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Professor John Macarthur

John Macarthur

+61 7 336 53780



John Macarthur is Professor of architecture at the University of Queensland where he conducts research and teaches in the history and theory of architecture, and in architectural design. John graduated from the University of Queensland with Bachelor (Hons 1st) and Master of Design Studies degrees (1984) before taking a doctorate at the University of Cambridge (1989). He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Humanities and a Fellow of the Queensland Academy of Arts and Sciences. He was the founding Director of the research centre for Architecture, Theory, Criticism and History (ATCH) and remains an active member of the Centre. He has previously served as Dean and Head of the School of Architecture at UQ and as a member of the Australian Research Council’s College of Experts. He is a past President and a Life Member of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand.

His research in the intellectual history architecture has focused on the conceptual framework of the interrelation of architecture, aesthetics and the arts. His book The Picturesque: architecture, disgust and other irregularities, was published by Routledge in 2007. John has edited and authored a further tenbooks and published over 150 papers including contributions to the journals Assemblage, Transition, Architecture Research Quarterly, Oase and the Journal of Architecture. John's book Is Architecture Art? an introduction to the aesthetics of architecture, was published in December 2024..


Fellow, Australian Academy of Humanities Fellow; Queensland Academy of Arts and Sciences; Life Member, Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand


Professor John Macarthur is:
Available for supervision
Media expert


  • Bachelor (Honours), The University of Queensland
  • Masters (Coursework), The University of Queensland
  • Doctor of Philosophy, University of Cambridge

Research interests

  • Architecture between art and aesthetics

    I am broadly interested in how architecture has been considered an art, defined by concepts of philosophical aesthetics on the one hand, and the social and professional institutions of the different arts on the other. The often conflicting determinations of art and aesthetics have a rich history going back to the eighteenth century and continue to define the professional and popular views of architecture. I am interested in relatively technical issues such as the concept of disgust in the eighteenth century picturesque and how the picturesque relates to later romanticism; but also in the assumptions of cultural industries policy in relating architecture to the creative and economic capacities of a population. A recent publication that gives and overview of some of these interests is: Macarthur, John, Susan Holden, Ashley Paine, and Wouter Davidts. Pavilion Propositions: Nine Points on an Architectural Phenomenon. Amsterdam: Valiz, 2018. Macarthur, John, Susan Holden, and Ashley Paine. "For What It’s Worth: The Value of Architecture as Heritage and Culture." In Valuing Architecture: Heritage and the Economics of Culture, edited by Ashley Paine, Susan Holden and John Macarthur. Amsterdam: Valiz, 2020. My definitive views on the topic are published as <Is Architecture Art: an introduction to the aesthetics of architecture? London: Bloomsbury, 2024.

  • The Architecture of Queensland

    I am involved with colleagues in the ATCH Centre in the recording and analysing the architecture of the Australian State of Queensland. Parallel studies involve archival research, oral histories, and discourse analysis using computer semantic text analysis tools. Themes of the study include architectural education, public policy, claims to climatic determination, and regional character. Publications include: Macarthur, John, Deborah van der Plaat, Janina Gosseye, and Andrew Wilson, eds. Hot Modernism: Queensland Architecture 1945-1975. London: Artifice, 2015. Plaat, Deborah van der, and John Macarthur, eds. Karl Langer: Modern Architect and Migrant in the Australian Tropics, Bloomsbury Studies in Modern Architecture. London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2022. Macarthur, John, and Deborah van der Plaat. "Wireless Architecture: Robert Cummings Early Radio Broadcasts ". In Architectural Education through Materiality: Pedagogies of 20th-Century Design,, edited by Elke Couchez and Rajesh Heynickx, 221-34. London: Taylor and Francis, 2021.


Search Professor John Macarthur’s works on UQ eSpace

146 works between 1984 and 2024

1 - 20 of 146 works




Is architecture art?: An introduction to the aesthetics of architecture

Macarthur, John (2024). Is architecture art?: An introduction to the aesthetics of architecture. London, United Kingdom: Bloomsbury Publishing. doi: 10.5040/9781350147744

Is architecture art?: An introduction to the aesthetics of architecture



Book Chapter

Wireless architecture: Robert Cumming's early radio broadcasts

Macarthur, John and van der Plaat, Deborah (2022). Wireless architecture: Robert Cumming's early radio broadcasts. Architectural education through materiality: pedagogies of 20th century design . (pp. 221-234) edited by Elke Couchez and Rajesh Heynickx. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003201205-17

Wireless architecture: Robert Cumming's early radio broadcasts



Book Chapter

Robin Boyd’s Australian Ugliness, ugliness and liberal education

Macarthur, John (2021). Robin Boyd’s Australian Ugliness, ugliness and liberal education. After The Australian Ugliness. (pp. 45-52) edited by Naomi Stead, Tom Lee, Megan Patty and Ewan McEoin. Melbourne, VIC Australia: National Gallery of Victoria/Thames & Hudson.

