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How economic prosperity hardens attitudes towards minorities (2012-2014)


Media reports often portray the rising support for anti-immigrant political parties as the logical consequence of economic stagnation and rising unemployment, thereby reinforcing the conventional wisdom that electoral support reflects competition over scarce resources (i.e. 'realistic conflict'). However, this explanation is inconsistent with empirical evidence showing that anti-immigrant parties have been remarkably successful in times of prosperity. We address the questions how and when economic prosperity hardens attitudes towards minorities. The project's significance lies in providing a first comprehensive examination of these issues and aims to develop theorising by integrating social psychological and political science theory.


Professor Jolanda Jetten

Affiliate of Leading for High Reliability Centre
Leading for High Reliability Centre
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Affiliate of Social Identity and Groups Network (SIGN) Research Centre
Social Identity and Groups Network
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences
Affiliate of Centre for Research in Social Psychology (CRiSP)
Centre for Research in Social Psychology
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences
Affiliate of Centre for Behavioural and Economic Science
Centre for Unified Behavioural and Economic Science
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Head of School
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences
Jolanda Jetten
Jolanda Jetten

Dr Frank Mols

Affiliate of Social Identity and Groups Network (SIGN) Research Centre
Social Identity and Groups Network
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences
Senior Lecturer
School of Political Science and International Studies
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Frank Mols
Frank Mols