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Journal Article

Before Frankenstein: Therese Huber and the antipodean emergence of political fiction

O'Connell, Lisa (2020). Before Frankenstein: Therese Huber and the antipodean emergence of political fiction. Postcolonial Studies, 23 (3), 348-359. doi: 10.1080/13688790.2020.1802113

Before Frankenstein: Therese Huber and the antipodean emergence of political fiction


Journal Article

Catalysts of change: colonial transformations of Anglo-European literary culture in the long eighteenth century

O'Connell, Lisa and Wawrzinek, Jennifer (2020). Catalysts of change: colonial transformations of Anglo-European literary culture in the long eighteenth century. Postcolonial Studies, 23 (3), 257-267. doi: 10.1080/13688790.2020.1809068

Catalysts of change: colonial transformations of Anglo-European literary culture in the long eighteenth century


Journal Article

Spaces of enlightenment: from domestic scenes to global visions

Denney, Peter and O'Connell, Lisa (2021). Spaces of enlightenment: from domestic scenes to global visions. Eighteenth-Century Life, 45 (3), 1-15. doi: 10.1215/00982601-9272978

Spaces of enlightenment: from domestic scenes to global visions


Journal Article

Mansfield Park and political theology

During, Simon and O’Connell, Lisa (2018). Mansfield Park and political theology. Political Theology, 19 (7), 1-6. doi: 10.1080/1462317X.2018.1513201

Mansfield Park and political theology


Journal Article

'Mum budget': Henry Fielding and the articulations of audibility

O'Connell, Lisa (2017). 'Mum budget': Henry Fielding and the articulations of audibility. Republics of Letters, 5 (2).

'Mum budget': Henry Fielding and the articulations of audibility


Journal Article

Coleridge and the lay sermon

During, Simon and O'Connell, Lisa (2017). Coleridge and the lay sermon. English Studies, 98 (7), 747-757. doi: 10.1080/0013838X.2017.1339992

Coleridge and the lay sermon


Journal Article

Literary sentimentalism and post-secular virtue

O'Connell, Lisa (2017). Literary sentimentalism and post-secular virtue. Eighteenth-Century Life, 41 (2), 28-42. doi: 10.1215/00982601-3841348

Literary sentimentalism and post-secular virtue


Journal Article

Sir Charles Grandison, natural law and the fictionalisation of the 18th-Century English gentleman

O'Connell, Lisa (2012). Sir Charles Grandison, natural law and the fictionalisation of the 18th-Century English gentleman. Intellectual History Review, 23 (3), 1-15. doi: 10.1080/17496977.2012.723339

Sir Charles Grandison, natural law and the fictionalisation of the 18th-Century English gentleman


Journal Article

Vicars and squires: religion and the rise of the English marriage plot

O'Connell, Lisa (2011). Vicars and squires: religion and the rise of the English marriage plot. The Eighteenth-Century: Theory and Interpretation, 52 (3-4), 383-402. doi: 10.1353/ecy.2011.0022

Vicars and squires: religion and the rise of the English marriage plot


Journal Article

'By ordinance of nature': Marriage, religion, and the modern English state

O'Connell, Lisa (2011). 'By ordinance of nature': Marriage, religion, and the modern English state. Parergon, 28 (2), 149-166. doi: 10.1353/pgn.2011.0101

'By ordinance of nature': Marriage, religion, and the modern English state


Journal Article

The Theo-political origins of the English marriage plot

O'Connell, Lisa (2010). The Theo-political origins of the English marriage plot. Novel: A Forum on Fiction, 43 (1), 31-37. doi: 10.1215/00295132-2009-059

The Theo-political origins of the English marriage plot


Journal Article

Sentimental Figures of Empire in Eighteenth-Century Britain and France

O'Connell, L (2009). Sentimental Figures of Empire in Eighteenth-Century Britain and France. Eighteenth-Century Fiction, 22 (2), 379-381. doi: 10.1353/ecf.0.0120

Sentimental Figures of Empire in Eighteenth-Century Britain and France


Journal Article

The Character effect

O'Connell, Lisa M. (2006). The Character effect. Novel: A Forum on Fiction, 39 (3), 443-446.

The Character effect


Journal Article

Incest, sexuality, and modernity: Incest and the English novel

O'Connell, Lisa M. (2005). Incest, sexuality, and modernity: Incest and the English novel. Novel: A Forum on Fiction, 8 (2/3), 298-301.

Incest, sexuality, and modernity: Incest and the English novel


Journal Article

"Matrimonial Ceremonies Displayed": Popular Ethnography and Enlightened Imperialism

O'Connell, Lisa (2002). "Matrimonial Ceremonies Displayed": Popular Ethnography and Enlightened Imperialism. Eighteenth-Century Life, 26 (3), 98-116. doi: 10.1215/00982601-26-3-98

"Matrimonial Ceremonies Displayed": Popular Ethnography and Enlightened Imperialism


Journal Article

Review Essay on Andrew Elfenbein's Romantic Genius

O'Connell, L. M. (2001). Review Essay on Andrew Elfenbein's Romantic Genius. AUMLA, 95 (May), 118-119.

Review Essay on Andrew Elfenbein's Romantic Genius


Journal Article

Dislocating Literature: The Novel and the Gretna Green Romance, 1770-1850

O'Connell, L. M. (2001). Dislocating Literature: The Novel and the Gretna Green Romance, 1770-1850. Novel: A Forum on Fiction, 35 (1), 5-23. doi: 10.2307/1346041

Dislocating Literature: The Novel and the Gretna Green Romance, 1770-1850


Journal Article

Marriage Acts: Stages in the Transformation of Modern Nuptial Culture

O'Connell, Lisa Marie (1999). Marriage Acts: Stages in the Transformation of Modern Nuptial Culture. Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies, 11 (1), 68-111.

Marriage Acts: Stages in the Transformation of Modern Nuptial Culture