Adrian Athique is Associate Professor and programme leader in Cultural Studies at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities. Adrian is a graduate in Media Arts from the University of Plymouth and holds a PhD in Asia-Pacific Transformation Studies from the University of Wollongong. Prior to joining IASH, Adrian was Chair of the School of Arts at the University of Waikato (2010-2015), a lecturer in Sociology at the University in Essex (2008-2010) a postdoctoral fellow in Cultural Studies at UQ (2006-2007) and a learning technology officer at the UK Open University (2001-2002). Adrian's broad research interests focus on the social, cultural and economic implications of digital technologies and upon the evolution of media cultures in Asia.
Adrian has conducted research projects in collaboration with colleagues in India, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines. He is currently active in extensive networks across the region, notably in events and publications stemming from his two major projects: Digital Transactions in Asia (2017-) and The Indian Media Economy (2013-). Adrian has held grants from the New Zealand India Research Institute (2013), University Grants Commission of India (2014), Asia New Zealand Foundation (2015) and the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India (2019). Along with more than forty journal articles and book chapters, Adrian is the author of several books, including: The Multiplex in India: A Cultural Economy of Urban Leisure (2010, Routledge, with Douglas Hill), Indian Media: Global Approaches (2012, Polity), Digital Media and Society (2013, Polity) and Transnational Audiences: Media Reception on a Global Scale (2016, Polity). Adrian has also edited ground-breaking volumes on media and social change in Asia, including: The Indian Media Economy (2018, 2 Vols, OUP, with Vibodh Parthasarathi and SV Srinivas) and Digital Transactions in Asia: Social, Economic and Informational Exchanges (2019, Routledge, with Emma Baulch). Adrian is editor of the journal Media International Australia and the OUP book series, Media Dynamics in South Asia.
Adrian Athique is keen to receive applications from doctoral candidates in the fields of Asian Cultural Studies, Digital Sociology, Media Industries and Economy, Audience and User Studies, and Transnational Communication.
- Associate Professor Adrian Athique is:
- Available for supervision
- Doctor of Philosophy, University of Wollongong
Search Professor Adrian Athique’s works on UQ eSpace
Other Outputs
Communications, media and internet concentration in India, 2019-2021
Athique, Adrian, Ilavarasan, Vigneswara, Parthasarathi, Vibodh, Sharma, Tamanna, Thomas, Pradip and Vyshakh, M. (2024). Communications, media and internet concentration in India, 2019-2021. Ottawa, ON, Canada: Carleton University. doi: 10.22215/gmicp/2024.8
Other Outputs
Intelligent Futures: Towards Humane Digital Societies in Australia and India
Athique, Adrian (2024). Intelligent Futures: Towards Humane Digital Societies in Australia and India. Melbourne, VIC Australia: Australia India institute.
Journal Article
Platform ecosystems, market hierarchies and the megacorp: the case of Reliance Jio
Athique, Adrian and Kumar, Akshaya (2022). Platform ecosystems, market hierarchies and the megacorp: the case of Reliance Jio. Media, Culture and Society, 44 (8), 1420-1436. doi: 10.1177/01634437221127798
Journal Article
Extraordinary issue: coronavirus, crisis and communication
Athique, Adrian (2020). Extraordinary issue: coronavirus, crisis and communication. Media International Australia, 177 (1), 3-11. doi: 10.1177/1329878x20960300
Platform Capitalism in India
Athique, Adrian and Parthasarathi, Vibodh eds. (2020). Platform Capitalism in India. Global Transformations in Media and Communication Research - A Palgrave and IAMCR Series, Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-44563-8
Book Chapter
Digital emporiums: evolutionary pathways to platform capitalism
Athique, Adrian (2020). Digital emporiums: evolutionary pathways to platform capitalism. Platform capitalism in India. (pp. 23-41) edited by Adrian Athique and Vibodh Parthasarathi. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-44563-8_2
Book Chapter
Platform economy and platformization
Athique, Adrian and Parthasarathi, Vibodh (2020). Platform economy and platformization. Platform Capitalism in India. (pp. 1-19) edited by Adrian Athique and Vibodh Parthasarathi. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-44563-8_1
Journal Article
Indian media in the platform economy
Athique, Adrian (2019). Indian media in the platform economy. Media Industries, 6 (2). doi: 10.3998/mij.15031809.0006.204
Journal Article
Digital emporiums: platform capitalism in India
Athique, Adrian (2019). Digital emporiums: platform capitalism in India. Media Industries, 6 (2). doi: 10.3998/mij.15031809.0006.205
Journal Article
Media, civilization and the international order
