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In-situ electrochemical generation of caustic and oxygen from sewage for emission control in sewers (2013-2016)


A chemical free technology for sewer emission control will be developed and demonstrated. Sewer emission costs the Australian water industry approximately one hundred million dollars a year. One commonly used mitigation method with proven effectiveness is chemical dosing. By generating two of the most effective chemicals namely caustic and oxygen simultaneously directly from sewage using an innovative electrochemical process, this proposed technology eliminates the occupational health and safety issues related to the transport and storage of chemicals, and offers to reduce operational costs by over 50%. It also avoids the detrimental effects of externally introduced chemicals on the downstream wastewater treatment and recycling processes.


Honorary Professor Zhiguo Yuan

Honorary Professor
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Zhiguo Yuan
Zhiguo Yuan

Associate Professor Ilje Pikaar

Associate Professor
School of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Ilje Pikaar
Ilje Pikaar