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Transformational genetic and breeding strategies to create a sustained and globally competitive Queensland tropical beef herd (2012-2016)


World demand for animal protein necessitates production of younger cattle (i.e. more tender meat) of heavier weight (i.e. higher productivity) produced and treated in a humane way at all points in the food chain. This requires development of transformational genetic selection, breeding strategies and reproductive technologies with a goal to improve weaning rate, weight at weaning and growth rate. Success results in more productive animals with enhanced commercially valuable traits and lower environmental footprint (eg methane emissions, water and land use). This enhances industry viability, maximises export earnings which all increase regional employment and benefits the Queensland economy.


Dr Gry Boe-Hansen

Affiliate of Centre for Animal Scie
Centre for Animal Science
Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation
Senior Lecturer
School of Veterinary Science
Faculty of Science
Gry Boe-Hansen
Gry Boe-Hansen