Athique, Adrian (2019). Media, civilization and the international order. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 23 (3), 136787791988892-351. doi: 10.1177/1367877919888923
Journal Article
Australian media research and the geography of communication research publishing
Athique, Adrian (2019). Australian media research and the geography of communication research publishing. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 96 (4), 975-979. doi: 10.1177/1077699019878461
Journal Article
Market matters: interdependencies in the Indian media economy
Parthasarathi, Vibodh and Athique, Adrian (2019). Market matters: interdependencies in the Indian media economy. Media, Culture & Society, 42 (3), 016344371985349-448. doi: 10.1177/0163443719853495
Journal Article
A great leap of faith: the cashless agenda in Digital India
Athique, Adrian (2019). A great leap of faith: the cashless agenda in Digital India. New Media and Society, 21 (8), 1697-1713. doi: 10.1177/1461444819831324
Journal Article
Integrated commodities in the digital economy
Athique, Adrian (2019). Integrated commodities in the digital economy. Media, Culture & Society, 42 (4), 016344371986181-570. doi: 10.1177/0163443719861815
Digital Transactions in Asia: Social, Economic and Informational Exchanges
Adrian Athique and Emma Baulch eds. (2019). Digital Transactions in Asia: Social, Economic and Informational Exchanges. New York, NY United States: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429425110
Book Chapter
Digital transactions in Asia
Athique, Adrian (2019). Digital transactions in Asia. Digital Transactions in Asia: Social , Economic and Informational Processes. (pp. 1-21) edited by Adrian Athique and Emma Baulch. New York, NY United States: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429425110-1
Book Chapter
Demonetisation: India's year of living digitally
Athique, Adrian (2019). Demonetisation: India's year of living digitally. Digital transactions in Asia: social, economic and informational processes. (pp. 83-103) edited by Adrian Athique and Emma Baulch. New York, NY United States: Routledge.
Book Chapter
Demonetization: India's year of living digitally
Athique, Adrian (2019). Demonetization: India's year of living digitally. Digital transactions in Asia: economic, informational, and social exchanges. (pp. 83-103) edited by Adrian Athique and Emma Baulch. New York, NY, United States: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429425110-5
Journal Article
Hight, Craig and Athique, Adrian (2018). Editorial. Media International Australia, 169 (1), 3-4. doi: 10.1177/1329878X18803685
Journal Article
Bollywood in Manila: the spectre of moral comparisons
Athique, Adrian and Lorenzana, Jozon (2018). Bollywood in Manila: the spectre of moral comparisons. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 19 (4), 627-643. doi: 10.1080/14649373.2018.1548093
- Associate Professor Adrian Athique is:
- Available for supervision
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Supervision history
Current supervision
Doctor Philosophy
The Role of Information and Communication Technology to Foster Economic Sustainability in Indonesia (A Case Study of Content Industry in Indonesia Rural Areas)
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Elske van de Fliert
Doctor Philosophy
Digital Transactions in India
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Trajectories of Cinema in Bombay Presidency 1920s-50s
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Pradip Thomas
Doctor Philosophy
Media and Internet Concentration in India
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Rise of Meta- Technology and Media Industry in Bangladesh: A Study on Technological Adaptation and its Influences to Journalism Practices
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Skye Doherty
Doctor Philosophy
Media and Internet Concentration in India
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Gig Worker Transactions in Indonesia (A Case Study of Gojek Indonesia)
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Elske van de Fliert
Doctor Philosophy
Digital Transactions in India
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Devising Memory in Popular Hindi Cinema
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Ted Nannicelli
Doctor Philosophy
Prabhat Trajectory of Cinema in Bombay Presidency 1920s-50s: Imperialism, Infrastructure, Institutions, and Industry
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Pradip Thomas
Completed supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Bereavement, Meaning Making and Transcultural Support: Muslims in Southeast Queensland
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Aparna Hebbani
Doctor Philosophy
The Certainty of Dream in Suffering Objects: Navigating Affect and Objects in Anthropology
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Diana Young
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