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Associate Professor

Sarah Holcombe

+61 7 334 64050



Associate Professor Sarah Holcombe is:
Available for supervision

Fields of research


  • Doctor of Philosophy, University of Newcastle


Search Professor Sarah Holcombe’s works on UQ eSpace

103 works between 1997 and 2025

1 - 20 of 103 works


Journal Article

Reasserting Gija women's role in mine site reclamation: A perspective from the Argyle Diamond Mine

Dowell, Kia and Holcombe, Sarah Elizabeth (2025). Reasserting Gija women's role in mine site reclamation: A perspective from the Argyle Diamond Mine. Journal of Political Ecology, 32 (1), 1-22. doi: 10.2458/jpe.6219

Reasserting Gija women's role in mine site reclamation: A perspective from the Argyle Diamond Mine


Journal Article

"What does Closure even mean?" at Century Mine: Multiple companies, mine closure trajectories and disputation

Doomadgee, Alec and Holcombe, Sarah Elizabeth (2024). "What does Closure even mean?" at Century Mine: Multiple companies, mine closure trajectories and disputation. Journal of Political Ecology, 32 (1), 1-22. doi: 10.2458/jpe.6200

"What does Closure even mean?" at Century Mine: Multiple companies, mine closure trajectories and disputation


Journal Article

Breaking the hierarchy: Exploring intersectional employment strategies in the Australian mining industry for Indigenous women

Parmenter, Joni, Leroy-Dyer, Sharlene and Holcombe, Sarah (2024). Breaking the hierarchy: Exploring intersectional employment strategies in the Australian mining industry for Indigenous women. The Extractive Industries and Society, 19 101480, 1-10. doi: 10.1016/j.exis.2024.101480

Breaking the hierarchy: Exploring intersectional employment strategies in the Australian mining industry for Indigenous women


Book Chapter

Comparative perspectives on the social aspects of mine closure and mine site transition in Canada and Australia

Holcombe, Sarah, Worden, Sandy and Keeling, Arn (2024). Comparative perspectives on the social aspects of mine closure and mine site transition in Canada and Australia. Mining and Indigenous livelihoods: rights, revenues, and resistance. (pp. 171-197) edited by Thierry Rodon, Sophie Thériault, Arn Keeling, Séverine Bouard and Andrew Taylor. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003406433-11

Comparative perspectives on the social aspects of mine closure and mine site transition in Canada and Australia


Other Outputs

How do Queensland’s mining closure regulations stack up on the social front?

Worden, Sandy, Holcombe, Sarah and Keeling, Arn (2024). How do Queensland’s mining closure regulations stack up on the social front?. Chermside, QLD, Australia: Bowen Basin Minnig Club.

How do Queensland’s mining closure regulations stack up on the social front?


Journal Article

Aboriginal employment outcomes at Argyle Diamond Mine: what constitutes success, and for whom?

Parmenter, Joni, Dowell, Kia, Holcombe, Sarah and Alexander, Rowena (2023). Aboriginal employment outcomes at Argyle Diamond Mine: what constitutes success, and for whom?. Resources Policy, 87 104327, 1-11. doi: 10.1016/j.resourpol.2023.104327

Aboriginal employment outcomes at Argyle Diamond Mine: what constitutes success, and for whom?


Journal Article

Sustainable water in mining? The importance of Traditional Owner involvement in commercial water use and management in the Pilbara Region of Western Australia

Garlett, Emma and Holcombe, Sarah (2023). Sustainable water in mining? The importance of Traditional Owner involvement in commercial water use and management in the Pilbara Region of Western Australia. Oceania, 93 (3), 282-301. doi: 10.1002/ocea.5390

Sustainable water in mining? The importance of Traditional Owner involvement in commercial water use and management in the Pilbara Region of Western Australia


Other Outputs

Indigenous Cultural Mapping in Australia: a desktop review 

Holcombe, Sarah (2023). Indigenous Cultural Mapping in Australia: a desktop review . Brisbane, QLD, Australia: University of Queensland.

Indigenous Cultural Mapping in Australia: a desktop review 


Other Outputs

Barnes, R. and Holcombe, S. (2023) A Day in the life of Nabarlek mine rehabilitation: Report on 1 June 2023 visit to Madjawarr land. Occasional Paper. Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining, The University of Queensland: Brisbane.

