2016 Journal Article Incorporating climate change into spatial conservation prioritisation: a reviewJones, Kendall R., Watson, James E. M., Possingham, Hugh P. and Klein, Carissa J. (2016). Incorporating climate change into spatial conservation prioritisation: a review. Biological Conservation, 194, 121-130. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2015.12.008 |
2016 Journal Article Intact ecosystems provide best defence against climate changeMartin, Tara G. and Watson, James E. M. (2016). Intact ecosystems provide best defence against climate change. Nature Climate Change, 6 (2), 122-124. doi: 10.1038/nclimate2918 |
2016 Journal Article Bolder science needed now for protected areasWatson, James E. M., Darling, Emily S., Venter, Oscar, Maron, Martine, Walston, Joe, Possingham, Hugh P., Dudley, Nigel, Hockings, Marc, Barnes, Megan and Brooks, Thomas M. (2016). Bolder science needed now for protected areas. Conservation Biology, 30 (2), 243-248. doi: 10.1111/cobi.12645 |
2016 Journal Article Unique Australian wildlife risks vanishing as ecosystems suffer death by a thousand cutsTulloch, Ayesha, Watson, James, Ringma, Jeremy, Barnes, Megan and Fuller, Richard (2016, 01 07). Unique Australian wildlife risks vanishing as ecosystems suffer death by a thousand cuts |
2016 Journal Article Seeking convergence on the key concepts in ‘no net loss’ policyBull, Joseph W., Gordon, Ascelin, Watson, James E. M. and Maron, Martine (2016). Seeking convergence on the key concepts in ‘no net loss’ policy. Journal of Applied Ecology, 53 (6), 1686-1693. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12726 |
2016 Journal Article Large seasonal and diurnal anthropogenic heat flux across four Australian citiesChapman, S., Watson, J. E. M. and McAlpine, C. A. (2016). Large seasonal and diurnal anthropogenic heat flux across four Australian cities. Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science, 66 (3), 342-360. doi: 10.22499/3.6603.006 |
2016 Journal Article A global assessment of current and future biodiversity vulnerability to habitat loss-climate change interactionsSegan, Daniel B., Murray, Kris A. and Watson, James E. M. (2016). A global assessment of current and future biodiversity vulnerability to habitat loss-climate change interactions. Global Ecology and Conservation, 5, 12-21. doi: 10.1016/j.gecco.2015.11.002 |
2016 Journal Article Interactions between biodiversity offsets and protected area commitments: avoiding perverse outcomesMaron, Martine, Gordon, Ascelin, Mackey, Brendan G., Possingham, Hugh P. and Watson, James E. M. (2016). Interactions between biodiversity offsets and protected area commitments: avoiding perverse outcomes. Conservation Letters, 9 (5), 384-389. doi: 10.1111/conl.12222 |
2016 Journal Article Testing the effectiveness of surrogate species for conservation planning in the Greater Virunga Landscape, AfricaJones, Kendall R., Plumptre, Andrew J., Watson, James E. M., Possingham, Hugh P., Ayebare, Sam, Rwetsiba, A., Wanyama, F., kujirakwinja, D. and Klein, Carissa J. (2016). Testing the effectiveness of surrogate species for conservation planning in the Greater Virunga Landscape, Africa. Landscape and Urban Planning, 145, 1-11. doi: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2015.09.006 |
2015 Journal Article What are we actually protecting in the ocean?Klein, Carissa, Watson, James, Halpern, Ben and McGowan, Jennifer (2015). What are we actually protecting in the ocean?. Ocean Views |
2015 Journal Article As habitat vanishes, migratory birds are in free fallRunge, Claire, Watson, James and Fuller, Richard (2015). As habitat vanishes, migratory birds are in free fall. LiveScience |
2015 Journal Article Protected areas and global conservation of migratory birdsRunge, Claire A., Watson, James E.M., Butchart, Stuart H.M., Hanson, Jeffrey O., Possingham, Hugh P. and Fuller, Richard A. (2015). Protected areas and global conservation of migratory birds. Science, 350 (6265), 1255-1258. doi: 10.1126/science.aac9180 |
2015 Journal Article Designing climate-resilient marine protected area networks by combining remotely sensed coral reef habitat with coastal multi-use mapsMaina, Joseph M., Jones, Kendall R., Hicks, Christina C., McClanahan, Tim R., Watson, James E. M., Tuda, Arthur O. and Andrefouet, Serge (2015). Designing climate-resilient marine protected area networks by combining remotely sensed coral reef habitat with coastal multi-use maps. Remote Sensing, 7 (12), 16571-16587. doi: 10.3390/rs71215849 |
2015 Journal Article Shortfalls in the global protected area network at representing marine biodiversityKlein, Carissa J., Brown, Christopher J., Halpern, Benjamin S., Segan, Daniel B., McGowan, Jennifer, Beger, Maria and Watson, James E.M. (2015). Shortfalls in the global protected area network at representing marine biodiversity. Scientific Reports, 5 (1) 17539, 17539. doi: 10.1038/srep17539 |
2015 Journal Article A wilderness approach under the World Heritage ConventionKormos, Cyril F., Bertzky, Bastian, Jaeger, Tilman, Shi, Yichuan, Badman, Tim, Hilty, Jodi A., Mackey, Brendan G., Mittermeier, Russell A., Locke, Harvey, Osipova, Elena and Watson, James E.M. (2015). A wilderness approach under the World Heritage Convention. Conservation Letters, 9 (3), 228-235. doi: 10.1111/conl.12205 |
2015 Journal Article Integrating human responses to climate change into conservation vulnerability assessments and adaptation planningMaxwell, Sean L., Venter, Oscar, Jones, Kendall R. and Watson, James E. M. (2015). Integrating human responses to climate change into conservation vulnerability assessments and adaptation planning. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1355 (1), 98-116. doi: 10.1111/nyas.12952 |
2015 Journal Article The role of World Heritage sites in a changing climateWelling, Leigh, Rockman, Marcy, Watson, James, Mackey, Brendan and Potts, Andrew (2015). The role of World Heritage sites in a changing climate. World Heritage Review, 77, 4-13. |
2015 Journal Article Effective conservation requires clear objectives and prioritizing actions, not places or speciesBrown, Christopher J., Bode, Michael, Venter, Oscar, Barnes, Megan D., McGowan, Jennifer, Runge, Claire A., Watson, James E. M. and Possingham, Hugh P. (2015). Effective conservation requires clear objectives and prioritizing actions, not places or species. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112 (32), E4342-E4342. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1509189112 |
2015 Journal Article Conservation: stop misuse of biodiversity offsetsMaron, Martine, Gordon, Ascelin, Mackey, Brendan G., Possingham, Hugh P. and Watson, James E. M. (2015). Conservation: stop misuse of biodiversity offsets. Nature, 523 (7561), 401-403. doi: 10.1038/523401a |
2015 Journal Article Offsetting biodiversity: greening or greenwashing?Maron, Martine and Watson, James (2015). Offsetting biodiversity: greening or greenwashing?. National Geographic |