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Emeritus Professor Robert Elson
Emeritus Professor

Robert Elson




Emeritus Professor Robert Elson’s research interests include the modern and contemporary history of Southeast Asia, especially Indonesia.

His recently completedresearch project, entitled "the history of maritime territoriality in the Indonesian seas since 1850” was published in 2017.

Professor Elson's other research interests include Indonesian political thinking, leadership in Indonesia; changing identity in Indonesia; the social and economic history of Southeast Asia; social and economic change in nineteenth and twentieth century Java; colonialism and its impact in Southeast Asia, especially in Indonesia; the economic history of peasant production in Southeast Asia, 1800-1990.

He is involved in the following activities:

  • Member, Editorial Board, Southeast Asia Publications Series, Asian Studies Association of Australia.

  • Member, Academic Commission (Wetenschapscommissie), NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies (Institute for War, Holocaust- and Genocide Studies) (2004-2014).

  • Adjunct Professor, University of the Sunshine Coast.

  • External Examiner University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur for Bachelor of Arts (International and Strategic Studies); Master of Strategic and Defence Studies); Bachelor of Arts (Southeast Asian Studies): Master of Arts (Southeast Asian Studies); Bachelor of Arts (History); Master of Arts (Malaysian History) and Master of Arts (Southeast Asian History) (2014- ).


Emeritus Professor Robert Elson is:
Not available for supervision
Media expert

Fields of research


  • Academy of Humanities, Academy of Humanities

Research interests

  • The modern and contemporary history of Southeast Asia, especially Indonesia.

    The modern and contemporary history of Southeast Asia, especially Indonesia; maritime territoriality in the Indonesian seas after 1850; the history of secularism in modern Indonesia; Indonesian political thinking, leadership in Indonesia; changing identity in Indonesia; the social and economic history of Southeast Asia; social and economic change in nineteenth and twentieth century Java; colonialism and its impact in Southeast Asia, especially in Indonesia; the economic history of peasant production in Southeast Asia, 1800-1990.


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46 works between 1998 and 2017

1 - 20 of 46 works



Sovereignty and the sea: how Indonesia became an archipelagic state

Butcher, John G. and Elson, R. E. (2017). Sovereignty and the sea: how Indonesia became an archipelagic state. Singapore: National University of Singapore.

Sovereignty and the sea: how Indonesia became an archipelagic state


Journal Article

Two failed attempts to Islamize the Indonesian constitution

Elson, R. E. (2013). Two failed attempts to Islamize the Indonesian constitution. Sojourn, 28 (3), 379-437. doi: 10.1355/sj28-3a

Two failed attempts to Islamize the Indonesian constitution


Book Chapter

Engineering from within: Habibie the man and Indonesia's reformasi

Elson, Robert E. (2013). Engineering from within: Habibie the man and Indonesia's reformasi. Democracy take off? the B.J. Habibie period. (pp. 27-47) edited by Dewi Fortuna Anwar and Bridget Welsh. Indonesia: PT. Sinar Harapan Persada.

Engineering from within: Habibie the man and Indonesia's reformasi


Book Chapter

Problems of identity and legitimacy for Indonesia's place in the world

Elson, R. E. (2012). Problems of identity and legitimacy for Indonesia's place in the world. Indonesia rising: The repositioning of Asia's third giant. (pp. 170-185) edited by Anthony Reid. Singapore: ISEAS Publishing.

Problems of identity and legitimacy for Indonesia's place in the world


Book Chapter

Absent at the creation: Islamism's belated, troubled engagement with early Indonesian nationalism

Elson, R. E. (2012). Absent at the creation: Islamism's belated, troubled engagement with early Indonesian nationalism. Anthony Reid and the study of the Southeast Asian past. (pp. 303-335) edited by Geoff Wade and Li Tana. Singapore: ISEAS Publishing.

Absent at the creation: Islamism's belated, troubled engagement with early Indonesian nationalism


Book Chapter

(Indonesian) history and its uses: theory, lessons, activism and policy

Elson, Robert (2012). (Indonesian) history and its uses: theory, lessons, activism and policy. Knowing Indonesia: intersections of self, discipline and nation. (pp. 37-51) edited by Jemma Purdey. Victoria, Australia: Monash University Publishing.

(Indonesian) history and its uses: theory, lessons, activism and policy


Journal Article

Why did Kartosuwiryo start shooting? An account of Dutch-Republican-Islamic forces interaction in West Java, 1945-1949

Elson, R. E. and Formichi, Chiara (2011). Why did Kartosuwiryo start shooting? An account of Dutch-Republican-Islamic forces interaction in West Java, 1945-1949. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 42 (3), 458-486. doi: 10.1017/S0022463411000361

Why did Kartosuwiryo start shooting? An account of Dutch-Republican-Islamic forces interaction in West Java, 1945-1949


Journal Article

A note on the sources for the 1945 constitutional debates in Indonesia

Kusuma, A. B. and Elson, R. E. (2011). A note on the sources for the 1945 constitutional debates in Indonesia. Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia and Oceania, 167 (2-3), 196-209. doi: 10.1163/22134379-90003589

A note on the sources for the 1945 constitutional debates in Indonesia


Journal Article

Indonesian exports, peasant agriculture and the world economy, 1850-2000: Economic structures in a Southeast Asian state. By Hiroyoshi Kano

Elson, R. E. (2011). Indonesian exports, peasant agriculture and the world economy, 1850-2000: Economic structures in a Southeast Asian state. By Hiroyoshi Kano. Agricultural History, 85 (1), 110-111. doi: 10.3098/ah.2011.85.1.105

Indonesian exports, peasant agriculture and the world economy, 1850-2000: Economic structures in a Southeast Asian state. By Hiroyoshi Kano


Journal Article

Nationalism, Islam, 'secularism', and the state in contemporary Indonesia

Elson, R. E. (2010). Nationalism, Islam, 'secularism', and the state in contemporary Indonesia. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 64 (3), 328-343. doi: 10.1080/10357711003736493

Nationalism, Islam, 'secularism', and the state in contemporary Indonesia


Journal Article

Another look at the Jakarta Charter Controversy of 1945

Elson, R. E. (2009). Another look at the Jakarta Charter Controversy of 1945. Indonesia, 88, 105-130.

