2011 Journal Article Copy number variants in Schizophrenia: Confirmation of five previous findings and new evidence for 3q29 microdeletions and VIPR2 duplicationsLevinson, Douglas F., Duan, Jubao, Oh, Sang, Wang, Kai, Sanders, Alan R., Shi, Jianxin, Zhang, Nancy, Mowry, Bryan J., Olincy, Ann, Amin, Farooq, Cloninger, C. Robert, Silverman, Jeremy M., Buccola, Nancy G., Byerley, William F., Black, Donald W., Kendler, Kenneth S., Freedman, Robert, Dudbridge, Frank, Pe'er, Itsik, Hakonarson, Hakon, Bergen, Sarah E., Fanous, Ayman H., Holmans, Peter A. and Gejman, Pablo V. (2011). Copy number variants in Schizophrenia: Confirmation of five previous findings and new evidence for 3q29 microdeletions and VIPR2 duplications. Americal Journal of Psychiatry, 168 (3), 302-316. doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2010.10060876 |
2011 Journal Article Ancestry of the Iban is predominantly Southeast Asian: Genetic evidence from autosomal, mitochondrial, and Y chromosomesSimonson, Tatum S., Xing, Jinchuan, Barrett, Robert, Jerah, Edward, Loa, Peter, Zhang, Yuhua, Watkins, W. Scott, Witherspoon, David J., Huff, Chad D., Woodward, Scott, Mowry, Bryan and Jorde, Lynn B. (2011). Ancestry of the Iban is predominantly Southeast Asian: Genetic evidence from autosomal, mitochondrial, and Y chromosomes. PLoS One, 6 (1) e16338, 1-8. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0016338 |
2010 Journal Article Australian Schizophrenia Research Bank: A database of comprehensive clinical, endophenotypic and genetic data for aetiological studies of schizophreniaLoughland, Carmel, Draganic, Daren, McCabe, Kathryn, Richards, Jacqueline, Nasir, Aslam, Allen, Joanne, Catts, Stanley, Jablensky, Assen, Henskens, Frans, Michie, Patricia, Mowry, Bryan, Pantelis, Christos, Schall, Ulrich, Scott, Rodney, Tooney, Paul and Carr, Vaughan (2010). Australian Schizophrenia Research Bank: A database of comprehensive clinical, endophenotypic and genetic data for aetiological studies of schizophrenia. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 44 (11), 1029-1035. doi: 10.3109/00048674.2010.501758 |
2010 Journal Article An Investigation of Candidate Regions for Association With Bipolar DisorderKnight, Jo, Rochberg, Nanette S., Saccone, Scott F., Nurnberger, John I., Jr., Rice, John P., NIMH Genetics Initiative Bipolar Disorder Consortium and Mowry, Bryan J. (2010). An Investigation of Candidate Regions for Association With Bipolar Disorder. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B-Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 153B (7), 1292-1297. doi: 10.1002/ajmg.b.31100 |
2010 Journal Article The internet-based MGS2 control sample: Self report of mental illnessSanders, Alan R., Levinson, Douglas F., Duan, Jubao, Dennis, J. Michael, Li, Rick, Kendler, Kenneth S., Rice, John P., Shi, Jianxin, Mowry, Bryan J., Amin, Farooq, Silverman, Jeremy M., Buccola, Nancy G., Byerley, William F., Black, Donald W., Freedman, Robert, Cloninger, C. Robert and Gejman, Pablo V. (2010). The internet-based MGS2 control sample: Self report of mental illness. American Journal of Psychiatry, 167 (7), 854-865. doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2010.09071050 |
2010 Journal Article Reliability of a scale of work-related self-efficacy for people with psychiatric disabilitiesHarris, Meredith, Gladman, Beverley, Hennessy, Nicole, Lloyd, Chris, Mowry, Bryan and Waghorn, Geoffrey (2010). Reliability of a scale of work-related self-efficacy for people with psychiatric disabilities. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 33 (2), 183-186. doi: 10.1097/MRR.0b013e32832e98b8 |
