2011 Journal Article Cystic fibrosis in Australia, 2009: Results from a data registryBell, Scott C., Bye, Peter T.P., Cooper, Peter J., Martin, A. James, McKay, Karen O., Robinson, Phillip J., Ryan, Gerard F. and Sims, Geoff C. (2011). Cystic fibrosis in Australia, 2009: Results from a data registry. Medical Journal of Australia, 195 (7), 396-400. doi: 10.5694/mja11.10719 |
2011 Journal Article Rapid single-nucleotide polymorphism-based identification of clonal Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from patients with cystic fibrosis by the use of real-time PCR and high-resolution melting curve analysisAnuj, S. N., Whiley, D. M., Kidd, T. J., Ramsay, K. A., Bell, S. C., Syrmis, M. W., Grimwood, K., Wainwright, C. E., Nissen, M. D. and Sloots, T. P. (2011). Rapid single-nucleotide polymorphism-based identification of clonal Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from patients with cystic fibrosis by the use of real-time PCR and high-resolution melting curve analysis. Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 17 (9), 1403-1408. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-0691.2010.03439.x |
2011 Journal Article Clonal complex Pseudomonas aeruginosa in horsesKidd, Timothy J., Gibson, Justine S., Moss, Susan, Greer, Ristan M., Cobbold, Rowland N., Wright, John D., Ramsay, Kay A., Grimwood, Keith and Bell, Scott C. (2011). Clonal complex Pseudomonas aeruginosa in horses. Veterinary Microbiology, 149 (3-4), 508-512. doi: 10.1016/j.vetmic.2010.11.030 |
2011 Journal Article Transition of adolescents with cystic fibrosis from paediatric to adult careTowns, Susan Joy and Bell, Scott Cameron (2011). Transition of adolescents with cystic fibrosis from paediatric to adult care. Clinical Respiratory Journal, 5 (2), 64-75. doi: 10.1111/j.1752-699X.2010.00226.x |
2011 Journal Article Gaming console exercise and cycle or treadmill exercise provide similar cardiovascular demand in adults with cystic fibrosis: A randomised cross-over trialKuys, Suzanne S., Hall, Kathleen, Peasey, Maureen, Wood, Michelle, Cobb, Robyn and Bell, Scott C. (2011). Gaming console exercise and cycle or treadmill exercise provide similar cardiovascular demand in adults with cystic fibrosis: A randomised cross-over trial. Journal of Physiotherapy, 57 (1), 35-40. doi: 10.1016/S1836-9553(11)70005-4 |
2011 Conference Publication Pseudomonas aeruginosa antibiotic resistance: comparison between Australian paediatric and adult cystic fibrosis centresSmith DJ, Timothy Kidd, Kay Ramsay, Keith Grimwood, Claire Wainwright and Bell, Scott C. (2011). Pseudomonas aeruginosa antibiotic resistance: comparison between Australian paediatric and adult cystic fibrosis centres. 9th Australasian Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Melbourme, Australia, 20-23rd August 2011. |
2011 Journal Article Importance of hepatic fibrosis in cystic fibrosis and the predictive value of liver biopsyLewindon, Peter J., Shepherd, Ross W., Walsh, Meagan J., Greer, Ristan M., Williamson, Richard, Pereria, Tamara N., Frawley, Kieran, Bell, Scott C., Smith, Jeffery L. and Ramm, Grant A. (2011). Importance of hepatic fibrosis in cystic fibrosis and the predictive value of liver biopsy. Hepatology, 53 (1), 193-201. doi: 10.1002/hep.24014 |
2011 Book Chapter Anti-inflammatory therapies in bronchiectasisSmith, D. J., Chang, A. B. and Bell, S. C. (2011). Anti-inflammatory therapies in bronchiectasis. Bronchiectasis. (pp. 233-238) edited by R.A. Floto and C.S. Haworth. Lausanne, Switzerland: European Respiratory Society. doi: 10.1183/1025448x.100004510 |
2011 Conference Publication Comparison of clinical and environmental Pseudomonas aeruginosa: evidence for recombinationTimothy Kidd, Ritchie S, Keith Grimwood, Bell, Scott C. and Rainey PB (2011). Comparison of clinical and environmental Pseudomonas aeruginosa: evidence for recombination. 34th European Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Annual Scientific Meeting, Hamburg, Germany, 8-11 June 2011. |
2011 Conference Publication Australasian CF bronchoalveolar lavage (ACFBAL) Study: Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pa) genotypes in pre-school CF childrenTimothy Kidd, Kay Ramsay, Bell, Scott C., Claire Wainwright and Keith Grimwood (2011). Australasian CF bronchoalveolar lavage (ACFBAL) Study: Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pa) genotypes in pre-school CF children. 9th Australasian Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Melbourme, Australia, 20 - 23rd August 2011. |
