- Dr Laetitia Hattingh is:
- Available for supervision
Search Professor Laetitia Hattingh’s works on UQ eSpace
Journal Article
Community pharmacists' opinions of their role in administering non-prescription medicines in an emergency
McMillan, Sara S., Hattingh, H. Laetitia and King, Michelle A. (2011). Community pharmacists' opinions of their role in administering non-prescription medicines in an emergency. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 33 (5), 800-805. doi: 10.1007/s11096-011-9540-z
Journal Article
The regulation of pharmacy ownership in Australia: the potential impact of changes to the health landscape
Hattingh, H Laetitia (2011). The regulation of pharmacy ownership in Australia: the potential impact of changes to the health landscape. Journal of law and medicine, 19 (1), 147-54.
Other Outputs
An exploratory study of extended health care practitioner roles in medication supply and management in a rural community: final report
Hattingh, Laetitia, Emmerton, Lynne, Tan, Amy and Jarvis, Victoria (2011). An exploratory study of extended health care practitioner roles in medication supply and management in a rural community: final report. Brisbane, QLD Australia: School of Pharmacy, Curtin University.
Conference Publication
Safe dispensing practice: development and evaluation of a blended learning tool to enhance dispensing in pharmacy practice education
Hope, Denise, Hattingh, Laetitia and Haywood, Alison (2011). Safe dispensing practice: development and evaluation of a blended learning tool to enhance dispensing in pharmacy practice education. 4th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI), Madrid, Spain, 14-16 November 2011. Valencia, Spain: IATED.
Journal Article
The regulation of pharmacy ownership in Australia: the potential impact of changes to the health landscape
Hattingh, H. Laetitia (2011). The regulation of pharmacy ownership in Australia: the potential impact of changes to the health landscape. Journal of Law and Medicine, 19 (1), 147-154.
Conference Publication
An exploratory study of medication supply and management in a rural community in Queensland
Tan, Amy, Emmerton, Lynne M., Hattingh, Laetitia and Jarvis, Victoria (2011). An exploratory study of medication supply and management in a rural community in Queensland. Australasian Pharmaceutical Science Association Annual Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 11-14 December 2011.
Journal Article
Interprofessional learning sessions: Assessing the impact on medical and pharmacy students
Hattingh, H. L., McGuire, T. and Rogers, G. D. (2010). Interprofessional learning sessions: Assessing the impact on medical and pharmacy students. Focus on Health Professional Education, 12 (2), 48-60.
Journal Article
The impact on community pharmacy of the changing generic medicine substitution landscape
Hattingh, H Laetitia, Maganlal, Satish and King, Michelle A (2010). The impact on community pharmacy of the changing generic medicine substitution landscape. Journal of law and medicine, 17 (5), 761-71.
Conference Publication
Mapping of rural health-care services
Tan, A., Jarvis, V., Hattingh, L., Emmerton, L. and Eley, R. (2010). Mapping of rural health-care services. Australasian Pharmaceutical Science Association Annual Conference, Brisbane, Qld, Australia, 6-9 December 2010. Brisbane, Qld, Australia: Australasian Pharmaceutical Science Association.
Journal Article
Quality of discharge summaries sent by a regional hospital to general practitioners
Karaksha, Abdullah A., Hattingh, H. Laetitia and Hall, Tony (2010). Quality of discharge summaries sent by a regional hospital to general practitioners. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 40 (3), 208-210. doi: 10.1002/j.2055-2335.2010.tb00540.x
Journal Article
The impact on community pharmacy of the changing generic medicine substitution landscape
Hattingh, H. Laetitia, Maganlal, Satish and King, Michelle A. (2010). The impact on community pharmacy of the changing generic medicine substitution landscape. Journal of Law and Medicine, 17 (5), 761-771.
Journal Article
An evaluation of the integration of standards and guidelines in community pharmacy practices
Hattingh, H. Laetitia, King, Michelle A. and Smith, Nerida A. (2009). An evaluation of the integration of standards and guidelines in community pharmacy practices. Pharmacy World and Science, 31 (5), 542-549. doi: 10.1007/s11096-009-9309-9
Journal Article
Compounding solutions for exotic and nondomesticated fauna in Australia: an investigative study
Haywood, Alison, Bolitho, Richard, Gusti, Kane, Yim, Crystal, Testa, Chris and Hattingh, Laetitia (2009). Compounding solutions for exotic and nondomesticated fauna in Australia: an investigative study. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding, 13 (5), 440-444.
Journal Article
Pharmacists' responsibility and potential liability regarding generic substitition
Hattingh, Hendrika Laetitia (2009). Pharmacists' responsibility and potential liability regarding generic substitition. Medicine and Law, 28 (4), 697-704.
Journal Article
Developments in pharmacists' disciplinary processes and outcomes
Hattingh, Laetitia, Smith, Nerida, Searle, Judy and Forrester, Kim (2008). Developments in pharmacists' disciplinary processes and outcomes. Journal of Law and Medicine, 16 (1), 109-119.
Journal Article
Regulation of the pharmacy profession throughout Australia
Hattingh, H. Laetitia, Smith, Nerida A., Searle, Judith, King, Michelle A. and Forrester, Kim (2007). Regulation of the pharmacy profession throughout Australia. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 37 (3), 174-177. doi: 10.1002/j.2055-2335.2007.tb00737.x
Journal Article
Pharmacy practice developments: the potential impact on pharmacists' legal liability
Hattingh, Laetitia, Forrester, Kim, Smith, Nerida and Searle, Judy (2007). Pharmacy practice developments: the potential impact on pharmacists' legal liability. Journal of Law and Medicine, 14 (3), 397-402.
Current funding
- Dr Laetitia Hattingh is:
- Available for supervision
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Supervision history
Current supervision
Doctor Philosophy
OPTimising MEDicine information handover after Discharge (OPTMED-D): protocol for development of a multifaceted intervention and stepped wedge cluster randomised controlled trial.
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Holly Foot
Completed supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Medication Management in a Rural Setting in Australia: Needs Identification and Service Models Involving Pharmacists
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Adam La Caze
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