2010 Journal Article A brief measure of vocational activity and community participation: Development and reliability of the Activity and Participation QuestionnaireStewart, Gavin, Sara, Grant, Harris, Meredith, Waghorn, Geoffrey, Hall, Anna, Sivarajasingam, Siva, Gladman, Beverley and Mowry, Bryan (2010). A brief measure of vocational activity and community participation: Development and reliability of the Activity and Participation Questionnaire. Australian And New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 44 (3), 258-266. doi: 10.3109/00048670903487175 |
2009 Journal Article Genome-Wide Linkage and Follow-Up Association Study of Postpartum Mood SymptomsMahon, Pamela Belmonte, Payne, Jennifer L., MacKinnon, Dean F., Mondimore, Francis M., Goes, Fernando S., Schweizer, Barbara, Jancic, Dubravka, NIMH Genetics Initiative Bipolar Disorder Consortium, BiGS Consortium, Coryell, William H., Holmans, Peter A., Shi, Jianxin, Knowles, James A., Scheftner, William A., Weissman, Myrna M., Levinson, Douglas F., DePaulo, J. Raymond, Jr., Zandi, Peter P., Potash, James B. and Mowry, Bryan (2009). Genome-Wide Linkage and Follow-Up Association Study of Postpartum Mood Symptoms. American Journal of Psychiatry, 166 (11), 1229-1237. doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2009.09030417 |
2009 Journal Article Susceptibility locus on chromosome 1q23-25 for a schizophrenia subtype resembling deficit schizophrenia identified by latent class analysisHolliday, Elizabeth G., McLean, Duncan E., Nyholt, Dale R. and Mowry, Bryan J. (2009). Susceptibility locus on chromosome 1q23-25 for a schizophrenia subtype resembling deficit schizophrenia identified by latent class analysis. Archives of General Psychiatry, 66 (10), 1058-1067. doi: 10.1001/archgenpsychiatry.2009.136 |
2009 Journal Article Common variants on chromosome 6p22.1 are associated with schizophreniaShi, Jianxin, Levison, Douglas F., Duan, Juboa, Sanders, Alan R., Zheng, Yonglan, Pe'er, Itsik, Dudbridge, Frank, Holmans, Peter A., Whittmore, Alice S, Mowry, Bryan J., Olincy, Anne, Amin, Farooq, Cloninger, C. Robert, Silverman, Jeremy M., Buccola, Nancy G., Byerley, William F., Black, Donald W., Crowe, Raymond R., Oksenberg, Jorge R., Mirel, Daniel B., Kendler, Kenneth S., Freedman, Robert and Gejman, Pablo V. (2009). Common variants on chromosome 6p22.1 are associated with schizophrenia. Nature, 460 (7256), 753-757. doi: 10.1038/nature08192 |
2009 Journal Article Genomewide linkage scan of schizophrenia in a large multicenter pedigree sample using single nucleotide polymorphismsHolmans, PA, Riley, B, Pulver, AE, Owen, MJ, Wildenauer, DB, Gejman, PV, Mowry, Bryan, Laurent, C, Kendler, KS, Nestadt, G, Williams, NM, Schwab, SG, Sanders, AR, Nertney, D, Mallet, J, Wormley, B, Lasseter, VK, O'Donovan, MC, Duan, J, Albus, M, Alexander, M, Godard, S, Ribble, R, Liang, KY, Norton, N, Maier, W, Papadimitriou, G, Walsh, D, Jay, M ... Levinson, DF (2009). Genomewide linkage scan of schizophrenia in a large multicenter pedigree sample using single nucleotide polymorphisms. Molecular Psychiatry, 14 (8), 786-795. doi: 10.1038/mp.2009.11 |
2009 Journal Article Fine-scaled human genetic structure revealed by SNP microarraysXing, J. C., Watkins, W. S., Witherspoon, D. J., Zhang, Y. H., Guthery, S. L., Thara, R., Mowry, B. J., Bulayeva, K., Weiss, R. B. and Jorde, L. B. (2009). Fine-scaled human genetic structure revealed by SNP microarrays. Genome Research, 19 (5), 815-825. doi: 10.1101/gr.085589.108 |
2009 Journal Article CTLA-4 single-nucleotide polymorphisms in a Caucasian population with schizophreniaJones, Amanda L., Holliday, Elizabeth G., Mowry, Bryan J., McLean, Duncan E., McGrath, John J., Pender, Michael P. and Greer, Judith M. (2009). CTLA-4 single-nucleotide polymorphisms in a Caucasian population with schizophrenia. Brain Behavior and Immunity, 23 (3), 347-350. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2008.09.008 |
