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Dr Debashish Dev

Debashish Dev

+61 7 334 63464



Dr Debashish Dev is an interdisciplinary researcher specializing in energy transition, communication, sustainable development, community engagement, and understanding social change processes. His work integrates social performance and regional development priorities of energy policies and initiatives, focusing on improving community participation and social acceptance.

Working at the UQ Gas and Energy Transition Research Centre, Dr Dev contributed to developing a participatory community-based monitoring framework for regional development in Northern Territory, Australia. Currently, he is working on implementing the framework in practice. In addition, his ongoing research engagement includes understanding social risks in coal seam gas waste management, public discourses in gas-related policies, the energy sector's contribution towards SDGs, energy-related social movements, and how energy information flows through the social systems.

Dr Dev's previous academic roles at the University of Queensland involved tutoring in courses- COMU2030: Communication Research Methods, COMU1130: Data & Society, HHSS6000: Research Design, and COMU7102: Communication for Social Change—Foundations. He was also involved in developing a course- QUT You 003: Real Action for Real Change, for the Faculty of Health, Queensland University of Technology, Australia, as a sessional academic. He previously researched and taught in Bangladesh, concentrating on agricultural extension, organization management, climate change adaptation, and gender dynamics. He holds a Bachelor's (Honours) in Agricultural Science (Bangladesh Agricultural University), a Master's in Agricultural Extension (Bangladesh Agricultural University), and a PhD in Climate and Development (UQ). He is certified in Carbon Literacy and is an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK). Dr Dev’s work bridges research with practical solutions, aiming to advance sustainable development through effective community engagement and participatory approaches.


Dr Debashish Dev is:
Not available for supervision


  • Bachelor (Honours) of Agriculture, Bangladesh Agricultural University
  • Masters (Research) of Agricultural Extension, Bangladesh Agricultural University
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Queensland
  • Associate Fellow, Higher Education Academy, Higher Education Academy

Research interests

  • Energy Communication

    Information ecosystems; communication frameworks; media, stakeholder, and public engagement; risk communication; and community informatics.

  • Energy and Society

    Links between energy, society, and technology development; sustainable energy transition practices and policies; public opposition to energy infrastructure and regional development projects, particularly in agricultural regions; and social risks of energy transition.

  • Policy support

    Energy and regional development policy evaluation and communication that balances economic, environmental, and social priorities with global crises.

  • Sustainable Development

    Strategies for sustainable regional development by aligning energy, agricultural, and development policies and initiatives with long-term socio-economic growth goals in regional and remote areas.

Research impacts

Dr. Debashish Dev's research significantly advances energy transition, climate adaptation, and community engagement, offering tangible benefits across sectors.

  • Regional Development: Dr. Dev contributes to projects enhancing regional development and energy-related waste management at the UQ Gas and Energy Transition Research Center. His work supports communities adapting to energy transitions and addresses energy resource waste management issues.
  • Teaching and Mentoring: Dr. Dev's roles as a sessional and casual academic at various universities have shaped future communication and social change professionals. His teaching and course development fosters an understanding of complex climate, energy, and social change issues.
  • Policy support: His research on climate risk management, policy communication, and participatory approaches has informed policies and practices, empowering regional communities in Bangladesh and Australia.

Dr. Dev's peer-reviewed articles and reports provide evidence-based insights, influencing policy and practice in climate adaptation and energy transition. His successful acquisition of funding for projects like the Future Gas Strategy communication underscores the practical impact of his research.


Search Professor Debashish Dev’s works on UQ eSpace

14 works between 2016 and 2024

1 - 14 of 14 works


Journal Article

Who plans for women? Representation of power in planning for climate change adaptation in Bangladesh

Dev, Debashish Sarker, van de Fliert, Elske and McNamara, Karen (2024). Who plans for women? Representation of power in planning for climate change adaptation in Bangladesh. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 65 (3), 365-379. doi: 10.1111/apv.12422

Who plans for women? Representation of power in planning for climate change adaptation in Bangladesh


Other Outputs

Climate change adaptation planning in Bangladesh: gender, participation, and power

Dev, Debashish Sarker (2023). Climate change adaptation planning in Bangladesh: gender, participation, and power. PhD Thesis, School of Communication and Arts, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/a190f49

Climate change adaptation planning in Bangladesh: gender, participation, and power



Journal Article

Discourses on gender in climate change adaptation projects of Bangladesh: new dimensions or reinscribing the old?

Dev, Debashish Sarker and van de Fliert, Elske (2023). Discourses on gender in climate change adaptation projects of Bangladesh: new dimensions or reinscribing the old?. Journal of Language and Politics, 22 (5), 707-729. doi: 10.1075/

Discourses on gender in climate change adaptation projects of Bangladesh: new dimensions or reinscribing the old?



