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Dr Vilim Filipović

Vilim Filipović

+61 7 336 52051



Vilim has BSc and MSc degrees in Agroecology with a major in Soil Science and a PhD in Environmental Soil Physics and Ecohydrology from the University of Zagreb, Croatia. After the completion of his PhD on the topic of nitrate transport modelling in soil (2012), he has undertaken a postdoctoral fellowship (INRAE, France) focusing on modelling the impact of agricultural practices at the field scale on water dynamics and pesticide transport with Professor Yves Coquet and Dr. Pierre Benoit. He took on the academic position at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (Croatia) in 2016 as Assistant Professor and from 2022 as Associate Professor. He has been teaching Environmental soil science and hydrology courses and has supervised 21 MSc and 2 PhD students. In 2022 he took on a research position at Federation University in Australia in the Future Region Research Centre led by Professor Thomas Baumgartl focusing on mine rehabilitation issues. During his career, he has been a visiting scholar at CSIRO (Australia), SLU (Sweden), University of California, University of Florida, Penn State University (USA), BOKU (Austria), CEH (UK), ZALF (Germany), CZU (Czech Republic) and ILVO (Belgium).

Vilim has led various national and international projects focusing on agricultural and environmental issues in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. He was granted a bilateral project with CSIRO in 2019 and Starting grant project in 2020 with ZALF and Forschungszentrum Jülich. These grants were funded by the Croatian Science Foundation (equivalent to the ARC funding body).

Vilim is currently Associate Editor of the Soil Science Society of America Journal and Vadose Zone Journal and is actively involved in different international scientific groups focusing on vadose zone processes and numerical modelling. He was the recipient of the Soil Society of America Early Career Award for 2019 and selected as a Visiting Fellow in 2021 at the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research ZALF Institute (with Dr Horst H. Gerke) in Germany.


Dr Vilim Filipović is:
Available for supervision

Research interests

  • Soil physical and hydraulic properties estimation

    Variations in soil water contents and water flow affect soil biogeochemistry, plant uptake, solute (e.g., nutrients and pesticides) movement, and heat transport. These processes are controlled by the soil's physical and hydraulic properties. Proper knowledge of soil water retention curves and hydraulic properties derived from infield, laboratory or inverse numerical methods is essential for sustainable agroecosystem management. My research aims to advance the estimation and understanding of soil hydraulic properties and improve the level of implementation of such information in applied environmental and agricultural studies.

  • Transport processes in soil-plant-atmosphere continuum

    The soil-plant-atmosphere nexus is a complex and interconnected system that is essential for the functioning of ecosystems. Understanding the dynamics and processes occurring in this system is crucial for addressing issues related to soil degradation, climate change, and food security. My research is focusing on the proper quantification of transport processes (water and solute fluxes) in soil-plant-atmosphere systems based on experimental data collection from displacement soil cores or monoliths (soil columns), lysimeters, CT imaging and in-situ monitoring techniques with emphasis on structured soils.

  • Numerical modelling of water flow and solute dynamics in heterogenous soils

    Numerical modelling can be used as a predicting tool for the estimation of various agricultural management systems (e.g., water management, tillage, fertilizer, compost, and pesticide application) leading towards more environmentally sustainable production. I’m focusing on applying models of various complexity (single and dual porosity and dual permeability models using HYDRUS suite) in one-, two-, or three-dimensional porous media. My research has shown the importance of estimation and modelling of preferential flow and nonuniform solute transport in structured soils.

Research impacts

Plant agricultural production primarily takes place in soil critical (vadose) zone which represents one of the most complex terrestrial systems due to a wide range of processes occurring within its boundaries. As the human population is continuously rising, large pressure is projected on soil and water resources, as well as on food production in agroecosystems. The aim of Vilim's research is to understand transport processes within the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum by combining novel soil monitoring and modelling approaches and examining the possibilities of decreasing environmental pressures on soil and water resources and supporting sustainable agriculture. Through his activities, he contributed to research topics on soil water dynamics and soil physics, preferential flow and non-equilibrium transport processes in soil, the fate of contaminants (e.g., nutrients, pesticides, trace metals, pharmaceuticals), mine rehabilitation ecohydrology, and numerical modelling within the soil vadose zone. His research includes large field experiments, as well as lysimeter, glasshouse, and laboratory scale research with expertise in numerical modelling. He has been working on these topics through fundamental scientific and applied projects at national and international levels.


