (5) e001460corr1, 1-1. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2012-001460corr1

Longitudinal cohort protocol study of oropharyngeal dysphagia: relationships to gross motor attainment, growth and nutritional status in preschool children with cerebral palsy (vol 2, e001460, 2012)


Journal Article

A systematic review of the clinimetric properties of habitual physical activity measures in young children with a motor disability

Oftedal, Stina, Bell, Kristie L., Mitchell, Louise E., Davies, Peter S. W., Ware, Robert S. and Boyd, Roslyn N. (2012). A systematic review of the clinimetric properties of habitual physical activity measures in young children with a motor disability. International Journal of Pediatrics, Article ID 976425 976425, 976425-12. doi: 10.1155/2012/976425

A systematic review of the clinimetric properties of habitual physical activity measures in young children with a motor disability


Journal Article

Relationships between Dietary Intake and Body Composition according to Gross Motor Functional Ability in Preschool-Aged Children with Cerebral Palsy

Walker, Jacqueline L., Bell, Kristie L., Stevenson, Richard D., Weir, Kelly A., Boyd, Roslyn N. and Davies, Peter S. W. (2012). Relationships between Dietary Intake and Body Composition according to Gross Motor Functional Ability in Preschool-Aged Children with Cerebral Palsy. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 61 (4), 349-357. doi: 10.1159/000342557

Relationships between Dietary Intake and Body Composition according to Gross Motor Functional Ability in Preschool-Aged Children with Cerebral Palsy


Journal Article

Longitudinal cohort protocol study of oropharyngeal dysphagia: Relationships to gross motor attainment, growth and nutritional status in preschool children with cerebral palsy

Benfer, Katherine A., Weir, Kelly A., Bell, Kristie L., Ware, Robert S., Davies, Peter S. W. and Boyd, Roslyn N. (2012). Longitudinal cohort protocol study of oropharyngeal dysphagia: Relationships to gross motor attainment, growth and nutritional status in preschool children with cerebral palsy. BMJ Open, 2 (4) e001460, 001460.1-001460.16. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2012-001460

Longitudinal cohort protocol study of oropharyngeal dysphagia: Relationships to gross motor attainment, growth and nutritional status in preschool children with cerebral palsy


Journal Article

A review of energy intake measures used in young children with cerebral palsy

Walker, Jaqueline L., Bell, Kristie L., Caristo, Fiona M., Boyd, Roslyn N. and Davies, Peter S.W. (2011). A review of energy intake measures used in young children with cerebral palsy. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 53 (6), 569-572. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8749.2011.03988.x

A review of energy intake measures used in young children with cerebral palsy


Journal Article

Energy expenditure and physical activity of ambulatory children with cerebral palsy and of typically developing children

Bell, K.L. and Davies, P.S.W. (2010). Energy expenditure and physical activity of ambulatory children with cerebral palsy and of typically developing children. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 92 (2), 313-319. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.2010.29388

Energy expenditure and physical activity of ambulatory children with cerebral palsy and of typically developing children


Journal Article

A prospective, longitudinal study of growth, nutrition and sedentary behaviour in young children with cerebral palsy

Bell, Kristie L., Boyd, Roslyn N., Tweedy, Sean M., Weir, Kelly A., Stevenson, Richard D. and Davies, Peter S. W. (2010). A prospective, longitudinal study of growth, nutrition and sedentary behaviour in young children with cerebral palsy. BMC Public Health, 10 (179) 179, 1-12. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-10-179

A prospective, longitudinal study of growth, nutrition and sedentary behaviour in young children with cerebral palsy


Journal Article

Prediction of height from knee height in children with cerebral palsy and non-disabled children

Bell, K. L. and Davies, P. S. W. (2006). Prediction of height from knee height in children with cerebral palsy and non-disabled children. Annals of Human Biology, 33 (4), 493-499. doi: 10.1080/03014460600814028

Prediction of height from knee height in children with cerebral palsy and non-disabled children


Journal Article

The use of bioelectrical impedance analysis to estimate total body water in children with cerebral palsy and non-disabled children

Bell, K. L. and Davies, P.S.W. (2004). The use of bioelectrical impedance analysis to estimate total body water in children with cerebral palsy and non-disabled children. International Journal of Body Composition Research, 2 (1), 15-22.

The use of bioelectrical impedance analysis to estimate total body water in children with cerebral palsy and non-disabled children


Journal Article

Comparison of the Cosmed K4 b(2) and the Deltatrac II (TM) metabolic cart in measuring resting energy expenditure in adults

Littlewood, R. A., White, M. S., Bell, K. L., Davies, P. S. W., Cleghorn, G. J. and Grote, R. (2002). Comparison of the Cosmed K4 b(2) and the Deltatrac II (TM) metabolic cart in measuring resting energy expenditure in adults. Clinical Nutrition, 21 (6), 491-497. doi: 10.1054/clnu.2002.0580

Comparison of the Cosmed K4 b(2) and the Deltatrac II (TM) metabolic cart in measuring resting energy expenditure in adults