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Other Outputs

Conservation action plan for the Albertine Rift

Plumptre, A. J., Ayebare, S., Segan, D., Watson, J. E. M. and Kujirakwinja, D. (2016). Conservation action plan for the Albertine Rift.

Conservation action plan for the Albertine Rift


Other Outputs

Adapting to Climate Change: Guidance for protected area managers and planners

Gross, J. E., Woodley, S., Welling, L. A. and Watson, J. E. M. (2016). Adapting to Climate Change: Guidance for protected area managers and planners. Best Practice Protected Area Guidelines Series No. 24 Gland, Switzerland: IUCN.

Adapting to Climate Change: Guidance for protected area managers and planners


Other Outputs

Responding to Climate Change: Guidance for protected area managers and planners: Best Practice

Gross, J., Watson, J. E. M., Woodley, S., Welling, L. and Harmon, D. (2015). Responding to Climate Change: Guidance for protected area managers and planners: Best Practice. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN.

Responding to Climate Change: Guidance for protected area managers and planners: Best Practice


Other Outputs

Ecosystem-based adaptation: essential for achieving the sustainable development goals

Donatti, C. I., Dunlop, M., Harvey, C. A., Hole, D., Lavorel, S., Locatelli, B., Mumba, M., Vignola, R., Watson, J. E. M. and Wise, R. (2015). Ecosystem-based adaptation: essential for achieving the sustainable development goals. Arlington VA, United States: Conservation International.

Ecosystem-based adaptation: essential for achieving the sustainable development goals


Other Outputs

We’ve been asking the wrong questions about conservation

Watson, James (2013, 07 29). We’ve been asking the wrong questions about conservation The Guardian

We’ve been asking the wrong questions about conservation


Other Outputs

Pacific integrated island management: principles, case studies and lessons learned

Jupiter, Stacey, Jenkins, Aaron, Long, Warren Lee, Maxwell, Sean, Watson, James, Hodge, Kate, Govan, Hugh and Carruthers, Tim (2013). Pacific integrated island management: principles, case studies and lessons learned. Apia, Samoa; Nairobi, Kenya: Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP); United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

Pacific integrated island management: principles, case studies and lessons learned


Other Outputs

A Systematic Approach to Incorporate the Human Response into Climate Change Conservation Planning

Segan, Daniel B., Watson, James E. M., Hole, David G., Donatti, Camila I., Zganjar, Chris, Martin, Shaun, Mutu, Kamweti and Bailey, Natalie (2013). A Systematic Approach to Incorporate the Human Response into Climate Change Conservation Planning. New York, NY, United States: Africa Biodiversity Collaborative Group.

A Systematic Approach to Incorporate the Human Response into Climate Change Conservation Planning


Other Outputs

Identifying climate resilient corridors for conservation in the Albertine Rift

Ayebare, S., Ponce-Reyes, R., Segan, D. B., Watson, J. E. M., Possingham, H. P., Seimon, A. and Plumptre, A. J. (2013). Identifying climate resilient corridors for conservation in the Albertine Rift.

Identifying climate resilient corridors for conservation in the Albertine Rift


Other Outputs

Avoiding conflict and balancing trade-offs: biodiversity conservation in the context of competing land uses

Segan, D., Watson, J. E. M., Nangendo, G., Ayebare, S. and Plumptre, A. J. (2012). Avoiding conflict and balancing trade-offs: biodiversity conservation in the context of competing land uses. New York, United States: Wildlife Conservation Society.

Avoiding conflict and balancing trade-offs: biodiversity conservation in the context of competing land uses


Other Outputs

Climatology of the East African Great Lakes region and potential impacts of climate change on its biodiversity and ecosystem services

Seimon, Anton, Ingram, J. Carter and Watson, James E. M. (2012). Climatology of the East African Great Lakes region and potential impacts of climate change on its biodiversity and ecosystem services. Chicago, IL, United States: Macarthur Foundation.