Journal Article

Gender and adaptive capacity in climate change scholarship of developing countries: a systematic review of literature

Dev, Debashish Sarker and Manalo, Jaime A. (2023). Gender and adaptive capacity in climate change scholarship of developing countries: a systematic review of literature. Climate and Development, 15 (10), 829-840. doi: 10.1080/17565529.2023.2166781

Gender and adaptive capacity in climate change scholarship of developing countries: a systematic review of literature


Journal Article

COVID-19 and food security in Bangladesh: a chance to look back at what is done and what can be done

Dev, Debashish and Kabir, Khondokar (2020). COVID-19 and food security in Bangladesh: a chance to look back at what is done and what can be done. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 9 (4), 143-146. doi: 10.5304/jafscd.2020.094.008

COVID-19 and food security in Bangladesh: a chance to look back at what is done and what can be done


Journal Article

An econometric analysis of factors affecting vegetable growers' interest in good agricultural practices: a case of rural Bangladesh

Uddin, Mohammed Nasir, Akter, Sharmin, Roy, Debashis, Dev, Debashish Sarker, Mithun, Md. Nur Alom Sarkar, Rahman, Saifur, Mahmud, Md. Shakib and Donaldson, Joseph L. (2024). An econometric analysis of factors affecting vegetable growers' interest in good agricultural practices: a case of rural Bangladesh. Environment, Development and Sustainability. doi: 10.1007/s10668-024-04545-1

An econometric analysis of factors affecting vegetable growers' interest in good agricultural practices: a case of rural Bangladesh


Journal Article

Assessment of farmers' perception on rice reaper in the haor region of Bangladesh

Rabbani, Muhammad, Rahman, A., Basir, Md, Tamanna, Kanij and Dev, Debashish (2021). Assessment of farmers' perception on rice reaper in the haor region of Bangladesh. Fundamental and Applied Agriculture, 6 (1), 86-94. doi: 10.5455/faa.47248

Assessment of farmers' perception on rice reaper in the haor region of Bangladesh


Journal Article

Food security in Bangladesh: insight from available literature

Roy, Debashis, Dev, Debashish Sarker and Sheheli, Shonia (2019). Food security in Bangladesh: insight from available literature. Journal of Nutrition and Food Security, 4 (1), 66-75. doi: 10.18502/jnfs.v4i1.401

Food security in Bangladesh: insight from available literature


Journal Article

Conservation agriculture: A farm level practice in Bangladesh

Poddar, Prodip Kumar, Uddin, Mohammed Nasir and Dev, Debashish Sarker (2017). Conservation agriculture: A farm level practice in Bangladesh. Agricultural Science Digest - A Research Journal, 37 (3), 197-202. doi: 10.18805/asd.v37i03.8992

Conservation agriculture: A farm level practice in Bangladesh


Journal Article

Factors affecting mobile phone usage by the farmers in receiving information on vegetable cultivation in Bangladesh

Asif, Abu Salem, Uddin, Mohammed Nasir, Dev, Debashish Sarker and Miah, Md. Abdul Momen (2017). Factors affecting mobile phone usage by the farmers in receiving information on vegetable cultivation in Bangladesh. Journal of Agricultural Informatics, 8 (2), 33-43. doi: 10.17700/jai.2017.8.2.376

Factors affecting mobile phone usage by the farmers in receiving information on vegetable cultivation in Bangladesh


Journal Article

Attitude of Farmers towards Thai Koi Farming in Selected Upazila of Bangladesh

Ahmed, Farruk, Zulfikar Rahman, Mohammad, Sheheli, Shonia and Dev, Debashish Sarker (2017). Attitude of Farmers towards Thai Koi Farming in Selected Upazila of Bangladesh. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 5 (2), 113-117. doi: 10.24925/turjaf.v5i2.113-117.937

Attitude of Farmers towards Thai Koi Farming in Selected Upazila of Bangladesh


Journal Article

Problems Faced by the Participant Farmers in the Training Process: A Case of Climate Risk Management Training in Agriculture

Dev, Debashish Sarker, Hoque, Mohammad Jiaul and Miah, Abdul Momen (2017). Problems Faced by the Participant Farmers in the Training Process: A Case of Climate Risk Management Training in Agriculture. International Journal of Social Sciences, 6 (2), 143-151. doi: 10.5958/2321-5771.2017.00016.3

Problems Faced by the Participant Farmers in the Training Process: A Case of Climate Risk Management Training in Agriculture


Journal Article

Preference of information sources by the fish farming communities of Muktagacha Upazila in Bangladesh

Md, Asaduzzaman Sarker, Md, Abdul Momen Miah, Debashish, Sarker Dev and Kamrun, Nahar Kabita (2016). Preference of information sources by the fish farming communities of Muktagacha Upazila in Bangladesh. Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, 8 (9), 166-170. doi: 10.5897/jaerd2016.0796

Preference of information sources by the fish farming communities of Muktagacha Upazila in Bangladesh


Journal Article

Livelihood improvement through family poultry farming in Mymensingh district

Kabir, M. S., Asaduzzaman, M. and Dev, D. S. (2016). Livelihood improvement through family poultry farming in Mymensingh district. Journal of the Bangladesh Agricultural University, 13 (2), 247-254. doi: 10.3329/jbau.v13i2.28786

Livelihood improvement through family poultry farming in Mymensingh district



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