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Dr Juliana Segura-Salazar

Juliana Segura-Salazar




Juliana is a Research Fellow at The University of Queensland's Sustainable Minerals Institute, whose multidisciplinary research is dedicated to enhancing the sustainability and circularity of mineral resources supply through innovation. Juliana's current work focuses on developing sustainable, circular solutions, such as ore-sand co-production, to address the global sustainability challenges associated with sand supply and conventional mineral waste management. With a Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering from Universidad del Valle in Colombia and a Master of Science and a PhD in Metallurgical Engineering from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, Juliana's multidisciplinary academic background includes a strong emphasis on extractive metallurgy and Life Cycle Assessment approaches for sustainability in the mining context. Her work experience includes co-leading applied research projects in collaboration with the mining industry in Brazil, Europe, and Australia. During her graduate studies, Juliana worked as a part-time Research Assistant in Brazil and later as a full-time Research Assistant at Imperial College London on the Horizon 2020 IMPaCT project from 2019 to 2020. She remains affiliated with the institution as an Honorary Research Associate. Juliana has established herself as an expert in her field, with a growing track record of academic publications and contributions towards advancing sustainable mining practices. She has contributed as a peer reviewer for nine international journals, is an Editorial Board Member of Geoenergy (a co-owned journal of the Geological Society and the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE)), and a Topical Advisory Panel member of MDPI's Minerals journal. Juliana is also part of the World Economic Forum's Global Future Council on the Future of Responsible Resource Use.


Dr Juliana Segura-Salazar is:
Available for supervision


  • Honorary Academic, Imperial College London, Imperial College London


Search Professor Juliana Segura-Salazar’s works on UQ eSpace

33 works between 2008 and 2024

1 - 20 of 33 works


Journal Article

The energy-critical metals: technologies with a human face

Moore, K.R., Segura-Salazar, J. and Savinova, E. (2024). The energy-critical metals: technologies with a human face. Geoenergy, 2 (1). doi: 10.1144/geoenergy2024-016

The energy-critical metals: technologies with a human face


Journal Article

Comparative life cycle assessment of battery-electric and diesel underground mining trucks

Balboa-Espinoza, Victor, Segura-Salazar, Juliana, Hunt, Carlos, Aitken, Douglas and Campos, Levi (2023). Comparative life cycle assessment of battery-electric and diesel underground mining trucks. Journal of Cleaner Production, 425 139056, 1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.139056

Comparative life cycle assessment of battery-electric and diesel underground mining trucks


Other Outputs

Is ore-sand the solution to the mining industry’s waste problem?

Segura-Salazar, Juliana and Franks, Daniel M. (2023, 05 19). Is ore-sand the solution to the mining industry’s waste problem? Mining Magazine 32-34.

Is ore-sand the solution to the mining industry’s waste problem?


Journal Article

Decarbonisation to drive dramatic increase in mining waste–options for reduction

Valenta, Rick K., Lèbre, Éléonore, Antonio, Christian, Franks, Daniel M., Jokovic, Vladimir, Micklethwaite, Steven, Parbhakar-Fox, Anita, Runge, Kym, Savinova, Ekaterina, Segura-Salazar, Juliana, Stringer, Martin, Verster, Isabella and Yahyaei, Mohsen (2023). Decarbonisation to drive dramatic increase in mining waste–options for reduction. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 190 106859, 1-11. doi: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2022.106859

Decarbonisation to drive dramatic increase in mining waste–options for reduction


Other Outputs

The hype is out of this world, but mining in space won’t save the Earth

Segura-Salazar, Juliana and Moore, Kathryn (2023, 01 31). The hype is out of this world, but mining in space won’t save the Earth The Conversation

The hype is out of this world, but mining in space won’t save the Earth


Other Outputs

Ore-sand co-production from Newcrest’s Cadia East HydroFloat Reject: an exploratory study