Search Professor Vilim Filipović’s works on UQ eSpace

84 works between 2009 and 2024

1 - 20 of 84 works


Journal Article

Long-term analysis of soil water regime and nitrate dynamics at agricultural experimental site: field-scale monitoring and numerical modeling using HYDRUS-1D

Krevh, Vedran, Filipović, Lana, Petošić, Dragutin, Mustać, Ivan, Bogunović, Igor, Butorac, Jasminka, Kisić, Ivica, Defterdarović, Jasmina, Nakić, Zoran, Kovač, Zoran, Pereira, Paulo, He, Hailong, Chen, Rui, Toor, Gurpal S., Versini, Antoine, Baumgartl, Thomas and Filipović, Vilim (2023). Long-term analysis of soil water regime and nitrate dynamics at agricultural experimental site: field-scale monitoring and numerical modeling using HYDRUS-1D. Agricultural Water Management, 275 108039, 1-15. doi: 10.1016/j.agwat.2022.108039

Long-term analysis of soil water regime and nitrate dynamics at agricultural experimental site: field-scale monitoring and numerical modeling using HYDRUS-1D


Journal Article

Estimation of stagnosol hydraulic properties and water flow using uni-and bimodal porosity models in erosion-affected hillslope vineyard soils

Filipović, Vilim, Defterdarović, Jasmina, Krevh, Vedran, Filipović, Lana, Ondrašek, Gabrijel, Kranjčec, Filip, Magdić, Ivan, Rubinić, Vedran, Stipičević, Sanja, Mustać, Ivan, Kovačić, Marina Bubalo, He, Hailong, Haghverdi, Amir and Gerke, Horst H. (2021). Estimation of stagnosol hydraulic properties and water flow using uni-and bimodal porosity models in erosion-affected hillslope vineyard soils. Agronomy, 12 (1) 33, 1-19. doi: 10.3390/agronomy12010033

Estimation of stagnosol hydraulic properties and water flow using uni-and bimodal porosity models in erosion-affected hillslope vineyard soils


Journal Article

Estimation of vineyard soil structure and preferential flow using dye tracer, X-ray tomography, and numerical simulations

Filipović, Vilim, Defterdarović, Jasmina, Šimůnek, Jiří, Filipović, Lana, Ondrašek, Gabrijel, Romić, Davor, Bogunović, Igor, Mustać, Ivan, Ćurić, Josip and Kodešová, Radka (2020). Estimation of vineyard soil structure and preferential flow using dye tracer, X-ray tomography, and numerical simulations. Geoderma, 380 114699, 1-12. doi: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2020.114699

Estimation of vineyard soil structure and preferential flow using dye tracer, X-ray tomography, and numerical simulations


Journal Article

Modeling water flow and phosphorus sorption in a soil amended with sewage sludge and olive pomace as compost or biochar

Filipovic, Vilim, Cerne, Marko, Simunek, Jirí, Filipovic, Lana, Romic, Marija, Ondra ek, Gabrijel, Bogunovic, Igor, Mustac, Ivan, Krevh, Vedran, Ferencevic, Anja, Robinson, David, Palcic, Igor, Paskovic, Igor, Ban, Smiljana Goreta, U ila, Zoran and Ban, Dean (2020). Modeling water flow and phosphorus sorption in a soil amended with sewage sludge and olive pomace as compost or biochar. Agronomy, 10 (8) 1163, 1-20. doi: 10.3390/agronomy10081163

Modeling water flow and phosphorus sorption in a soil amended with sewage sludge and olive pomace as compost or biochar


Journal Article

Sprayable Biodegradable Polymer Membrane technology for cropping systems: challenges and opportunities

Filipovic, Vilim, Bristow, Keith L., Filipovic, Lana, Wang, Yusong, Sintim, Henry Y., Flury, Markus and Simunek, Jiri (2020). Sprayable Biodegradable Polymer Membrane technology for cropping systems: challenges and opportunities. Environmental Science and Technology, 54 (8), 4709-4711. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.0c00909

Sprayable Biodegradable Polymer Membrane technology for cropping systems: challenges and opportunities


Journal Article

Global environmental changes impact soil hydraulic functions through biophysical feedbacks

Robinson, David A., Hopmans, Jan W., Filipovic, Vilim, van der Ploeg, Martine, Lebron, Inma, Jones, Scott B., Reinsch, Sabine, Jarvis, Nick and Tuller, Markus (2019). Global environmental changes impact soil hydraulic functions through biophysical feedbacks. Global Change Biology, 25 (6), 1895-1904. doi: 10.1111/gcb.14626

Global environmental changes impact soil hydraulic functions through biophysical feedbacks


Journal Article

Representation of plot-scale soil heterogeneity in dual-domain effective flow and transport models with mass exchange

Filipović, Vilim, Coquet, Yves and Gerke, Horst H. (2019). Representation of plot-scale soil heterogeneity in dual-domain effective flow and transport models with mass exchange. Vadose Zone Journal, 18 (1) 180174, 1-14. doi: 10.2136/vzj2018.09.0174

