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Hypervelocity re-entry (2010-2012)


During planetary entry from space, severe heating loads are created on the exposed surfaces of flight vehicles from the layer of plasma trapped behind the bow shock, many time hotter than the Sun. Design of the thermal protection systems is a major engineering challenge, and a limiting technology for space travel. Our aim is to do an experimental and analytical study of the associated radiating gases to gain the theoretical and practical knowledge needed to design a new generation of advanced spacecraft. Experimental data will be obtained from the unique Australian hypersonic ground facilities, and selected flight records, and the theoretical analysis will be performed in collaboration with NASA scientists.


Professor Richard Morgan

Affiliate of Centre for Hypersonics
Centre for Hypersonics
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Richard Morgan
Richard Morgan

Professor Tim McIntyre

School of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Science
Tim McIntyre
Tim McIntyre