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A novel high-pressure system for multiple gas adsorption (2011-2012)


Multicomponent gas adsorption is a critical part of a wide variety of industrial applications including CO2 geosequestration, and pressure swing adsorption and temperature swing adsorption for gas separation and membrane technology. The BELSORP-VC can measure multicomponent gas adsorption isotherms up to 100 bar over a temperature range from 10 to 200 degree C identifying the adsorption capacity of up to 3 individual components. The instrumentation included in this proposal will provide a definitive state-of-the-art facility to adsoprtion reseach with strong application in clean energy areas such as CO2 capture and separation, hydrogen storage and oxygen separation from air etc.


Associate Professor Greg Birkett

Associate Professor
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Associate Professor
School of Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Greg Birkett
Greg Birkett