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Dr Julian Andrew Steele

Julian Andrew Steele




Julian A. Steele received his Ph.D. in physics from The Institute for Superconducting and Electronic Materials (ISEM), University of Wollongong, before undertaking postdoctoral work at KU Leuven (Belgium) and UC Berkeley (USA). From 2023, he began a DECRA Fellowship at the Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN), The University of Queensland, working on a range of condensed matter topics, within which phase transition phenomena in metal halide perovskite semiconductors feature heavily.


Dr Julian Andrew Steele is:
Available for supervision


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98 works between 2011 and 2024

81 - 98 of 98 works


Journal Article

Form Follows Function: Warming White LEDs Using Metal Cluster-Loaded Zeolites as Phosphors

Baekelant, Wouter, Coutino-Gonzalez, Eduardo, Steele, Julian A., Roeffaers, Maarten B. J. and Hofkens, Johan (2017). Form Follows Function: Warming White LEDs Using Metal Cluster-Loaded Zeolites as Phosphors. ACS Energy Letters, 2 (10), 2491-2497. doi: 10.1021/acsenergylett.7b00765

Form Follows Function: Warming White LEDs Using Metal Cluster-Loaded Zeolites as Phosphors


Journal Article

Silver Clusters in Zeolites: From Self-Assembly to Ground-Breaking Luminescent Properties

Coutiño-Gonzalez, Eduardo, Baekelant, Wouter, Steele, Julian A., Kim, Cheol Woong, Roeffaers, Maarten B. J. and Hofkens, Johan (2017). Silver Clusters in Zeolites: From Self-Assembly to Ground-Breaking Luminescent Properties. Accounts of Chemical Research, 50 (9), 2353-2361. doi: 10.1021/acs.accounts.7b00295

Silver Clusters in Zeolites: From Self-Assembly to Ground-Breaking Luminescent Properties


Journal Article

Adsorption and Separation of Aromatic Amino Acids from Aqueous Solutions Using Metal-Organic Frameworks

Jonckheere, Dries, Steele, Julian A., Claes, Birgit, Bueken, Bart, Claes, Laurens, Lagrain, Bert, Roeffaers, Maarten B. J. and De Vos, Dirk E. (2017). Adsorption and Separation of Aromatic Amino Acids from Aqueous Solutions Using Metal-Organic Frameworks. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 9 (35), 30064-30073. doi: 10.1021/acsami.7b09175

Adsorption and Separation of Aromatic Amino Acids from Aqueous Solutions Using Metal-Organic Frameworks


Journal Article

Direct Laser Writing of δ- To α-Phase Transformation in Formamidinium Lead Iodide

Steele, Julian A., Yuan, Haifeng, Tan, Collin Y. X., Keshavarz, Masoumeh, Steuwe, Christian, Roeffaers, Maarten B. J. and Hofkens, Johan (2017). Direct Laser Writing of δ- To α-Phase Transformation in Formamidinium Lead Iodide. ACS Nano, 11 (8), 8072-8083. doi: 10.1021/acsnano.7b02777

Direct Laser Writing of δ- To α-Phase Transformation in Formamidinium Lead Iodide


Journal Article

Rationalizing Acid Zeolite Performance on the Nanoscale by Correlative Fluorescence and Electron Microscopy

Van Loon, Jordi, Janssen, Kris P. F., Franklin, Thomas, Kubarev, Alexey V., Steele, Julian A., Debroye, Elke, Breynaert, Eric, Martens, Johan A. and Roeffaers, Maarten B. J. (2017). Rationalizing Acid Zeolite Performance on the Nanoscale by Correlative Fluorescence and Electron Microscopy. ACS Catalysis, 7 (8), 5234-5242. doi: 10.1021/acscatal.7b01148

Rationalizing Acid Zeolite Performance on the Nanoscale by Correlative Fluorescence and Electron Microscopy