Representation of plot-scale soil heterogeneity in dual-domain effective flow and transport models with mass exchange


Journal Article

Plastic mulch and nitrogen fertigation in growing vegetables modify soil temperature, water and nitrate dynamics: Experimental results and a modeling study

Filipović, Vilim, Romić, Davor, Romić, Marija, Borošić, Josip, Filipović, Lana, Mallmann, Fábio Joel Kochem and Robinson, David A. (2016). Plastic mulch and nitrogen fertigation in growing vegetables modify soil temperature, water and nitrate dynamics: Experimental results and a modeling study. Agricultural Water Management, 176, 100-110. doi: 10.1016/j.agwat.2016.04.020

Plastic mulch and nitrogen fertigation in growing vegetables modify soil temperature, water and nitrate dynamics: Experimental results and a modeling study


Journal Article

Modeling the effect of soil structure on water flow and isoproturon dynamics in an agricultural field receiving repeated urban waste compost application

Filipović, Vilim, Coquet, Yves, Pot, Valérie, Houot, Sabine and Benoit, Pierre (2014). Modeling the effect of soil structure on water flow and isoproturon dynamics in an agricultural field receiving repeated urban waste compost application. Science of the Total Environment, 499, 546-559. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.06.010

Modeling the effect of soil structure on water flow and isoproturon dynamics in an agricultural field receiving repeated urban waste compost application


Journal Article

Hydro-pedotransfer functions: a roadmap for future development

Weber, Tobias Karl David, Weihermüller, Lutz, Nemes, Attila, Bechtold, Michel, Degré, Aurore, Diamantopoulos, Efstathios, Fatichi, Simone, Filipović, Vilim, Gupta, Surya, Hohenbrink, Tobias L., Hirmas, Daniel R., Jackisch, Conrad, de Jong van Lier, Quirijn, Koestel, John, Lehmann, Peter, Marthews, Toby R., Minasny, Budiman, Pagel, Holger, van der Ploeg, Martine, Shojaeezadeh, Shahab Aldin, Svane, Simon Fiil, Szabó, Brigitta, Vereecken, Harry, Verhoef, Anne, Young, Michael, Zeng, Yijian, Zhang, Yonggen and Bonetti, Sara (2024). Hydro-pedotransfer functions: a roadmap for future development. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 28 (14), 3391-3433. doi: 10.5194/hess-28-3391-2024

Hydro-pedotransfer functions: a roadmap for future development


Journal Article

Soil heterogeneity and the challenge of identifying a trajectory of soil properties development at a mine rehabilitated site

Vilim, Filipović, Bucka, Franziska B., Pihlap, Evelin and Baumgartl, Thomas (2024). Soil heterogeneity and the challenge of identifying a trajectory of soil properties development at a mine rehabilitated site. Soil and Tillage Research, 239 106056, 106056-7. doi: 10.1016/j.still.2024.106056

Soil heterogeneity and the challenge of identifying a trajectory of soil properties development at a mine rehabilitated site


Journal Article

Impact of Hillslope Agriculture on Soil Compaction and Seasonal Water Dynamics in a Temperate Vineyard

Defterdarović, Jasmina, Filipović, Lana, Ondrašek, Gabrijel, Bogunović, Igor, Dugan, Ivan, Phogat, Vinod, He, Hailong, Rashti, Mehran Rezaei, Tavakkoli, Ehsan, Baumgartl, Thomas, Baghbani, Abolfazl, McLaren, Timothy I. and Filipović, Vilim (2024). Impact of Hillslope Agriculture on Soil Compaction and Seasonal Water Dynamics in a Temperate Vineyard. Land, 13 (5) 588, 588. doi: 10.3390/land13050588

Impact of Hillslope Agriculture on Soil Compaction and Seasonal Water Dynamics in a Temperate Vineyard


Journal Article

Miscellaneous methods for determination of unfrozen water content in frozen soils

Feng, Shuna, Chen, Junru, Jones, Scott B., Flerchinger, Gerald, Dyck, Miles, Filipovic, Vilim, Hu, You, Si, Bingcheng, Lv, Jialong, Wu, Qingbai and He, Hailong (2024). Miscellaneous methods for determination of unfrozen water content in frozen soils. Journal of Hydrology, 631 130802, 130802. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.130802

Miscellaneous methods for determination of unfrozen water content in frozen soils


Journal Article

Effects of Biochar and Cattle Manure under Different Tillage Management on Soil Properties and Crop Growth in Croatia

