2024 Conference Publication The Influence of b value and Resolution on MR Tractography and Connectome Construction in Adult Mouse Brain at 16.4 TeslaAlkhalily, Majd, Currey, Laura, Piper, Michael and Kurniawan, Nyoman (2024). The Influence of b value and Resolution on MR Tractography and Connectome Construction in Adult Mouse Brain at 16.4 Tesla. 2023 ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Toronto, Canada, 3-8 June 2023. Concord, CA United States: ISMRM. doi: 10.58530/2023/0226 |
2024 Conference Publication Application of Diffusion MRI to Characterize Connectome Changes Associated with EED AblationAlkhalily, Majd, Currey, Laura, Piper, Michael and Kurniawan, Nyoman (2024). Application of Diffusion MRI to Characterize Connectome Changes Associated with EED Ablation. 2023 ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Toronto, Canada, 3-8 June 2023. Concord, CA United States: ISMRM. doi: 10.58530/2023/2685 |
2023 Conference Publication Polycomb Protein EED Regulates Identity Of Glutamatergic NeuronsCurrey, Laura, Mitchell, Benjamin, Harris, Lachlan, Thor, Stefan and Piper, Michael (2023). Polycomb Protein EED Regulates Identity Of Glutamatergic Neurons. IBRO 11th World Congress of Neuroscience, Granada, Spain, 9-13 September 2023. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.ibneur.2023.08.045 |
2019 Conference Publication Common regulatory targets of NFIA and NFIX mediate postnatal cerebellar developmentHarvey, Tracey, Fraser, James, Essebier, Alexandra, Brown, Alexander, Davila, Raul, Boden, Mikael, Gronostajski, Richard and Piper, Michael (2019). Common regulatory targets of NFIA and NFIX mediate postnatal cerebellar development. 10th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience, Daegu, South Korea, 21-25 September 2019. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.ibror.2019.07.1042 |
2013 Conference Publication The Glial Differentiation Factor Nuclear Factor One B (Nfib) Induces Differentiation and Inhibits Growth of Glioblastoma.Stringer, Brett, Day, Bryan, Barry, Guy, Piper, Michael, Jamieson, Paul, Ensbey, Kathleen, Bruce, Zara, Richards, Linda and Boyd, Andrew (2013). The Glial Differentiation Factor Nuclear Factor One B (Nfib) Induces Differentiation and Inhibits Growth of Glioblastoma.. 4th Quadrennial Meeting of the World-Federation-of-Neuro-Oncology (WFNO) held in conjunction with the 18th Annual Meeting of the Society-for-Neuro-Oncology (SNO), San Francisco, United States, Nov 21-24, 2013. Cary, United States: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/neuonc/not174 |
2012 Conference Publication Transcription factor Lhx2 is necessary and sufficient to suppress astrogliogenesis and promote neurogenesis in the developing hippocampusSubramanian, Lakshmi, Sarkar, Anindita, Shetty, Ashwin S., Muralidharan, Bhavana, Padmanabhan, Hari, Piper, Michael, Monuki, Edwin S., Bach, Ingolf, Gronostajski, Richard M., Richards, Linda J. and Tole, Shubha (2012). Transcription factor Lhx2 is necessary and sufficient to suppress astrogliogenesis and promote neurogenesis in the developing hippocampus. 19th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for Developmental Neuroscience (ISDN), Mumbai India, 11-14 January 2012. Oxford, United Kingdom: Pergamon. doi: 10.1016/j.ijdevneu.2012.10.058 |
2010 Conference Publication NFIA controls progenitor cell differentiation through repression of the Notch effector Hes1Piper, Michael, Barry, Guy, Hawkins, John, Mason, Sharon, Lindwall, Charlotta, Little, Erica, Moldrich, Randal X., Boyle, Glen M., Gronostajski, Richard M., Bailey, Timothy L. and Richards, Linda (2010). NFIA controls progenitor cell differentiation through repression of the Notch effector Hes1. |
2007 Conference Publication Emx and Nfi genes regulate cortical development and axon guidance in the telencephalonPiper, Michael, Dawson, Amber-Lee S., Lindwall, Charlotta, Barry, Guy, Plachez, Celine and Richards, Linda J. (2007). Emx and Nfi genes regulate cortical development and axon guidance in the telencephalon. Novartis Foundation Symposium 288, London, 6–8 February 2007. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley. doi: 10.1002/9780470994030.ch16 |