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Journal Article

Wilderness areas halve the extinction risk of terrestrial biodiversity

Di Marco, Moreno, Ferrier, Simon, Harwood, Tom D., Hoskins, Andrew J. and Watson, James E. M. (2019). Wilderness areas halve the extinction risk of terrestrial biodiversity. Nature, 573 (7775), 582-585. doi: 10.1038/s41586-019-1567-7

Wilderness areas halve the extinction risk of terrestrial biodiversity


Journal Article

Nationally determined contributions under the Paris Agreement and the costs of delayed action

Winning, Matthew, Price, James, Ekins, Paul, Pye, Steve, Glynn, James, Watson, Jim and McGlade, Christophe (2019). Nationally determined contributions under the Paris Agreement and the costs of delayed action. Climate Policy, 19 (8), 947-958. doi: 10.1080/14693062.2019.1615858

Nationally determined contributions under the Paris Agreement and the costs of delayed action


Journal Article

Three Global Conditions for Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use: an implementation framework

Locke, Harvey, Ellis, Erle C., Venter, Oscar, Schuster, Richard, Ma, Keping, Shen, Xiaoli, Woodley, Stephen, Kingston, Naomi, Bhola, Nina, Strassburg, Bernardo B. N., Paulsch, Axel, Williams, Brooke and Watson, James E. M. (2019). Three Global Conditions for Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use: an implementation framework. National Science Review, 6 (6), 1080-1082. doi: 10.1093/nsr/nwz136

Three Global Conditions for Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use: an implementation framework


Journal Article

Lots of loss with little scrutiny: the attrition of habitat critical for threatened species in Australia

Ward, Michelle S., Simmonds, Jeremy S., Reside, April E., Watson, James E. M., Rhodes, Jonathan R., Possingham, Hugh P., Trezise, James, Fletcher, Rachel, File, Lindsey and Taylor, Martin (2019). Lots of loss with little scrutiny: the attrition of habitat critical for threatened species in Australia. Conservation Science and Practice, 1 (11) e117. doi: 10.1111/csp2.117

Lots of loss with little scrutiny: the attrition of habitat critical for threatened species in Australia


Journal Article

A manifesto for predictive conservation

Travers, Henry, Selinske, Matthew, Nuno, Ana, Serban, Anca, Mancini, Francesca, Barychka, Tatsiana, Bush, Emma, Rasolofoson, Ranaivo A., Watson, James E.M. and Milner-Gulland, E. J. (2019). A manifesto for predictive conservation. Biological Conservation, 237, 12-18. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2019.05.059

A manifesto for predictive conservation


Journal Article

A bold successor to Aichi Target 11−−Response

Visconti, Piero, Butchart, Stuart H.M., Brooks, Thomas M., Langhammer, Penny F., Marnewick, Daniel, Vergara, Sheila, Yanosky, Alberto, Crowe, Olivia and Watson, James E.M. (2019). A bold successor to Aichi Target 11−−Response. Science, 365 (6454), 650-651. doi: 10.1126/science.aay2768

A bold successor to Aichi Target 11−−Response


Journal Article

Diverse contributions benefit people and nature

Watson, James E. M. and Jones, Julia P. G. (2019). Diverse contributions benefit people and nature. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 3 (8), 1140-1141. doi: 10.1038/s41559-019-0936-9

Diverse contributions benefit people and nature


Journal Article

Emerging evidence that armed conflict and coca cultivation influence deforestation patterns

Negret, Pablo Jose, Sonter, Laura, Watson, James E.M., Possingham, Hugh P., Jones, Kendall R., Suarez, Cesar, Ochoa-Quintero, Jose Manuel and Maron, Martine (2019). Emerging evidence that armed conflict and coca cultivation influence deforestation patterns. Biological Conservation, 239 108176, 108176. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2019.07.021

Emerging evidence that armed conflict and coca cultivation influence deforestation patterns


Journal Article

All threatened species habitat is important

Simmonds, J. S. and Watson, J. E. M. (2019). All threatened species habitat is important. Animal Conservation, 22 (4), 324-325. doi: 10.1111/acv.12518

All threatened species habitat is important


Journal Article

Need to address gaps in global fisheries observation

Roberson, Leslie A., Kiszka, Jeremy J. and Watson, James E. M. (2019). Need to address gaps in global fisheries observation. Conservation Biology, 33 (4) cobi.13265, 966-968. doi: 10.1111/cobi.13265

Need to address gaps in global fisheries observation


Journal Article

Widespread shortfalls in protected area resourcing undermine efforts to conserve biodiversity

Coad, Lauren, Watson, James E. M., Geldmann, Jonas, Burgess, Neil D., Leverington, Fiona, Hockings, Marc, Knights, Kathryn and Di Marco, Moreno (2019). Widespread shortfalls in protected area resourcing undermine efforts to conserve biodiversity. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 17 (5) fee.2042, 259-264. doi: 10.1002/fee.2042

Widespread shortfalls in protected area resourcing undermine efforts to conserve biodiversity