Bogunovic, Igor, Dugan, Ivan, Pereira, Paulo, Filipovic, Vilim, Filipovic, Lana, Krevh, Vedran, Defterdarovic, Jasmina, Matisic, Manuel and Kisic, Ivica (2023). Effects of Biochar and Cattle Manure under Different Tillage Management on Soil Properties and Crop Growth in Croatia. Agriculture, 13 (11) 2128, 2128. doi: 10.3390/agriculture13112128

Effects of Biochar and Cattle Manure under Different Tillage Management on Soil Properties and Crop Growth in Croatia


Journal Article

Mulch and grass cover unevenly halt runoff initiation and sediment detachment during the growing season of hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) in Croatia

Matisic, Manuel, Reljic, Marko, Dugan, Ivan, Pereira, Paulo, Filipovic, Vilim, Filipovic, Lana, Krevh, Vedran and Bogunovic, Igor (2023). Mulch and grass cover unevenly halt runoff initiation and sediment detachment during the growing season of hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) in Croatia. Sustainability, 15 (21) 15200, 1-15. doi: 10.3390/su152115200

Mulch and grass cover unevenly halt runoff initiation and sediment detachment during the growing season of hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) in Croatia


Journal Article

Sustainability of a rainfed wheat production system in relation to water and nitrogen dynamics in the soil in the Eyre Peninsula, South Australia

Phogat, Vinod, Šimůnek, Jirka, Petrie, Paul, Pitt, Tim and Filipović, Vilim (2023). Sustainability of a rainfed wheat production system in relation to water and nitrogen dynamics in the soil in the Eyre Peninsula, South Australia. Sustainability, 15 (18) 13370, 1-22. doi: 10.3390/su151813370

Sustainability of a rainfed wheat production system in relation to water and nitrogen dynamics in the soil in the Eyre Peninsula, South Australia


Journal Article

Straw mulch application enhanced soil properties and reduced diffuse pollution at a steep vineyard in Istria (Croatia)

Dugan, Ivan, Pereira, Paulo, Defterdarovic, Jasmina, Filipovic, Lana, Filipovic, Vilim and Bogunovic, Igor (2023). Straw mulch application enhanced soil properties and reduced diffuse pollution at a steep vineyard in Istria (Croatia). Land, 12 (9) 1691, 1-21. doi: 10.3390/land12091691

Straw mulch application enhanced soil properties and reduced diffuse pollution at a steep vineyard in Istria (Croatia)


Journal Article

Mulch as a nature-based solution to halt and reverse land degradation in agricultural areas

Bogunović, Igor and Filipović, Vilim (2023). Mulch as a nature-based solution to halt and reverse land degradation in agricultural areas. Current Opinion in Environmental Science and Health, 34 100488, 1-6. doi: 10.1016/j.coesh.2023.100488

Mulch as a nature-based solution to halt and reverse land degradation in agricultural areas


Journal Article

Soil–Water Dynamics Investigation at Agricultural Hillslope with High-Precision Weighing Lysimeters and Soil–Water Collection Systems

Krevh, Vedran, Groh, Jannis, Filipović, Lana, Gerke, Horst H., Defterdarović, Jasmina, Thompson, Sally, Sraka, Mario, Bogunović, Igor, Kovač, Zoran, Robinson, Nathan, Baumgartl, Thomas and Filipović, Vilim (2023). Soil–Water Dynamics Investigation at Agricultural Hillslope with High-Precision Weighing Lysimeters and Soil–Water Collection Systems. Water, 15 (13) 2398, 1-16. doi: 10.3390/w15132398

Soil–Water Dynamics Investigation at Agricultural Hillslope with High-Precision Weighing Lysimeters and Soil–Water Collection Systems


Journal Article

Using dye and bromide tracers to identify preferential water flow in agricultural hillslope soil under controlled conditions

Defterdarović, Jasmina, Krevh, Vedran, Filipović, Lana, Kovač, Zoran, Phogat, Vinod, He, Hailong, Baumgartl, Thomas and Filipović, Vilim (2023). Using dye and bromide tracers to identify preferential water flow in agricultural hillslope soil under controlled conditions. Water, 15 (12) 2178, 1-17. doi: 10.3390/w15122178

Using dye and bromide tracers to identify preferential water flow in agricultural hillslope soil under controlled conditions


Current funding

  • 2024 - 2027
    Quantifying greenhouse gas emissions from the decomposition of crop residue (GRDC grant administered by QUT)
    Queensland University of Technology
    Open grant



Dr Vilim Filipović is:
Available for supervision

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Supervision history

Current supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Wheat responses to different sources of nitrogen as affected by phosphorus in the northern grain region of eastern Australia

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Michael Bell, Dr Tim McLaren



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