Segura-Salazar, Juliana and Franks, Daniel M. (2023). Ore-sand co-production from Newcrest’s Cadia East HydroFloat Reject: an exploratory study. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/96249f6

Ore-sand co-production from Newcrest’s Cadia East HydroFloat Reject: an exploratory study


Journal Article

The out-of-this-world hype cycle: progression towards sustainable terrestrial resource production

Moore, K.R., Segura-Salazar, J., Bridges, L., Diallo, P., Doyle, K., Johnson, C., Foster, P., Pollard, N., Whyte, N. and Wright, O. (2022). The out-of-this-world hype cycle: progression towards sustainable terrestrial resource production. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 186 106519, 1-17. doi: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2022.106519

The out-of-this-world hype cycle: progression towards sustainable terrestrial resource production


Other Outputs

Materials: Switch on/Switch off

Brito-Parada, Pablo, Segura-Salazar, Juliana, Bodin, Jerome, Muller, Stephanie and Moore, Kathryn (2022, 10 27). Materials: Switch on/Switch off The Chemical Engineer

Materials: Switch on/Switch off


Journal Article

Sustainability of switch on-switch off (SOSO) mining: Human resource development tailored to technological solutions

Moore, K. R., Moradi, S., Doyle, K., Sydd, O., Amaral, , Bodin, J., Brito-Parada, P. R., Dudley, F., Fitzpatrick, R., Foster, P., Goettmann, F., Roberts, D., Roethe, R., Sairinen, R., Sambrook, T., Segura-Salazar, J. and Thomas, G. (2021). Sustainability of switch on-switch off (SOSO) mining: Human resource development tailored to technological solutions. Resources Policy, 73 102167, 102167. doi: 10.1016/j.resourpol.2021.102167

Sustainability of switch on-switch off (SOSO) mining: Human resource development tailored to technological solutions


Journal Article

A life cycle-based, sustainability-driven innovation approach in the minerals industry: Application to a large-scale granitic quarry in Rio de Janeiro

Segura-Salazar, Juliana and Tavares, Luis Marcelo (2021). A life cycle-based, sustainability-driven innovation approach in the minerals industry: Application to a large-scale granitic quarry in Rio de Janeiro. Minerals Engineering, 172 107149, 107149. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2021.107149

A life cycle-based, sustainability-driven innovation approach in the minerals industry: Application to a large-scale granitic quarry in Rio de Janeiro


Journal Article

Holistic pre-feasibility study of comminution routes for a Brazilian itabirite ore

Segura-Salazar, Juliana, Santos, Natasha de S. L. and Tavares, Luis Marcelo (2021). Holistic pre-feasibility study of comminution routes for a Brazilian itabirite ore. Minerals, 11 (8) 894, 894. doi: 10.3390/min11080894

Holistic pre-feasibility study of comminution routes for a Brazilian itabirite ore


Journal Article

Switch on-switch off small-scale mining: Environmental performance in a life cycle perspective

Beylot, Antoine, Muller, Stephanie, Segura-Salazar, Juliana, Brito-Parada, Pablo, Paneri, Anshul, Yan, Xiaoyu, Lai, Frederic, Roethe, Richard, Thomas, Gareth, Goettmann, Frederic, Braun, Marius, Moradi, Saeid, Fitzpatrick, Rob, Moore, Kathryn and Bodin, Jerome (2021). Switch on-switch off small-scale mining: Environmental performance in a life cycle perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production, 312 127647, 1-11. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.127647

Switch on-switch off small-scale mining: Environmental performance in a life cycle perspective


Journal Article

Stibnite froth flotation: A critical review

Segura-Salazar, Juliana and Brito-Parada, Pablo R. (2021). Stibnite froth flotation: A critical review. Minerals Engineering, 163 106713. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2020.106713

Stibnite froth flotation: A critical review


Other Outputs

An approach to reduce epistemic uncertainty in a life cycle-based environmental sustainability in the minerals industry

Segura-Salazar, Juliana (2021). An approach to reduce epistemic uncertainty in a life cycle-based environmental sustainability in the minerals industry. PhD Thesis, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.

