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Assessing the effectiveness, acceptability and sustainability of a culturally adapted evidence-based intervention for Indigenous parents (2011-2014)


Indigenous children are extremely disadvantaged on most indices of health and wellbeing, with high rates of behavioural and emotional problems, and overrepresentation in the child protection system. Research shows that parenting programs can reduce family risk factors and improve outcomes for children, however, mainstream programs have difficulty attracting and maintaining the involvement of Indigenous families. In order to increase engagement of Indigenous communities in parenting interventions, this project will explore an optimal service delivery framework for Indigenous child protection sector professionals and evaluate the effectiveness of a culturally adapted evidence-based parenting program, the Triple P - Positive Parenting Program.


Associate Professor Karen Turner

Principal Research Fellow
School of Psychology
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
Karen Turner
Karen Turner

Professor Matthew Sanders

Professor and Director, Parenting a
School of Psychology
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
Matthew Sanders
Matthew Sanders

Associate Professor Alina Morawska

Director of Parenting and Family Su
School of Psychology
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
Alina Morawska
Alina Morawska