Robin Boyd’s Australian Ugliness, ugliness and liberal education



Book Chapter

The smell of politics: Civilia, Collage City, and liberalism in architectural discourse

Macarthur, John (2020). The smell of politics: Civilia, Collage City, and liberalism in architectural discourse. GTA papers 4: grand gestures. (pp. 22-45) edited by Adam Jasper and Stefan Neuner. Zurich, Switzerland: gta Verlag.

The smell of politics: Civilia, Collage City, and liberalism in architectural discourse




Valuing Architecture: heritage and the economics of culture

Ashley Paine, Susan Holden and John Macarthur eds. (2020). Valuing Architecture: heritage and the economics of culture. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Valiz.

Valuing Architecture: heritage and the economics of culture



Book Chapter

For what it’s worth: the value of architecture as heritage and culture

Macarthur, John, Holden, Susan and Paine, Ashley (2020). For what it’s worth: the value of architecture as heritage and culture. Valuing architecture: heritage and the economics of culture. (pp. 8-20) edited by Ashley Paine, Susan Holden and John Macarthur. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Valiz.

For what it’s worth: the value of architecture as heritage and culture



Book Chapter

'In the service of clouds': the picturesque and aquatint

Macarthur, John (2019). 'In the service of clouds': the picturesque and aquatint. Architecture through drawing. (pp. 168-177) edited by Desley Luscombe, Helen Thomas and Niall Hobhouse. London, United Kingdom: Lund Humphries.

'In the service of clouds': the picturesque and aquatint



Journal Article

Das Malerische and the picturesque: Seeing architecture in translation

Macarthur, John, Aitchison, Mathew and Cepl, Jasper (2019). Das Malerische and the picturesque: Seeing architecture in translation. Architectural Histories, 7 (1). doi: 10.5334/ah.290

Das Malerische and the picturesque: Seeing architecture in translation



Book Chapter

Pardo’s plumbing: relational art and architectural pavilions

Macarthur, John (2019). Pardo’s plumbing: relational art and architectural pavilions. Trading between architecture and art: strategies and practices of exchange. (pp. 27-38) edited by Wouter Davidts, Ashley Paine and Susan Holden. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Valiz.

Pardo’s plumbing: relational art and architectural pavilions



Book Chapter

The banality of 240cm

Macarthur, John (2018). The banality of 240cm. House tour: views of the unfurnished interior. (pp. 112-115) edited by Adam Jasper. Zürich, Switzerland: Park Books and Pro Helvetia.

The banality of 240cm




Pavilion propositions: nine points on an architectural phenomenon

Macarthur, John, Holden, Susan, Paine, Ashley and Davidts, Wouter (2018). Pavilion propositions: nine points on an architectural phenomenon. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Valiz.

Pavilion propositions: nine points on an architectural phenomenon




Italy/Australia: postmodern architecture in translation

Micheli, Silvia and Macarthur, John eds. (2018). Italy/Australia: postmodern architecture in translation. Melbourne, Australia: Uro.

Italy/Australia: postmodern architecture in translation



Book Chapter

Luscombe Castle (1799)

Macarthur, John (2017). Luscombe Castle (1799). Companions to the history of architecture: eighteenth-century architecture. (pp. 1-5) edited by Harry Francis Mallgrave. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons. doi: 10.1002/9781118887226.wbcha076

Luscombe Castle (1799)



Conference Publication

The semblance of use: history, function and aesthetics in the serpentine pavilions

Macarthur, John (2017). The semblance of use: history, function and aesthetics in the serpentine pavilions. Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ) Annual Conference, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 5-8 July 2017. Canberra, ACT, Australia: SAHANZ.

The semblance of use: history, function and aesthetics in the serpentine pavilions



Journal Article

Writing on the image: architecture, the city and the politics of representation

Macarthur, John (2016). Writing on the image: architecture, the city and the politics of representation. Architectural Theory Review, 20 (3), 376-379. doi: 10.1080/13264826.2016.1185133

Writing on the image: architecture, the city and the politics of representation



Book Chapter

Geoffrey Scott, the Baroque, and the picturesque

Macarthur, John (2016). Geoffrey Scott, the Baroque, and the picturesque. The Baroque in architectural culture, 1880-1980. (pp. 61-71) edited by Andrew Leach, John Macarthur and Maarten Delbeke. Abingdon, Oxon, United States: Routledge.

Geoffrey Scott, the Baroque, and the picturesque



Book Chapter

Letters to the people

Macarthur, John (2015). Letters to the people. Mongrel Rapture: The Architecture of Ashton Raggatt McDougall. (pp. 1345-1352) edited by Mark Raggatt and Maitiu Ward. Melbourne, VIC Australia: Uro Publications.

Letters to the people



Conference Publication

Architecture, HEAT and the government of culture

Macarthur, John (2015). Architecture, HEAT and the government of culture. Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ) Annual Conference, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 7-10 July 2015. Sydney, NSW, Australia: SAHANZ.