An approach to reduce epistemic uncertainty in a life cycle-based environmental sustainability in the minerals industry


Conference Publication

A life cycle-based, sustainability-driven innovation approach in the minerals industry

Segura-Salazar, Juliana and Tavares, Luis Marcelo (2021). A life cycle-based, sustainability-driven innovation approach in the minerals industry. Sustainable Minerals ’21, Online, 21-24 June 2021. Falmouth: MEI International.

A life cycle-based, sustainability-driven innovation approach in the minerals industry


Journal Article

Life Cycle Assessment in the minerals industry: current practice, harmonization efforts, and potential improvement through the integration with process simulation

Segura-Salazar, Juliana, Lima, Francisco Mariano and Tavares, Luis Marcelo (2019). Life Cycle Assessment in the minerals industry: current practice, harmonization efforts, and potential improvement through the integration with process simulation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 232, 174-192. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.05.318

Life Cycle Assessment in the minerals industry: current practice, harmonization efforts, and potential improvement through the integration with process simulation


Journal Article

HPGR as alternative to fused alumina comminution route: An assessment of circuit simplification potential

Pedrosa, Francisco Junior Batista, Bergerman, Maurício Guimarães, Segura-Salazar, Juliana and Junior, Homero Delboni (2019). HPGR as alternative to fused alumina comminution route: An assessment of circuit simplification potential. Revista Escola de Minas, 72 (3), 543-551. doi: 10.1590/0370-44672018720193

HPGR as alternative to fused alumina comminution route: An assessment of circuit simplification potential


Conference Publication

How can process simulation be used to get more reliable data for LCA of mining emerging technologies?

Muller, S., Bodin, J., Segura-Salazar, J. and Villeneuve, J. (2019). How can process simulation be used to get more reliable data for LCA of mining emerging technologies?. SETAC Europe 29th Annual Meeting, Helsinki, Finaland, 29 May 2019. SETAC Europe .

How can process simulation be used to get more reliable data for LCA of mining emerging technologies?


Conference Publication

Modelling iron ore desliming in hydrocyclones

Alves, L. P., Segura-Salazar, J., Turrer, H. D. G., Mainza, A. N. and Tavares, L. M. (2019). Modelling iron ore desliming in hydrocyclones. 16th European Symposium on Comminution and Classification (ESCC 2019), Leeds, United Kingdom, 2-4 September 2019.

Modelling iron ore desliming in hydrocyclones


Conference Publication

Assessing the impact of process variability on the metallurgical and environmental performance of modular, small-scale mineral processing circuits

Segura-Salazar, J., Bodin, J., Muller, S. and Brito-Parada, P. (2019). Assessing the impact of process variability on the metallurgical and environmental performance of modular, small-scale mineral processing circuits. IMPC-EURASIA 2019, Antalya, Turkey, 31 October-2 November 2019.

Assessing the impact of process variability on the metallurgical and environmental performance of modular, small-scale mineral processing circuits


Current funding

  • 2024 - 2025
    Ore-sand: a circular economy solution to reduce mineral wastes and produce alternative construction materials
    Australia's Economic Accelerator Seed Grants
    Open grant

Past funding

  • 2023 - 2024
    The Potential Use of Ore-sand from Porphyry Cu-Au Deposits as Fine Aggregates in Concrete Applications
    NewCrest Mining Limited
    Open grant
  • 2023 - 2024
    Improving circularity in Queensland's new economy minerals
    Queensland Department of Resources
    Open grant
  • 2022
    Finding Alternative Sources of Sand: Cadia East HydroFloat Coarse Tailings - Phase 1
    NewCrest Mining Limited
    Open grant



Dr Juliana Segura-Salazar is:
Available for supervision

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Supervision history

Current supervision



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