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Enhanced agency response strategies through modelling geo-temporal characteristics of emergency services calls (2008-2011)


The capacity of Emergency Services Agencies, such as Fire, Police, and Ambulance, to respond effectively is enhanced when these agencies have appropriate information about the likelihood and spatial distribution of emergency calls. Such information can be used to guide optimal resource allocation in anticipation of likely load, and to identify conditions of increased risk, so that preventive strategies can be implemented. This project uses innovative advanced methods of geographic visualisation and spatially based temporal modelling of fire incidents to demonstrate the utility of this approach, and to inform response strategies to be developed by Fire Services in the Queensland Deptartment of Emergency Services.'',


Professor Jonathan Corcoran

Affiliate of Queensland Centre for Population Research
Queensland Centre for Population Research
Faculty of Science
Deputy Associate Dean Research (Researcher Development)
Faculty of Science
School of the Environment
Faculty of Science
Jonathan Corcoran
Jonathan Corcoran