Architecture, HEAT and the government of culture



Book Chapter

Geoffrey Scott, the Baroque, and the picturesque

Macarthur, John (2015). Geoffrey Scott, the Baroque, and the picturesque. The Baroque in architectural culture, 1880-1980. (pp. 61-71) edited by Andrew Leach, John Macarthur and Maarten Delbeke. Farnsworth, United Kingdom: Ashgate.

Geoffrey Scott, the Baroque, and the picturesque



Book Chapter

Of character and concrete: the historian's material

Macarthur, John (2014). Of character and concrete: the historian's material. Forty ways to think about architecture: architectural history and theory today. (pp. 150-154) edited by Ian Borden, Murray Fraser and Barbara Penner. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley. doi: 10.1002/9781118822531.ch21

Of character and concrete: the historian's material


Current funding

  • 2024 - 2025
    Twentieth Century Queensland: A thematic study of heritage places
    Queensland Government Department of Environment, Science and Innovation
    Open grant

Past funding

  • 2021 - 2023
    Australian Cultural Data Engine for Research, Industry and Government (ARC LIEF project administered by University of Melbourne)
    University of Melbourne
    Open grant
  • 2016 - 2022
    Is architecture art? A history of categories, concepts and recent practices
    ARC Discovery Projects
    Open grant
  • 2014 - 2015
    The design and construction of quality, sustainable and affordable pre-made housing in Australia - Optimisation and Integration
    ARC Linkage Projects
    Open grant
  • 2014 - 2018
    The design and construction of quality, sustainable and affordable pre-made housing in Australia - Optimisation and Integration (ARC Linkage Project administered by The University of Sydney)
    University of Sydney
    Open grant
  • 2012 - 2014
    Intercultural architectural and material culture heritage and conservation in Moreton Bay
    UQ FirstLink Scheme
    Open grant
  • 2011 - 2014
    Architectural Practice in Postwar Queensland (1945-1975): Building and Interpreting an Oral History Archive.
    ARC Linkage Projects
    Open grant
  • 2011 - 2013
    The Cultural Logic of Queensland Architecture: Place, Taste and Economy
    ARC Discovery Projects
    Open grant
  • 2010 - 2011
    Architectural Education and Practice in Post-war Queensland (1937-1970): Building and Interpreting an oral history archive
    UQ FirstLink Scheme
    Open grant
  • 2010 - 2012
    Writing the Architecture of Queensland: Innovative Approaches to Architectural Critique
    Arts Queensland Funding
    Open grant
  • 2009 - 2011
    The Baroque in Architectural Culture, 1880-1980
    ARC Discovery Projects
    Open grant
  • 2003 - 2005
    The Picturesque in Modernity: object image and architecture
    ARC Discovery Projects
    Open grant



Professor John Macarthur is:
Available for supervision

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Available projects

  • Architecture and Cultural Policy in Australia

    Architecture is absent from national cultural policy in Australia despite being a significant part of the cultural economy and the way that civic identity is formed. Taste, civic norms and the economy come together in buildings and urban spaces, but there is little understanding about how they interact at personal, community and national levels. Recent econometric accounts of culture include architecture, forcing the issue of its place in cultural policy. This project aims to study architecture as a matter of culture that overcomes the gaps between concepts and administrative categories. Its goal is to inform better policy formation, increased public engagement with architecture, and growth in the creative economy.

    PhD topics within this wider project include: architecture in public interest broadcasting; architecture in school curricula; non-professional architectural and building culture on the WWW; architecture and cultural citizenship; architecture and liberalism.

  • Picturesque Australasia

    The aesthetic concept of the picturesque and, to a greater extent, the cultural practices associated with it were significant in the history of the European settlements in present day Australia and New Zealand. Projects suitable for Phd investigation include: the circulation of books of designs and advice on architecture and gardening; the role of mid 19th century publications on the aesthetic and agricultural potential of the colonies in powering immigration and expanded settlements; and the role of nature aesthetics in town planning.

  • Architecture as an art: aesthetic theory, taste and the institutions of the arts

    Architecture has been considered an art, or not, for different reasons which follow two main branches. The first branch is the consideration of architecture's place among ‘the arts’ understood as an institution of cognate knowledges and practices. The alternative track is to consider architecture through the concept of aesthetics which a human orientation to beauty in all of the material world both natural and artifactual and a faculty anterior to the social institution of art and the arts. PhD projects within this stream might include: the intellectual history of art, architecture and philosophical aesthetics since the 18th century; the place of building and architectural representation in contemporary art practice; and how standards of taste were formed historically and are today.

Supervision history

Current supervision

Completed supervision



Contact Professor John Macarthur directly for media enquiries about:

  • Architectural theory and history
  • Architecture
  • Building design
  • Design - architecture
  • Heritage - assessment and policy
  • History - of architecture
  • Urban design
  • Western Architecture

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