Another look at the Jakarta Charter Controversy of 1945


Journal Article

Disunity, distance, disregard: The political failure of islamism in late colonial indonesia

Elson, Robert E. (2009). Disunity, distance, disregard: The political failure of islamism in late colonial indonesia. Studia Islamika, 16 (1), 1-60.

Disunity, distance, disregard: The political failure of islamism in late colonial indonesia


Journal Article

Book review: Legitimizing Military Rule: Indonesian Armed Forces Ideology, 1958-2000. By Salim Said (Jakarta: Pustaka Sinar Harapan, 2006) and Soeharto’s Armed Forces: Problems of Civil Military Relations in Indonesia. By Salim Said 

Elson, R. E. (2008). Book review: Legitimizing Military Rule: Indonesian Armed Forces Ideology, 1958-2000. By Salim Said (Jakarta: Pustaka Sinar Harapan, 2006) and Soeharto’s Armed Forces: Problems of Civil Military Relations in Indonesia. By Salim Said . Australian Journal of Politics and History, 54 (1), 164-165.

Book review: Legitimizing Military Rule: Indonesian Armed Forces Ideology, 1958-2000. By Salim Said (Jakarta: Pustaka Sinar Harapan, 2006) and Soeharto’s Armed Forces: Problems of Civil Military Relations in Indonesia. By Salim Said 



Suharto : A political biography

Elson, R. E. (2008). Suharto : A political biography. Cambridge, England, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.

Suharto : A political biography


Book Chapter

Sartono Kartodirdjo: Serious, profound, masterly

Elson, R. E. (2008). Sartono Kartodirdjo: Serious, profound, masterly. Sejarah Yang Memihak: Mengenang Sartono Kartodirdjo. (pp. 198-205) edited by M. Nursam, T. Baskara, S. J. Wardaya and A. W. Adam. Yogyakarta, Indonesia: Ombak bekerjasama dengan Rumah Budaya TeMBI.

Sartono Kartodirdjo: Serious, profound, masterly



The idea of Indonesia: Sejarah pemikiran dan garasan

Elson, R. E. (2008). The idea of Indonesia: Sejarah pemikiran dan garasan. Jakarta, Indonesia: Serambi.

The idea of Indonesia: Sejarah pemikiran dan garasan


Book Chapter

Time, timing, and the historical moment in Suharto's politics

Elson, Robert E. (2008). Time, timing, and the historical moment in Suharto's politics. The inclusive regionalist: a festschrift dedicated to Jusuf Wanandi. (pp. x-x) edited by Hadi Soesastro and Clara Joewono. Jakarta, Indonesia: Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Time, timing, and the historical moment in Suharto's politics



The idea of Indonesia: a history

Elson, R. E. (2008). The idea of Indonesia: a history. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.

The idea of Indonesia: a history


Journal Article

Islam, Islamism, the Nation, and the Early Indonesian Nationalist Movement

Elson, R. E. (2007). Islam, Islamism, the Nation, and the Early Indonesian Nationalist Movement. Journal of Indonesian Islam, 1 (2), 231-266. doi: 10.15642/JIIS.2007.1.2.231-266

Islam, Islamism, the Nation, and the Early Indonesian Nationalist Movement


Journal Article

Clifford Geertz, 1926-2006: Meaning, method, and Indonesian economic history

Elson, R. E. (2007). Clifford Geertz, 1926-2006: Meaning, method, and Indonesian economic history. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 43 (2), 251-263. doi: 10.1080/00074910701408081

Clifford Geertz, 1926-2006: Meaning, method, and Indonesian economic history


Past funding

  • 2008 - 2010
    Contesting the seas: maritime terrioriality in the Indonesian archipelago since 1850 (ARC DP administered by Griffith University)
    Griffith University
    Open grant
  • 2006 - 2008
    The Origins And Trajectory Of Secularism In Modern Indonesian Politics
    ARC Discovery Projects
    Open grant
  • 2003 - 2005
    The Idea of Indonesia: a history
    ARC Discovery Projects
    Open grant



Emeritus Professor Robert Elson is:
Not available for supervision

Supervision history

Current supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy

    A Political Biography of Sumitro Djojohadikusumo: Power and Influence in the Political Development of Modern Indonesia

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Associate Professor Annie Pohlman

Completed supervision



Contact Emeritus Professor Robert Elson directly for media enquiries about:

  • Colonialism - South-East Asia
  • Economic history - South-East Asia
  • Government - Indonesia
  • History - Indonesia
  • History - South-East Asia
  • Indonesia - history
  • Indonesia - politics
  • Java- history
  • Leadership - Indonesia
  • Politics - Indonesia
  • South-East Asia - history and economics

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