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Over-imitation, trial-and-error learning and the inter-generational transmission of information (2011-2013)


Revelations that children will copy all of an adult's object-directed actions, including clearly irrelevant ones, have added to speculation that the development of human culture is dependent on imitation. However, such speculation ignores the role of trial-and-error learning. The proposed programmatic research will therefore be the first to compare and contrast how imitation and trial-and-error learning contribute to young children's acquisition and refinement of novel skills. By collecting data across industrialised and indigenous communities in Australia and Southern Africa our international, interdisciplinary team will provide the broadest insights yet into one of the most fundamental forms of human cognition.


Professor Mark Nielsen

Affiliate of Centre for Psychology and Evolution
Centre for Psychology and Evolution
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences
Affiliate of Early Cognitive Development Centre
Early Cognitive Development Centre
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences
School of Psychology
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences
Mark Nielsen
Mark Nielsen

Professor Ilana Mushin

School of Languages and Cultures
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Ilana Mushin
Ilana Mushin