Journal Article

Superconducting Ferromagnetic Nanodiamond

Zhang, Gufei, Samuely, Tomas, Xu, Zheng, Jochum, Johanna K., Volodin, Alexander, Zhou, Shengqiang, May, Paul W., Onufriienko, Oleksandr, Kačmarčík, Jozef, Steele, Julian A., Li, Jun, Vanacken, Johan, Vacík, Jiri, Szabó, Pavol, Yuan, Haifeng, Roeffaers, Maarten B. J., Cerbu, Dorin, Samuely, Peter, Hofkens, Johan and Moshchalkov, Victor V. (2017). Superconducting Ferromagnetic Nanodiamond. ACS Nano, 11 (6), 5358-5366. doi: 10.1021/acsnano.7b01688

Superconducting Ferromagnetic Nanodiamond


Journal Article

Polarized Raman backscattering selection rules for (hhl)-oriented diamond- and zincblende-type crystals

Steele, J. A., Puech, P. and Lewis, R. A. (2016). Polarized Raman backscattering selection rules for (hhl)-oriented diamond- and zincblende-type crystals. Journal of Applied Physics, 120 (5) 055701, 1-6. doi: 10.1063/1.4959824

Polarized Raman backscattering selection rules for (hhl)-oriented diamond- and zincblende-type crystals


Journal Article

Surface effects of vapour-liquid-solid driven Bi surface droplets formed during molecular-beam-epitaxy of GaAsBi

Steele, J. A., Lewis, R. A., Horvat, J., Nancarrow, M. J.B., Henini, M., Fan, D., Mazur, Y. I., Schmidbauer, M., Ware, M. E., Yu, S. Q. and Salamo, G. J. (2016). Surface effects of vapour-liquid-solid driven Bi surface droplets formed during molecular-beam-epitaxy of GaAsBi. Scientific Reports, 6 28860, 1-17. doi: 10.1038/srep28860

Surface effects of vapour-liquid-solid driven Bi surface droplets formed during molecular-beam-epitaxy of GaAsBi


Journal Article

Fabrication and characterisation of GaAs nanopillars using nanosphere lithography and metal assisted chemical etching

Cowley, A., Steele, J. A., Byrne, D., Vijayaraghavan, R. K. and McNally, P. J. (2016). Fabrication and characterisation of GaAs nanopillars using nanosphere lithography and metal assisted chemical etching. RSC Advances, 6 (36), 30468-30473. doi: 10.1039/C5RA23621E

Fabrication and characterisation of GaAs nanopillars using nanosphere lithography and metal assisted chemical etching


Journal Article

Mechanism of periodic height variations along self-aligned VLS-grown planar nanostructures

Steele, J. A., Horvat, J., Lewis, R. A., Henini, M., Fan, D., Mazur, Yu. I., Dorogan, V. G., Grant, P. C., Yu, S. Q. and Salamo, G. J. (2015). Mechanism of periodic height variations along self-aligned VLS-grown planar nanostructures. Nanoscale, 7 (48), 20442-20450. doi: 10.1039/c5nr06676j

Mechanism of periodic height variations along self-aligned VLS-grown planar nanostructures


Journal Article

Raman scattering studies of dilute InP1-xBix alloys reveal unusually strong oscillator strength for Bi-induced modes

Pan, Wenwu, Steele, J. A., Wang, Peng, Wang, Kai, Song, Yuxin, Yue, Li, Wu, Xiaoyan, Xu, Hao, Zhang, Zhenpu, Xu, Shijie, Lu, Pengfei, Wu, Liyuan, Gong, Qian and Wang, Shumin (2015). Raman scattering studies of dilute InP1-xBix alloys reveal unusually strong oscillator strength for Bi-induced modes. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 30 (9) 094003. doi: 10.1088/0268-1242/30/9/094003

Raman scattering studies of dilute InP1-xBix alloys reveal unusually strong oscillator strength for Bi-induced modes


Journal Article

Optical reflectance studies of highly specular anisotropic nanoporous (111) InP membrane

Steele, J. A., Lewis, R. A., Sirbu, L., Enachi, M., Tiginyanu, I. M. and Skuratov, V. A. (2015). Optical reflectance studies of highly specular anisotropic nanoporous (111) InP membrane. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 30 (4) 044003. doi: 10.1088/0268-1242/30/4/044003

Optical reflectance studies of highly specular anisotropic nanoporous (111) InP membrane


