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Journal Article

The effect of end-range cervical rotation on vertebral and internal carotid arterial blood flow and cerebral inflow: a sub analysis of an MRI study

Thomas, Lucy C., McLeod, Lucy R., Osmotherly, Peter G. and Rivett, Darren A. (2015). The effect of end-range cervical rotation on vertebral and internal carotid arterial blood flow and cerebral inflow: a sub analysis of an MRI study. Manual Therapy, 20 (3), 475-480. doi: 10.1016/j.math.2014.11.012

The effect of end-range cervical rotation on vertebral and internal carotid arterial blood flow and cerebral inflow: a sub analysis of an MRI study


Journal Article

Risk factors, radiological features, and infarct topography of craniocervical arterial dissection

Thomas, Lucy Caroline, Rivett, Darren A., Parsons, Mark and Levi, Christopher (2014). Risk factors, radiological features, and infarct topography of craniocervical arterial dissection. International Journal of Stroke, 9 (8), 1073-1082. doi: 10.1111/j.1747-4949.2012.00912.x

Risk factors, radiological features, and infarct topography of craniocervical arterial dissection


Journal Article

Effect of selected manual therapy interventions for mechanical neck pain on vertebral and internal carotid arterial blood flow and cerebral inflow

Thomas L.C., Rivett D.A., Bateman G., Stanwell P. and Levi C.R. (2013). Effect of selected manual therapy interventions for mechanical neck pain on vertebral and internal carotid arterial blood flow and cerebral inflow. Physical Therapy, 93 (11), 1563-1574. doi: 10.2522/ptj.20120477

Effect of selected manual therapy interventions for mechanical neck pain on vertebral and internal carotid arterial blood flow and cerebral inflow


Journal Article

Risk factors and clinical presentation of craniocervical arterial dissection: A prospective study

Thomas, Lucy C., Rivett, Darren A., Attia, John R. and Levi, Christopher R. (2012). Risk factors and clinical presentation of craniocervical arterial dissection: A prospective study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 13 (Article 164) 164, 503-511. doi: 10.1186/1471-2474-13-164

Risk factors and clinical presentation of craniocervical arterial dissection: A prospective study


Journal Article

Risk factors and clinical features of craniocervical arterial dissection

Thomas, Lucy C., Rivett, Darren A., Attia, John R., Parsons, Mark and Levi, Christopher (2011). Risk factors and clinical features of craniocervical arterial dissection. Manual Therapy, 16 (4), 351-356. doi: 10.1016/j.math.2010.12.008

Risk factors and clinical features of craniocervical arterial dissection


Journal Article

Comments in response to letter to the editor by Karl et al. Manual Therapy 2009;14(6):e17

Thomas, Lucy C., Rivett, Darren A. and Bolton, Philip S. (2009). Comments in response to letter to the editor by Karl et al. Manual Therapy 2009;14(6):e17. Manual Therapy, 14 (6), e18. doi: 10.1016/j.math.2009.07.006

Comments in response to letter to the editor by Karl et al. Manual Therapy 2009;14(6):e17


Journal Article

Comments in response to letter to the editor

Thomas, Lucy C., Rivett, Darren A. and Bolton, Philip S. (2009). Comments in response to letter to the editor. Manual Therapy, 14 (5), e7-e8. doi: 10.1016/j.math.2009.04.005

Comments in response to letter to the editor


Journal Article

Validity of the Doppler velocimeter in examination of vertebral artery blood flow and its use in pre-manipulative screening of the neck

Thomas, Lucy C., Rivett, Darren A. and Bolton, Philip S. (2009). Validity of the Doppler velocimeter in examination of vertebral artery blood flow and its use in pre-manipulative screening of the neck. Manual Therapy, 14 (5), 544-549. doi: 10.1016/j.math.2008.08.007

Validity of the Doppler velocimeter in examination of vertebral artery blood flow and its use in pre-manipulative screening of the neck


Journal Article

Comments in response to letters to editor regarding article: Thomas LC, et al. Premanipulative testing and the velocimeter. Manual Therapy (2007) doi:10.1016/j.math.2006.11.003

Thomas, Lucy C., Rivett, Darren A. and Bolton, Philip S. (2008). Comments in response to letters to editor regarding article: Thomas LC, et al. Premanipulative testing and the velocimeter. Manual Therapy (2007) doi:10.1016/j.math.2006.11.003. Manual Therapy, 13 (1), e5-e6. doi: 10.1016/j.math.2007.09.010

Comments in response to letters to editor regarding article: Thomas LC, et al. Premanipulative testing and the velocimeter. Manual Therapy (2007) doi:10.1016/j.math.2006.11.003


Journal Article

Pre-manipulative testing and the use of the velocimeter

Thomas, Lucy C., Rivett, Darren A. and Bolton, Philip S. (2008). Pre-manipulative testing and the use of the velocimeter. Manual Therapy, 13 (1), 29-36. doi: 10.1016/j.math.2006.11.003

Pre-manipulative testing and the use of the velocimeter