Journal Article

Quantifying biases in marine‐protected‐area placement relative to abatable threats

Kuempel, Caitlin D., Jones, Kendall R., Watson, James E.M. and Possingham, Hugh P. (2019). Quantifying biases in marine‐protected‐area placement relative to abatable threats. Conservation Biology, 33 (6) cobi.13340, 1350-1359. doi: 10.1111/cobi.13340

Quantifying biases in marine‐protected‐area placement relative to abatable threats


Journal Article

The mesoscavenger release hypothesis and implications for ecosystem and human well‐being

O'Bryan, Christopher J., Holden, Matthew H. and Watson, James E.M. (2019). The mesoscavenger release hypothesis and implications for ecosystem and human well‐being. Ecology Letters, 22 (9) ele.13288, 1340-1348. doi: 10.1111/ele.13288

The mesoscavenger release hypothesis and implications for ecosystem and human well‐being


Journal Article

The impact of climate change and urban growth on urban climate and heat stress in a subtropical city

Chapman, Sarah, Thatcher, Marcus, Salazar, Alvaro, Watson, James E.M. and McAlpine, Clive A. (2019). The impact of climate change and urban growth on urban climate and heat stress in a subtropical city. International Journal of Climatology, 39 (6), 3013-3030. doi: 10.1002/joc.5998

The impact of climate change and urban growth on urban climate and heat stress in a subtropical city


Journal Article

Last chance for Madagascar’s biodiversity

Jones, Julia P. G., Ratsimbazafy, Jonah, Ratsifandrihamanana, Anitry N., Watson, James E. M., Andrianandrasana, Herizo T., Cabeza, Mar, Cinner, Joshua E., Goodman, Steven M., Hawkins, Frank, Mittermeier, Russell A., Rabearisoa, Ando L., Rakotonarivo, O. Sarobidy, Razafimanahaka, Julie H., Razafimpahanana, Andriamandimbisoa R., Wilmé, Lucienne and Wright, Patricia C. (2019). Last chance for Madagascar’s biodiversity. Nature Sustainability, 2 (5), 350-352. doi: 10.1038/s41893-019-0288-0

Last chance for Madagascar’s biodiversity


Journal Article

Protected area targets post-2020

Visconti, Piero, Butchart, Stuart H. M., Brooks, Thomas M., Langhammer, Penny F., Marnewick, Daniel, Vergara, Sheila, Yanosky, Alberto and Watson, James E. M. (2019). Protected area targets post-2020. Science, 364 (6437), 239-241. doi: 10.1126/science.aav6886

Protected area targets post-2020


Journal Article

Restoration priorities to achieve the global protected area target

Mappin, Bonnie, Chauvenet, Alienor L.M., Adams, Vanessa M., Di Marco, Moreno, Beyer, Hawthorne L., Venter, Oscar, Halpern, Benjamin S., Possingham, Hugh P. and Watson, James E.M. (2019). Restoration priorities to achieve the global protected area target. Conservation Letters, 12 (4) e12646, e12646. doi: 10.1111/conl.12646

Restoration priorities to achieve the global protected area target


Journal Article

Metrics of progress in the understanding and management of threats to Australian birds: metrics of progress

Garnett, S. T., Butchart, S. H. M., Baker, G. B., Bayraktarov, E., Buchanan, K. L., Burbidge, A. A., Chauvenet, A. L. M., Christidis, L., Ehmke, G., Grace, M., Hoccom, D. G., Legge, S. M., Leiper, I., Lindenmayer, D. B., Loyn, R. H., Maron, M., McDonald, P., Menkhorst, P., Possingham, H. P., Radford, J., Reside, A. E., Watson, D. M., Watson, J. E. M., Wintle, B., Woinarski, J. C. Z. and Geyle, H. M. (2019). Metrics of progress in the understanding and management of threats to Australian birds: metrics of progress. Conservation Biology, 33 (2), 456-468. doi: 10.1111/cobi.13220

Metrics of progress in the understanding and management of threats to Australian birds: metrics of progress


Journal Article

Retention and restoration priorities for climate adaptation in a multi-use landscape

Maxwell, Sean L., Reside, April, Trezise, James, McAlpine, Clive A. and Watson, James EM. (2019). Retention and restoration priorities for climate adaptation in a multi-use landscape. Global Ecology and Conservation, 18 e00649, e00649. doi: 10.1016/j.gecco.2019.e00649

Retention and restoration priorities for climate adaptation in a multi-use landscape


Journal Article

Identifying global centers of unsustainable commercial harvesting of species

Di Minin, Enrico, Brooks, Thomas M., Toivonen, Tuuli, Butchart, Stuart H. M., Heikinheimo, Vuokko, Watson, James E. M., Burgess, Neil D., Challender, Daniel W. S., Goettsch, Bárbara, Jenkins, Richard and Moilanen, Atte (2019). Identifying global centers of unsustainable commercial harvesting of species. Science Advances, 5 (4) eaau2879, eaau2879. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aau2879

Identifying global centers of unsustainable commercial harvesting of species