2009 Journal Article Strong Evidence for a Novel Schizophrenia Risk Locus on Chromosome 1p31.1 in Homogeneous Pedigrees From Tamil Nadu, IndiaHolliday, EG, Nyholt, DR, Tirupati, S, John, S, Ramachandran, P, Ramamurti, M, Ramadoss, AJ, Jeyagurunathan, A, Kottiswaran, S, Smith, HJ, Filippich, C, Nertney, DA, Nancarrow, DJ, Hayward, NK, Watkins, WS, Jorde, LB, Thara, R and Mowry, BJ (2009). Strong Evidence for a Novel Schizophrenia Risk Locus on Chromosome 1p31.1 in Homogeneous Pedigrees From Tamil Nadu, India. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY, 166 (2), 206-215. doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2008.08030442 |
2009 Journal Article Design and clinical characteristics of a homogeneous schizophrenia pedigree sample from Tamil Nadu, IndiaThara, R, Srinivasan, T, John, S, Nancarrow, D, Chant, D, Holliday, E and Mowry, B (2009). Design and clinical characteristics of a homogeneous schizophrenia pedigree sample from Tamil Nadu, India. Australian And New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 43 (6) PII 911161742, 561-570. doi: 10.1080/00048670902873631 |
2009 Journal Article Genomewide Association Studies: History, Rationale, and Prospects for Psychiatric DisordersPsychiatric GWAS Consortium Coordinating Committee, Martin, N., Wray, N., Mowry, B. and Holliday, E. (2009). Genomewide Association Studies: History, Rationale, and Prospects for Psychiatric Disorders. American Journal of Psychiatry, 166 (5), 540-556. doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2008.08091354 |
2008 Journal Article Meta-analysis of 32 genome-wide linkage studies of schizophNg, M. Y. M., Levinson, D. F., Faraone S. V., Suarez, B. K., DeLisi, L. E., Arinami, T., Riley, B., Paunio, T., Pulver, A. E., Irmansyah, Holmans,P. A., Escamilla, M., Wildenauer, DB, Williams, N. M., Laurent, C., Mowry, Bryan, Brzustowicz, L. M., Maziade, M., Sklar, P., Garver, D. L., Abecasi, G. R., Lerer, B., Fallin, M. D., Gurling, H. M. D., Gejman, P. V., Lindholm, E., Moises, H. W., Byerley, W., Wijsman, E. M. ... Lewis, C. M. (2008). Meta-analysis of 32 genome-wide linkage studies of schizoph. Molecular Psychiatry, 14 (8), 774-785. doi: 10.1038/mp.2008.135 |
2008 Journal Article Genetic variation in South Indian castes: evidence from Y-chromosome, mitochondrial, and autosomal polymorphismsWatkins, W. S., Thara, R., Mowry, B. J., Zhang, Y., Witherspoon, D. J., Tolpinrud, W., Bamshad, M. J., Tirupati, S., Padmavati, R., Smith, H., Nancarrow, D., Filippich, C. and Jorde, L. B. (2008). Genetic variation in South Indian castes: evidence from Y-chromosome, mitochondrial, and autosomal polymorphisms. BMC Genetics, 9 (1) 86. doi: 10.1186/1471-2156-9-86 |
2008 Journal Article A Reanalysis of 409 European-Ancestry and African American Schizophrenia Pedigrees Reveals Significant Linkage to 8p23.3 With Evidence of Locus HeterogeneityHolliday, E. G., Mowry, B. J. and Nyholt, D. R. (2008). A Reanalysis of 409 European-Ancestry and African American Schizophrenia Pedigrees Reveals Significant Linkage to 8p23.3 With Evidence of Locus Heterogeneity. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 147B (7), 1080-1088. doi: 10.1002/ajmg.b.30722 |
2008 Journal Article Analysis of 10 independent samples provides evidence for association between schizophrenia and a SNP flanking fibroblast growth factor receptor 2O'Donovan, M. C., Norton, N., Williams, H., Peirce, T., Moskvina, V., Nikolov, I., Hamshere, M., Carroll, L., Georgieva, L., Dwyer, S., Holmans, P., Marchini, J. L., Spencer, C. C. A., Howie, B., Leung, H-T, Giegling, I., Hartmann, A. M., Moeller, H.-J., Morris, D. W., Shi, Y., Feng, G., Hoffmann, P., Propping, P., Vasilescu, C., Maier, W., Rietschel, M., Zammit, S., Schumacher, J., Quinn, E. M. ... Mowry, B.J. (2008). Analysis of 10 independent samples provides evidence for association between schizophrenia and a SNP flanking fibroblast growth factor receptor 2. Molecular Psychiatry, 14 (1), 30-36. doi: 10.1038/mp.2008.108 |