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Professor Ian Coombes

Ian Coombes

+61 7 334 61989



Professor Ian Coombes is:
Available for supervision


  • Bachelor (Honours) of Pharmacy, unknown
  • Masters (Coursework) of Clinical Pharmacy, University of Brighton
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Queensland


Search Professor Ian Coombes’s works on UQ eSpace

116 works between 1998 and 2024

101 - 116 of 116 works


Conference Publication

Why Do Interns Make Mistakes? Explanations and Solutions

Coombes, I., Mitchell, C., Coombes, J. and Stowasser, D. (2007). Why Do Interns Make Mistakes? Explanations and Solutions. SHPA 28th Federal Conference 2007, Convention Centre, Sydney Australia, 8-11 November 2007.

Why Do Interns Make Mistakes? Explanations and Solutions


Conference Publication

Self-reflection And Evaluation: A Partnership For Improving Pharmaceutical Review

Cardiff, L., Coombes, I. and Coombes, J. (2007). Self-reflection And Evaluation: A Partnership For Improving Pharmaceutical Review. SHPA 28th Federal Conference 2007, Sydney NSW Australia, 8 - 11 November 2007.

Self-reflection And Evaluation: A Partnership For Improving Pharmaceutical Review


Journal Article

Pharmaceutical review-Queensland Health's experience

Coombes, I., Hall, A., Maclean, C. and Mitchell, C. (2006). Pharmaceutical review-Queensland Health's experience. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 36 (4), 256-259. doi: 10.1002/j.2055-2335.2006.tb00621.x

Pharmaceutical review-Queensland Health's experience


Journal Article

Identification of medication errors by nurses during a simulated ward, medication safety orientation program

Coombes, Ian D., Heel, Alison C. Y., Henderson, Amanda, Mitchell, Charles A., Reid, Carol M. and Stowasser, Danielle A. (2005). Identification of medication errors by nurses during a simulated ward, medication safety orientation program. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 35 (3), 190-194. doi: 10.1002/j.2055-2335.2005.tb00336.x

Identification of medication errors by nurses during a simulated ward, medication safety orientation program


Journal Article

Factors predictive of intravenous fluid administration errors in Australian surgical care wards

Han, PY, Coombes, ID and Green, B (2005). Factors predictive of intravenous fluid administration errors in Australian surgical care wards. Quality & Safety In Health Care, 14 (3), 179-184. doi: 10.1136/qshc.2004.010728

Factors predictive of intravenous fluid administration errors in Australian surgical care wards


Journal Article

Effect of computerised prescribing on use of antibiotics

Coombes, ID, Stowasser, DA, Mitchell, CA and Varghese, P (2004). Effect of computerised prescribing on use of antibiotics. Medical Journal of Australia, 180 (3), 140-141.

Effect of computerised prescribing on use of antibiotics


Conference Publication

Why are consumers with heart failure still receiving non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS)?

Cottrell, N., Coombes, I. D., Roush, P. and Volk, H. (2004). Why are consumers with heart failure still receiving non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS)?. National Medicines Symposium 2004, Brisbane, 28-30 July 2004. Sydney: National Prescribing Service.

Why are consumers with heart failure still receiving non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS)?


Journal Article

The PBS: Its future. Involvement in the debate?

Coombes, I., Cottrell, N. and Stowasser, D. (2002). The PBS: Its future. Involvement in the debate?. Journal of Pharmacy Practice & Research, 32 (1), 15-15. doi: 10.1002/jppr200232115

The PBS: Its future. Involvement in the debate?


Conference Publication

A Quality Use of Medicines Self-Assessment Audit

Stowasser, D., Coombes, I., Lucas, C., Proper, J., Allen, B.J., Brammer, J., D'Amore, R., Hillen, J., Lynne, T., McLeod, S. E. and Tulk, R. (2002). A Quality Use of Medicines Self-Assessment Audit. 1st Combined NZHPA & SHPA Conference, Christchurch, NZ, 9-11 August 2002. Christchurch: ANZhP.

A Quality Use of Medicines Self-Assessment Audit


Journal Article

The Extended Role of the Clinical Pharmacist in the Management of Heart Failure and Acute Coronary Syndromes

Coombes, I., Sanders, D. C. J., Thiele, J. M., Cottrell, N., Stowasser, D., Denaro, C. P. and Scott, I. (2002). The Extended Role of the Clinical Pharmacist in the Management of Heart Failure and Acute Coronary Syndromes. Journal of Pharmacy Practice & Research, 32 (1), 17-23.

The Extended Role of the Clinical Pharmacist in the Management of Heart Failure and Acute Coronary Syndromes


Journal Article

Quality of Medication Ordering at a Large Teaching Hospital

Coombes, Ian D., Pillans, Peter I., Storie, William J. and Radford, James M. (2001). Quality of Medication Ordering at a Large Teaching Hospital. Australian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 31 (2), 102-106. doi: 10.1002/jppr2001312102

Quality of Medication Ordering at a Large Teaching Hospital


Conference Publication

Clinical pharmacy advisor positions to support National Prescribing Service facilitators in Queensland

Coombes, I., Cottrell, N. and Tett, S. E. (2000). Clinical pharmacy advisor positions to support National Prescribing Service facilitators in Queensland. SHPA Biennial Clinical Conference/Qld State Branch, Gold Coast, 20-22 Oct.2000. Australia: SHPA.

Clinical pharmacy advisor positions to support National Prescribing Service facilitators in Queensland


Conference Publication

Clinical pharmacy advisor positions to support National Prescribing Service facilitators in Queensland

Coombes, I., Cottrell, N. and Tett, S. E. (2000). Clinical pharmacy advisor positions to support National Prescribing Service facilitators in Queensland. Melbourne, 10-12 Aug. 2000. Australia: NPS.

Clinical pharmacy advisor positions to support National Prescribing Service facilitators in Queensland


Journal Article

Barriers to optimum management of heart failure by general practitioners

Horne, R, Coombes, , Davies, G, Hankins, M and Vincent, R (1999). Barriers to optimum management of heart failure by general practitioners. British Journal of General Practice, 49 (442), 353-357.

Barriers to optimum management of heart failure by general practitioners


Journal Article

Neutropenia associated with omeprazole

Holt, T. L., Coombes, I. D., Pillans, P. I. and Scott, I. A. (1999). Neutropenia associated with omeprazole. Medical Journal of Australia, 170 (3), 141-142.

Neutropenia associated with omeprazole


Journal Article

Clinical Pharmacy A Practical Approach

Coombes, Ian (1998). Clinical Pharmacy A Practical Approach. The Australian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 28 (3), 217-217. doi: 10.1002/jppr1998283217

Clinical Pharmacy A Practical Approach


Current funding

  • 2023 - 2027
    REducing hospital re-admission for high-risk CARDiology patients
    MRFF Quality, Safety and Effectiveness of Medicine Use and Medicine Intervention by Pharmacists
    Open grant
  • 2021 - 2025
    A systems approach to enhancing community-based medication review
    Open grant

Past funding

  • 2023
    Collaborative Optimisation and Ordering of Medications (COOM): a trial of a team-based pharmacy model, including partnered physician pharmacist
    Metro South Hospital and Health Service
    Open grant
  • 2002 - 2003
    Why Are Consumers with Heart Failure Still Receiving Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)?
    National Institute of Clinical Studies
    Open grant



Professor Ian Coombes is:
Available for supervision

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Supervision history

Current supervision

Completed supervision



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