Rodger Barnes and Sarah Holcombe (2023). Barnes, R. and Holcombe, S. (2023) A Day in the life of Nabarlek mine rehabilitation: Report on 1 June 2023 visit to Madjawarr land. Occasional Paper. Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining, The University of Queensland: Brisbane.. University of Qld: CSRM.

Barnes, R. and Holcombe, S. (2023) A Day in the life of Nabarlek mine rehabilitation: Report on 1 June 2023 visit to Madjawarr land. Occasional Paper. Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining, The University of Queensland: Brisbane.


Other Outputs

Social, Cultural and Economic (SCE) studies of the Strategic Regional Environment and Baseline Assessment (SREBA) for the Beetaloo Sub-basin

Witt, K, Keenan, J, Lewis, G, Fredericks, B, Holcombe, S, Jezierski, P, Jessup, L and Zhang, H (2023). Social, Cultural and Economic (SCE) studies of the Strategic Regional Environment and Baseline Assessment (SREBA) for the Beetaloo Sub-basin Darwin, NT, Australia: Northern Territory Government.

Social, Cultural and Economic (SCE) studies of the Strategic Regional Environment and Baseline Assessment (SREBA) for the Beetaloo Sub-basin


Other Outputs

Design of Activities for the Investigation of Ngadju Salt Lake Systems

Chrystal, Robynne, McIntyre, Neil, Bolz, Pascal, Edraki, Mansour, Worden, Sandy, Holcombe, Sarah, Barnes, Rodger and Hernandez Santin, Lorna (2023). Design of Activities for the Investigation of Ngadju Salt Lake Systems. Brisbane, Australia: Sustainable Minerals Institute, The University of Queensland.

Design of Activities for the Investigation of Ngadju Salt Lake Systems


Journal Article

Special Issue: Activist Anthropological Scholarship with, and as, Indigenous People in the Global South

Suzi Hutchings and Sarah Holcombe (2022). Special Issue: Activist Anthropological Scholarship with, and as, Indigenous People in the Global South. AlterNATIVE, 18 (2).

Special Issue: Activist Anthropological Scholarship with, and as, Indigenous People in the Global South


Journal Article

Activism through anthropological practice in the Global South: an exploration

Hutchings, Suzi and Holcombe, Sarah (2022). Activism through anthropological practice in the Global South: an exploration. AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, 18 (2), 225-234. doi: 10.1177/11771801221104839

Activism through anthropological practice in the Global South: an exploration


Other Outputs

Integrating intangible impacts into cultural heritage management: policy brief

Holcombe, Sarah and Enright, T. L. (2022). Integrating intangible impacts into cultural heritage management: policy brief. Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining. BRC/SMI, The University of Queensland.

Integrating intangible impacts into cultural heritage management: policy brief


Conference Publication

Mining employment as development for Indigenous peoples in Canada and Australia?

Holcombe, Sarah and Kemp, Deanna (2022). Mining employment as development for Indigenous peoples in Canada and Australia?. Mining the Connections, Quebec City, QC, Canada, 25-28 April .

Mining employment as development for Indigenous peoples in Canada and Australia?


Conference Publication

Conference roundtable: Indigenous experiences and perceptions of mine closure

Holcombe, Sarah, Keeling, Arn and Elliott, Vanessa (2022). Conference roundtable: Indigenous experiences and perceptions of mine closure. Mining the Connections conference , Quebec City, QC, Canada , 25-28 April 2022.

Conference roundtable: Indigenous experiences and perceptions of mine closure


Other Outputs

Indigenous Specific CIA: scoping review of the literature and methods. CRC TiME. Interim Report. Project 1.1

Holcombe, Sarah (2022). Indigenous Specific CIA: scoping review of the literature and methods. CRC TiME. Interim Report. Project 1.1 . 1 Perth: CRC TiME.

Indigenous Specific CIA: scoping review of the literature and methods. CRC TiME. Interim Report. Project 1.1


Other Outputs

Towards a framework for regional cumulative impact assessment

Sinclair, L., Pope, J., Holcombe, S., Hamblin, L., Pershke, D., Standish, R.J., Kragt, M.E., McKenzie, F., Subroy, V. and Young, R.E. (2022). Towards a framework for regional cumulative impact assessment. CRC Transitions in Mining Economies Perth, WA, Australia: CRC TiME.