Journal Article

Laser-induced oxidation kinetics of bismuth surface microdroplets on GaAsBi studied in situ by Raman microprobe analysis

Steele, J. A. and Lewis, R. A. (2014). Laser-induced oxidation kinetics of bismuth surface microdroplets on GaAsBi studied in situ by Raman microprobe analysis. Optics Express, 22 (26), 32261-32275. doi: 10.1364/OE.22.032261

Laser-induced oxidation kinetics of bismuth surface microdroplets on GaAsBi studied in situ by Raman microprobe analysis


Journal Article

In situ micro-Raman studies of laser-induced bismuth oxidation reveals metastability of β-Bi2O3 microislands

Steele, J. A. and Lewis, R. A. (2014). In situ micro-Raman studies of laser-induced bismuth oxidation reveals metastability of β-Bi2O3 microislands. Optical Materials Express, 4 (10), 2133-2142. doi: 10.1364/OME.4.002133

In situ micro-Raman studies of laser-induced bismuth oxidation reveals metastability of β-Bi2O3 microislands


Journal Article

Raman scattering reveals strong LO-phonon-hole-plasmon coupling in nominally undoped GaAsBi: Optical determination of carrier concentration

Steele, J. A., Lewis, R. A., Henini, M., Lemine, O. M., Fan, D., Mazur, Yu I., Dorogan, V. G., Grant, P. C., Yu, S. Q. and Salamo, G. J. (2014). Raman scattering reveals strong LO-phonon-hole-plasmon coupling in nominally undoped GaAsBi: Optical determination of carrier concentration. Optics Express, 22 (10), 11680-11689. doi: 10.1364/OE.22.011680

Raman scattering reveals strong LO-phonon-hole-plasmon coupling in nominally undoped GaAsBi: Optical determination of carrier concentration


Conference Publication

Optical characterization of novel terahertz emitters

Steele, J. A., Radhanpura, K., Lewis, R. A., Sirbu, L. and Tiginyanu, I. M. (2013). Optical characterization of novel terahertz emitters. doi: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2013.6665796

Optical characterization of novel terahertz emitters


Journal Article

Raman scattering studies of strain effects in (100) and (311)B GaAs 1-xBix epitaxial layers

Steele, J. A., Lewis, R. A., Henini, M., Lemine, O. M. and Alkaoud, A. (2013). Raman scattering studies of strain effects in (100) and (311)B GaAs 1-xBix epitaxial layers. Journal of Applied Physics, 114 (19) 193516. doi: 10.1063/1.4831947

Raman scattering studies of strain effects in (100) and (311)B GaAs 1-xBix epitaxial layers


Conference Publication

Optical reflectance studies of GaAs1-xBix

Steele, J. and Lewis, R. A. (2011). Optical reflectance studies of GaAs1-xBix.

Optical reflectance studies of GaAs1-xBix


Current funding

  • 2023 - 2026
    Strain-stabilised perovskite optoelectronics: from fundamentals to devices
    ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award
    Open grant

Past funding

  • 2024
    Revealing the function of perovskite's nano-crystallization behaviour in a heterogeneous photocatalyst
    Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
    Open grant
  • 2023
    Elucidating the coordination geometry of metals within multimetallic metal-organic framework glasses via X-ray adsorption techniques Part 2
    Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
    Open grant
  • 2023
    Elucidating the coordination geometry of metals within multimetallic metal-organic framework glasses via X-ray adsorption techniques Part 1
    Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
    Open grant
  • 2023
    Soft X-ray absorption measurement of highly-reduced TiO2 photocatalysts for high-selectivity (>99.5%) oxidative coupling of methane to ethane
    Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
    Open grant
  • 2022 - 2023
    Revealing functional structure-property relationships in novel metal-modified graphitic carbon nitride photocatalyst: Part 1 for Mode 3 (Sb K-edge)
    Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
    Open grant
  • 2022 - 2023
    Revealing functional structure-property relationships in novel metal-modified graphitic carbon nitride photocatalyst: Part 1 for Mode 3 (Sb K-edge)
    Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
    Open grant



Dr Julian Andrew Steele is:
Available for supervision

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Supervision history

Current supervision



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