Climatology of the East African Great Lakes region and potential impacts of climate change on its biodiversity and ecosystem services


Other Outputs

A review of climate change adaptation initiatives within the Africa Biodiversity Collaborative Group members

Seimon, Anton, Watson, James, Dave, Radhika, Gray, Elizabeth and Oglethorpe, Judy (2011). A review of climate change adaptation initiatives within the Africa Biodiversity Collaborative Group members. Arlington, VA, United States: Africa Biodiversity Collaborative Group.

A review of climate change adaptation initiatives within the Africa Biodiversity Collaborative Group members


Other Outputs

National ecological gap assessment for Timor-Leste 2010

Grantham, Hedley S., Watson, James E. M., Mendes, Manuel, Santana, Fernando, Fernandez, Gil, Pinto, Pedro, Riveiro, Luis M. and da Cunha Barreto, Celestino (2011). National ecological gap assessment for Timor-Leste 2010. Dili, Timor-Leste: Department of Protected Areas and National Parks of Timor-Leste, National Directorate of Forestry, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Edificio Floresta Caicoli.

National ecological gap assessment for Timor-Leste 2010


Other Outputs

Evaluating threatened species recovery planning in Australia

Watson, James.E. M., Bottrill, Madeleine C., Walsh, Jessica C., Joseph, Liana N. and Possingham, Hugh P. (2011). Evaluating threatened species recovery planning in Australia. Brisbane, Australia: Spatial Ecology Laboratory, The University of Queensland.

Evaluating threatened species recovery planning in Australia


Other Outputs

Draft principles and guidelines for integrating ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation in project and policy design: a discussion document

Andrade, Angela, Córdoba, Rocio, Dave, Radhika, Girot, Pascal, Herrera-F, Bernal, Munroe, Robert, Oglethorpe, Judy, Paaby, Pia, Pramova, Emilia, Watson, James and Vergar, Walter (2011). Draft principles and guidelines for integrating ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation in project and policy design: a discussion document. Turrialba, Costa Rica: Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE).

Draft principles and guidelines for integrating ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation in project and policy design: a discussion document


Other Outputs

A rapid assessment of the impacts of the Montara field oil leak on birds, cetaceans and marine reptiles

Watson, James E.M., Joseph, Liana N. and Watson, Alexander W.T. (2009). A rapid assessment of the impacts of the Montara field oil leak on birds, cetaceans and marine reptiles. Brisbane, Australia: Spatial Ecology Laboratory, The University of Queensland.

A rapid assessment of the impacts of the Montara field oil leak on birds, cetaceans and marine reptiles


Other Outputs

Priorities for ecological restoration in the Western Woodlands Way

Fuller, Richard A., Drielsma, Michael J., Watson, James E.M., Taylor, Robert, Sushinsky, Jessica, Smith, Jill and Possingham, Hugh P. (2009). Priorities for ecological restoration in the Western Woodlands Way. Brisbane, Australia; Armidale, NSW, Australia: Spatial Ecology Laboratory, University of Queensland; GIS Research and Development Unit, New South Wales Department of Environment and Climate Change.

Priorities for ecological restoration in the Western Woodlands Way


Other Outputs

Achieving the Green Suriname vision. A report to Conservation International and the government of Suriname

Watson, J.E.M., Carwardine, J. and Joseph, L. (2009). Achieving the Green Suriname vision. A report to Conservation International and the government of Suriname. Lismore, NSW, Australia: Carbon Conservation.

Achieving the Green Suriname vision. A report to Conservation International and the government of Suriname


Other Outputs

The extraordinary nature of the Great Western Woodlands

Watson, Alexander, Judd, Simon, Watson, James., Lam, Anya and Mackenzie, David (2008). The extraordinary nature of the Great Western Woodlands. Perth, Australia: The Wilderness Society of WA.

The extraordinary nature of the Great Western Woodlands