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The Baroque in Architectural Culture, 1880-1980 (2009-2011)


There is, as yet, no study of the 20th century reception of baroque architecture, nor of the widely held supposition that 17th century Roman baroque architecture was crucial in the development of modernism. This project will be the first to comprehensively survey and analyse modern writing on the baroque. It will focus on the interaction of two kinds of intellectual investment in baroque architecture as a corpus of examples and as an historiographical category. In two books the investigators will show the significance of the baroque in understanding 20th century architecture and the development of the discipline of architectural history.


Professor John Macarthur

Affiliate of Centre of Architecture, Theory, Culture, and History
Centre of Architecture, Theory, Criticism and History
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Professor in Architecture
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
John Macarthur
John Macarthur