2011 Book Chapter PseudomonasKidd, Timothy J., Whiley, David M., Bell, Scott C. and Grimwood, Keith (2011). Pseudomonas. Molecular detection of human bacterial pathogens. (pp. 1009-1021) edited by Dongyou Liu. Boca Raton, FL, USA: Taylor & Francis. |
2011 Conference Publication Clonal complex pseudomonas aeruginosa in horses: A model of CF infectionKidd, Timothy, Gibson, J. S., Moss, S., Greer, R. M., Cobbold, R. N., Wright, J. D., Ramsay, Kay, Grimwood, Keith and Bell, Scott C. (2011). Clonal complex pseudomonas aeruginosa in horses: A model of CF infection. Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand Annual Scientific Meeting, Perth, Australia, 2-6 April 2012. |
2011 Journal Article Superior vena cava obstruction due to total implantable venous access devices in cystic fibrosis: Case series and reviewSmith, Daniel, Reid, David, Slaughter, Richard, Masel, Philip, Tai, Anna and Bell, Scott (2011). Superior vena cava obstruction due to total implantable venous access devices in cystic fibrosis: Case series and review. Respiratory Medicine CME, 4 (3), 99-104. doi: 10.1016/j.rmedc.2010.12.005 |
2011 Journal Article Comparison of three molecular techniques for typing pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates in sputum samples from patients with cystic fibrosisKidd, Timothy J., Grimwood, Keith, Ramsay, Kay A., Rainey, Paul B. and Bell, Scott C. (2011). Comparison of three molecular techniques for typing pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates in sputum samples from patients with cystic fibrosis. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 49 (1), 263-268. doi: 10.1128/JCM.01421-10 |
2011 Conference Publication Widespread prevalence of related Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains within Australian cystic fibrosis centresTimothy Kidd, Kay Ramsay, He Hu, Bye P, Elkins M, Marks G, Claire Wainwright, robinson P, Rose B, Harbour C, Keith Grimwood, Bell, Scott C. and ACPinCF Investigator Study Group (2011). Widespread prevalence of related Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains within Australian cystic fibrosis centres. 9th Australasian Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Melbourne , Australia, 20-23 August 2011. |
2010 Journal Article Exercise testing in patients with cystic fibrosis: Why and which?Bell, Scott C. and Morris, Norman R. (2010). Exercise testing in patients with cystic fibrosis: Why and which?. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 9 (5), 299-301. doi: 10.1016/j.jcf.2010.05.005 |
2010 Journal Article Chronic suppurative lung disease and bronchiectasis in children and adults in Australia and New ZealandChang, AB, Bell, SC, Byrnes, CA, Grimwood, K, Holmes, PW, King, PT, Kolbe, J, Landau, LI, Maguire, GP, McDonald, MI, Reid, DW, Thien, FC and Torzillo, PJ (2010). Chronic suppurative lung disease and bronchiectasis in children and adults in Australia and New Zealand. Medical Journal of Australia, 193 (6), 356-365. doi: 10.5694/j.1326-5377.2010.tb03949.x |
2010 Journal Article The month of July: an early experience with pandemic influenza A (H1N1) in adults with cystic fibrosisFrance, Megan W., Tai, Szeanna, Masel, Phillip J., Moore, Vanessa L., McMahon, Tracy L., Ritchie, Alexander J. and Bell, Scott C. (2010). The month of July: an early experience with pandemic influenza A (H1N1) in adults with cystic fibrosis. BMC Pulmonary Medicine, 10 (1) 8. doi: 10.1186/1471-2466-10-8 |
2010 Conference Publication Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) of Pseudomonas aeruginosaKidd, T. J., Rainey, P. B., Ramsay, K. A., Grimwood, K., Wainwright, C. E. and Bell, S. C. (2010). Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand Annual Scientific Meeting, Brisbane, Qld Australia, 20-24 March 2010. |
2010 Conference Publication Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa collected from different ecological nichesKidd, T. J., Rainey, P. B., Ramsay, K. A., Grimwood, K., Wainwright, C. E. and Bell, S. C. (2010). Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa collected from different ecological niches. Australian Society for Microbiology 51st Scientific Meeting, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 4-8 July 2010. |