Towards a framework for regional cumulative impact assessment


Journal Article

Indigenous co-ownership of mining projects: a preliminary framework for the critical examination of equity participation

Kung, Anthony, Holcombe, Sarah, Hamago, Joel and Kemp, Deanna (2022). Indigenous co-ownership of mining projects: a preliminary framework for the critical examination of equity participation. Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law, 40 (4), 1-23. doi: 10.1080/02646811.2022.2029184

Indigenous co-ownership of mining projects: a preliminary framework for the critical examination of equity participation


Other Outputs

Indigenous Exchange Forum: Transitions in Mine Closure

Holcombe, Sarah, Elliott, Vanessa , Keeling, Arn, Berryman, Mere, Hall, Rebecca, Beckett, Caitlynn, Ngaamo, Raewyn, Moon, Watene, Kusab, Natalie and Ross River Lands Office (2022). Indigenous Exchange Forum: Transitions in Mine Closure. Social Aspects of Mine Closure Brisbane: CSRM.

Indigenous Exchange Forum: Transitions in Mine Closure


Past funding

  • 2023
    Ranger Uranium Mine Closure scoping project #1: Knowledge Exchange fieldtrip for Mirrar to Nabarlek
    Open grant
  • 2023
    Phase 2: Indigenous Cultural Mapping: literature review, models, methods and data management
    National Native Title Council Ltd
    Open grant
  • 2023
    Phase 1: Rapid review of international cultural heritage (CH) legislation
    National Native Title Council Ltd
    Open grant
  • 2023
    Building a two-way research and training partnership between the Ngadju Conservation Aboriginal Corporation and UQ¿s Sustainable Minerals Institute (SMI)
    UQ Knowledge Exchange & Translation Fund
    Open grant
  • 2021
    A Complex Orebodies Review of the Izok Lake Corridor Project (304MMGIZOK)
    MMG Australia Limited
    Open grant
  • 2021
    Post Mining Land Use (CRC TiME project administered by UniSA)
    University of South Australia
    Open grant
  • 2020 - 2021
    Towards a framework for environmental, economic, and social cumulative regional impact assessment (CRC TiME project led by UWA)
    University of Western Australia
    Open grant
  • 2020 - 2022
    Indigenous groups and land rehabilitation: Argyle Rangers opportunity analysis (001RTPARGYLE)
    Rio Tinto Services Limited
    Open grant
  • 2020
    Further research on indictive case management ratios for Indigenous Support Officers (ISO)
    Rio Tinto Services Limited
    Open grant
  • 2019 - 2021
    2019-2021 Contribution to Social Aspects of Mine Closure Consortium
    OceanaGold Corporation
    Open grant



Associate Professor Sarah Holcombe is:
Available for supervision

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Supervision history

Current supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Indigenous Employment in the Australian Mining Industry:Positive Outcomes for whom?

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Deanna Kemp, Associate Professor Sharlene Leroy-Dyer

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Best practice approach for incorporating Indigenous knowledges, rights and interests into ESG strategy decisions in mining companies, environmental and land related government policy and federal reporting frameworks.

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Deanna Kemp, Professor Bronwyn Fredericks

  • Master Philosophy

    Community smart consultation and consent: Enabling systemic, inclusive and equitable participation in the extractives

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Deanna Kemp

  • Doctor Philosophy

    The Australian Mining Industry and Indigenous Engagement

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Deanna Kemp, Associate Professor Sharlene Leroy-Dyer

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Indigenous Employment in the Australian Mining Industry:Positive Outcomes for whom?

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Deanna Kemp, Associate Professor Sharlene Leroy-Dyer

  • Doctor Philosophy

    The Potential Impact of Contemporary International Legal Norms on the Future Development of Australian Commonwealth Indigenous Cultural Heritage Legislation

    Principal Advisor

  • Doctor Philosophy

    The Potential Impact of Contemporary International Legal Norms on the Future Development of Australian Commonwealth Indigenous Cultural Heritage Legislation

    Principal Advisor

  • Master Philosophy

    Community smart consultation and consent: Enabling systemic, inclusive and equitable participation in the extractives

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Deanna Kemp

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Assessing the ecological trajectory of mine rehabilitation - Focusing on the Nabarlek Uranium Project

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Peter Erskine

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Assessing the ecological trajectory of mine rehabilitation - Focusing on the Nabarlek Uranium Project

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Peter Erskine



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